59 research outputs found


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    The model, developed earlier, have been designed to the studies of energy gain in the biofuels production, as compared to the sum of energy inputs on various production steps, and in processes enabling biomass conversion to energy. The present paper shows application of that model towards estimation of the contribution of energy used for commuting between agricultural production sites for a chosen example of plantation’s topological characteristics. Algorithm for computations is elaborated, and numerical example is shown. The sizes of the fields as well as distances between them determine the amount of energy spend for the agricultural work in addition to the tillage technologies being applied


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    Biofuel production, as well as any other production processes, involves a number of conversion steps each of those is connected with unavoidable consumption of energy. Since biofuels are intended to replace fossil fuels it is important that the sum of energy inputs into subsequent technological steps does not exceed the energy output from the system. Basing on theoretical model derived recently by present authors, energy requirements for several agricultural technologies are computed, and used for estimation of energetic efficiency of rapeseed plantations dedicated for biodiesel fuel production. The effects of technological choices on energetic efficiency of plantations are demonstrated basing on numerical compu-tations performed using realistic data

    Computer modelling of the influences of a subsystems’ interaction on energetic efficiency of biofuel production systems

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    Energetic efficiency of biofuel production systems, as well as that of other fuels production systems, can be evaluated on the basis of modified EROEI indicator. In earlier papers, a new definition of the EROEI indicator was introduced. This approach enables the determination of this indicator separately for individual subsystems of a chosen production system, and therefore enables the studies of the influence of every subsystem on the energetic efficiency of the system as a whole. The method has been applied to the analysis of interactions between agricultural, internal transport subsystems, as well as preliminary studies of the effect of industrial subsystem

    Computer modelling of the influences of a subsystems’ interaction on energetic efficiency of biofuel production systems

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    Energetic efficiency of biofuel production systems, as well as that of other fuels production systems, can be evaluated on the basis of modified EROEI indicator. In earlier papers, a new definition of the EROEI indicator was introduced. This approach enables the determination of this indicator separately for individual subsystems of a chosen production system, and therefore enables the studies of the influence of every subsystem on the energetic efficiency of the system as a whole. The method has been applied to the analysis of interactions between agricultural, internal transport subsystems, as well as preliminary studies of the effect of industrial subsystem

    Technology Management Leading to a Smart System Solution Assuring a Decrease of Energy Consumption in Recreational Facilities

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    Improvement of the energy efficiency of public buildings appears to be one of the best ways to simultaneously reduce energy consumption as well as the negative impacts on the environment. The work is dedicated to the analysis of modernization process of the energy system in a sports facility in a way leading to design of smart energy system. The proposed solution, being a specific case study, offers optimal use of energy in the facility, significantly reducing the demand for energy derived from fossil fuels (heat providers and conventional power plants). The project, on its first step, consists of recovering energy from sewage that usually is irretrievably lost. This option allows to achieve the assumed goals simultaneously optimizing the investment costs. The proposed solution mitigates air pollution and harmful gas and dust emissions to the atmosphere, and contributes to an increase of both the attractiveness and competitiveness of the area in which the sports facility is located. The next step will be further automation of the system and intelligent synchronization of time-dependencies of the processes

    The Effects of Material’s Transport on Various Steps of Production System on Energetic Efficiency of Biodiesel Production

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    Rapeseed plantation biodiesel production systems require the transportation of goods, like raw materials, machines and tools, and products between various conversion stages of agricultural as well as industrial subsystems. Each transportation step requires the consumption of some energy. This consumption decreases the net amount of energy delivered out of the biofuel production system, and consequently decreases the energetic efficiency of the system. The majority of studies on biofuel sustainability are done by means of the LCA method with the use of a data average for some region and period of time. Such analyses do not reveal the possible causes of the conclusions determined. The present work deals with computer modelling of the influence of the energy consumed on those transport routes on the energetic efficiency of the production system. The model enables determination of the effects caused by changes introduced to technological parameters. The effects caused by variation of fuel consumption, the load capacity of transportation means, size of plantation, distribution and sizes of individual fields, distances between fields, plantation yield, and finally the distance between the plantation and the industrial facility are studied using the numerical model developed earlier. This approach is aimed towards identifying the reasons for the behavior of a system controlled by many somewhat coupled variables

    Computer modelling of the effect of embodied energy on energetic effectiveness of biodiesel production

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    The effect of embodied energy on energetic effectiveness of biodiesel production is studied. Embodied energy, i.e. energy consumed for production of a technical device, is gradually consumed during the life time of that device. The amount of embodied energy consumed during individual agricultural operation affects the energetic effectiveness of that operation, as well as that for the whole production process. The embodied energy in agriculture is associated with the use of machinery , transportation means, fertilizes, etc. The paper estimates the effect of embodied energy in the rapeseed biodiesel production basing on computer modelling

    Bioenergy and Biofuels

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    Technology is setting strategic directions for change in the economy and industry [...

    Ecological fuels as the source of clean energy for transportation

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    W perspektywie najbliższych lat wzrost liczby samochodów będzie przyczyniał się do zwiększania zapotrzebowania na energię, a więc i zużycie ropy naftowej. Stwarza to problemy związane ze wzrostem zanieczyszczeń środowiska naturalnego, a szczególnie atmosfery, wymuszając zwiększanie wymagań w zakresie jego ochrony. Równocześnie, wiele sygnałów wskazuje na wyczerpywanie, przynajmniej tych najbardziej dostępnych, źródeł ropy naftowej Konieczne jest więc prowadzenie intensywnych badań nad poszukiwaniem paliw zastępczych. Prowadzone są zarówno poszukiwania nowych źródeł paliw kopalnych (na przykład gaz łupkowy), jak i paliw alternatywnych. Alternatywą umożliwiającą wyrównanie potencjalnych niedoborów ropy naftowej staje się produkcja biopaliw ciekłych, które mogą, przynajmniej przez pewien czas, stanowić nowe źródło energii dla rynku motoryzacji i nie będą przynosić negatywnych skutków ekologicznych. Zastosowanie estrów metylowych oleju rzepakowego jest próbą odpowiedzi na rozwiązanie problemów energetyki i ochrony środowiska. Poziom substytucji paliw kopalnych przez RME ma wpływ na wielkość emisji CO2, która jest uważana za główną przyczynę antropogenicznych zmian klimatu. W artykule omówiono skalę potencjalnego zapotrzebowania na biopaliwo dieslowskie, które można stosować jako paliwo jednoskładnikowe, bądź w mieszaninie z paliwami mine-ralnymi oraz podstawowe technologie produkcji. Dokonano również analizy efektywności energetycznej podsystemu agrarnego, stanowiącego podstawę surowcową produkcji biopaliwa.In the perspective of the closest years the growth of a number of cars will contribute to enlarging energy demand, and to the consumption of oil. This creates problems connected to the growth of pollution of natural environment, particularly the atmosphere, extorting enlarging of the requirements with respect to environmental protection. Simultaneously, many signals indicate exhausting, at least these most accessible, sources of oil. That is why it is necessary to search for supplementary fuels. The intensive investigations are led in both the search for the new resources of mineral fuels (e.g. the shale gas), as well as for alternative fuels. Production of liquid biofuels appears to be an alternative enabling, at least during a certain time, the replacement for the potential shortages of oil, making up the new source of energy for road transport. Moreover the use of biofuels will not increase the negative ecological results. The use of the methyl esters of rapeseed oil is the attempted solution of the problems occurring in energetic economy and environmental protection. The level of substitution of mineral fuels by and RME has the influence on the CO2 emission, which is considered as the main cause for the anthropogenic climate change. The paper presents the scale of the potential demand for biodiesel that can be used as the single component fuel or in the mixture with mineral fuels. The technological routes of the biodiesel production are also described. Analysis of the energetic efficiency of agricultural subsystem, being the basis assuring resources for biofuel production, is also presented