1 research outputs found

    Environmental Management Strategies in Kichwa Communities of the Amazon of Ecuador

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    The unemployment of people in the Amazonian communities of Ecuador has increased during the pandemic caused by the Covid-19 disease, mainly from March to August 2020; so, the population has turned its attention to the agricultural sector. This economic sector is specifically directed towards the overexploitation of timber resources and the hunting of animals. This study proposes an Environmental Management Plan for three agricultural farms located in the San Pablo de Ushpayaco parish, Napo, Ecuador, which sell mostly organic products in local markets. The fieldwork included a historical analysis of the sector, the diagnosis of survival strategies, relevant environmental aspects, identification of actors and interests regarding access to resources. As a result of the research, problems of inefficient use of water resources, poor management of land use due to its overexploitation through monoculture practices, absence of practices for sustainable agriculture and livestock, poor crop rotation, low application of organic fertilizers, lack of inputs and resources. Poor agricultural practices have led to low production yields and limited economic profit for farmers. This Environmental Management Plan focuses on the prevention, mitigation, and compensation of the environmental impacts caused by agriculture and thus improving the communities' quality of life in the study case. Poor agricultural practices have led to low production yields and limited economic profit for farmers. Poor agricultural practices have led to low production yields and limited economic profit for farmers. This Environmental Management Plan is focused on the prevention, mitigation and compensation of the environmental impacts caused by agriculture and thus improve the quality of life of the communities in the study case.El desempleo en las comunidades amaz贸nicas de Ecuador ha aumentado significativamente durante la pandemia causada por la enfermedad COVID-19, principalmente de marzo a agosto de 2020; como resultado, la poblaci贸n ha cambiado su enfoque hacia la agricultura. Este sector econ贸mico se dirige espec铆ficamente a la sobreexplotaci贸n de los recursos madereros y a la caza de animales. Este estudio propone un Plan de Manejo Ambiental para tres fincas agr铆colas ubicadas en la parroquia San Pablo de Ushpayaco, Napo, Ecuador, que venden principalmente productos org谩nicos en los mercados locales. El trabajo de campo incluy贸 un an谩lisis hist贸rico del sector, el diagn贸stico de las estrategias de supervivencia, los aspectos ambientales relevantes, la identificaci贸n de los actores y los intereses sobre el acceso a los recursos. Se identificaron diferentes problemas como el uso ineficiente de los recursos h铆dricos, la mala gesti贸n del uso de la tierra debido a su sobreexplotaci贸n mediante pr谩cticas de monocultivo, la ausencia de pr谩cticas agr铆colas y ganaderas sostenibles, la escasa rotaci贸n de cultivos, la baja aplicaci贸n de fertilizantes org谩nicos y la falta de insumos y recursos. Las malas pr谩cticas agr铆colas han provocado un bajo rendimiento de la producci贸n y un beneficio econ贸mico limitado para los agricultores. Este Plan de Gesti贸n Ambiental se centra en la prevenci贸n, mitigaci贸n y compensaci贸n de los impactos ambientales causados por la agricultura y, por tanto, en la mejora de la calidad de vida de las comunidades del caso de estudio