104 research outputs found

    Molekularna karakterizacija populacija CNK iz Srbije

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    The morphology of potato cyst nematodes (PCN) was until recently almost the only way to identify these quarantine organisms. In the last two decades, molecular analyses contributed to faster and more efficient identification of two Globodera species (Globodera pallida and G. rostochiensis) and allowed insight into the genetic structure of those parts that were practically inaccessible by morphological studies. Molecular characterization was performed in ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region. The comparison was made with sequences of different foreign PCN populations via NCBI GenBank database. The results of molecular studies showed similarities and differences between local and foreign PCN populations in the part of genome that was studied.Morfologija cistolikih nematoda krompira (CNK) je do nedavno bila gotovo jedini način identifikacije ovih karantinskih organizama. Molekularne analize su u poslednje dve decenije doprinele bržoj i efikasnijoj identifikaciji dve Globodera vrste (Globodera pallida i G. rostochiensis) i omogućile uvid u genetiku strukturu onih delova koji su praktično bili nedostupni morfološkim studijama. Molekularna karakterizacija je urađena u ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 regionu. Poređenja su vršena sa sekvencama različitih stranih populacija CNK preko NCBI GenBank baze podataka. Rezultati molekularnih studija pokazuju sličnosti i razlike domaćih i stranih populacija CNK u proučavanom delu genoma

    Novi nalazi Globodera rostochiensis u Srbiji

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    Belonging to a group of quarantine organisms classifies potato cyst nematodes into the most dangerous parasites whose presence in crops is high-risk and assumes legal consequences. Knowledge of the morphology of Globodera pallida and G. rostochiensis is important for proper diagnostics of potato nematode diseases and it is especially important for services established by the phytosanitary system of the Republic of Serbia, which is the first barrier of introduction of quarantine and pest organisms. Two new populations of G. rostochiensis are described. In spite of certain morphological overlap between them, there are morphological characters such as stylet length and morphology, vulva-anus distance as well as number of cuticular ridges that indicate two new records of G. rostochiensis in Serbia.Pripadnost grupi karantinskih organizama svrstava cistolike nematode krompira u najopasnije parazite čije je prisustvo visoko rizično u usevima i zasadima gajenih biljaka i pretpostavlja zakonske konsekvence. Poznavanje morfologije Globodera pallida i G. rostochiensis je od značaja za pravilnu dijagnostiku nematoloških oboljenja krompira a posebno je od značaja za službe koje se nalaze u fitosanitarnom sistemu Republike Srbije koji je i prva brana introdukcije karantinskih i ekonomski štetnih organizama. Dve nove populacije G. rostochiensis su opisane. Uprkos određenom morfološkom preklapanju među njima, postoje morfološke karakteristike poput dužine i morfologije stileta, distance vulvaanus i broja kutikularnih nabora ciste koji ukazuju na dva nova nalaza G. rostochiensis u Srbiji

    Nova štetna nematoda žitarica u Srbiji

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    Cereal Cyst Nematodes are globally recognized as economically most important species on wheat. The complex consists of twelve valid species, of which Heterodera avenae, H.filipjevi and H.latipons are the most important. In our country, Cereal Cyst Nematodes are found occasionally and only Heterodera avenae has been recorded without further characterization. Heterodera filipjevi is found only in one locality in Vojvodina so far, but it is presumably far more widespread.Cistolike nematode žitarica su priznate kao ekonomski najznačajnije nematode na pšenici na globalnom planu. Ovaj kompleks se sastoji od dvanaest validnih vrsta od kojih su Heterodera avenae, H.filipjevi i H.latipons najznačajnije. U našoj zemlji cistolike nematode žitarica su povremeno nalažene i samo je Heterodera avenae pominjana bez detaljnije karakterizacije. Kod nas je H.filipjevi za sada utvrdjena samo na jednoj parceli u Vojvodini ali je sigurno da je daleko više rasprostranjena

    Domestication of cabbage and the cabbage cyst nematode, Heterodera cruciferae (nematoda: Heteroderidae)

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    Cabbage and other plants from the family Brassicaceae are grown worldwide as important vegetable crops with the estimated annual production near 100 million tonnes. The domestication process of Brassica oleracea has not been fully clarified, therefore focus has been put on linguistic aspects and on its earliest occurrence in ancient literature. As a center of cabbage domestication the Mediterranean i.e. Aegean center was proposed. Since crops are followed by their parasites during centuries, one of the economically important nematode parasites of cabbage is the cyst nematode Heterodera cruciferae. This nematode has the potential to severely damage cabbage, particularly during warm autumn growing seasons. The first record of H. cruciferae from Serbia dates back to the '60-ties. Today after 55 years, a new population of H. cruciferae is found. Based on molecular research its closest relatives are populations from the Netherlands and Italy. The ecological relationships between parasite and host enable to clarify the data about the domestication and distribution of cultivated plants. By other words, the hypotheses of the geographic domestication of cabbage can be shifted to the west from the positioned site.Kupus i druge biljke familije Brassicaceae predstavljaju značajne povrtarske useve gajene širom sveta sa procenjenom godišnjom proizvodnjom od blizu 100 miliona tona. Kako proces domestikacije vrste Brassica oleracea u svetu nije razjašnjen, odgovor je potražen u lingvistici i fokus stavljen na najraniju pojavu ovog pojma u drevnoj literaturi. Kao centar domestikacije je označen mediteranski odn. egejski region. Pošto useve vekovima prate njihovi paraziti, jedan od značajnih parazita kupusa je cistolika nematoda Heterodera cruciferae. Ova nematoda ima potencijal da nanese značajne štete, posebno u vreme viših jesenjih temperatura. Prva pojava H. cruciferae u Srbiji datira iz 60-tih godina. Danas, posle 55 godina, je pronađena nova populacija ove nematode. Molekularnim istraživanjima je utvrđeno da su njeni najbliži srodnici populacije iz Holandije i Italije. Putem ekoloških odnosa parazita i domaćina mogli bismo da dođemo do podataka o domestikaciji i putevima rasprostiranja kulturnih biljaka. Drugim rečima, hipoteze o geografskoj domestikaciji kupusa mogli bismo da proširimo zapadnije od mesta koje je pozicionirano

    Varijabilnost morfoloških karakteristika kopljaste nematode Longidorus euonymus Mali et Hooper, 1974 (Nematoda: Longidoridae)

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    Morphological characters of Longidorus euonymus Mali et Hooper, 1974 from six localities: Vrtogos, Loznica, Kanjiza, Knjazevac, Nis and Subotica were studied. Morphological characters variability both qualitative and quantitative are in the limits of intraspecies tolerance. Juveniles present as four developmental stages differs morphometricaly rather than morphologicaly. J1 tail is more narrow and conoid than others but without special differentiations. Body length, odontostyle and replacement odontostyle values are increasing progressively by stages. There are no morphological and anatomical differences, except morphometrical differences between two specimens of males. Male discovered in Loznica is longer but more narrow than male from Italian population, it has longer and wider tale, greater head diameter and shorter odontostyle and spicules. Female qualitative morphological characters that showed variability are head and tail shape and position of vulva. Odontostyle length as well as head diameter showed minimum variability. Maximum variability was shown by tail length and indices c and c'. However, all morphological characters of specimens from Serbia are in general agreement with original description given by Mali et Hooper from 1974.Proučavane su morfološke karakteristike Longidorus euonymus Mali et Hooper, 1974 sa šest lokaliteta: Vrtogoš, Loznica, Kanjiža, Knjaževac, Niš i Subotica. Varijabilnost morfoloških karakteristika i kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih je u granicama intraspecijske tolerancije. Larve su predstavljene kroz četiri juvenilna stupnja koji se međusobno više razlikuju morfometrijski nego morfološki. Rep kod L1 je uži i više konusan od ostalih ali bez nekih posebnih diferencijacija. Vrednosti dužine tela, odontostileta i zamene stileta se progresivno povećavaju po stupnjevima. Ne postoje morfološke i anatomske razlike izuzev morfometrijskih između dva primerka mužjaka. Mužjak pronađen u populaciji Loznica je duži ali uži od mužjaka iz italijanske populacije, ima duži i širi rep, veći prečnik glave a kraći odontostilet i spikul. Kvalitativne morfološke karakteristike ženki koje su ispoljile malo variranje su oblik glave i repa i položaj vulve. Dužina odontostileta kao i prečnik glave su pokazali najmanju varijabilnost. Najveću varijabilnost su pokazali dužina repa, indeksi c i c'. Ipak, svi morfološki karakteri jedinki iz Srbije su u opštoj saglasnosti sa generalnim opisom Mali i Hooper iz 1974

    Ispitivanje bioloških karakteristika blede krompirove cistolike nematode (Globodera pallida Stone)

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    Biological characteristics of Globodera pallida, originating from Kladnica locality, have been studied. The biological cycle of G. pallida begins with egg stage. Eggs are inside the cyst, protected from outside influence and long-lived. In the process of juvenile morphogenesis, egg transforms from undifferentiated cell mass to juvenile of first stage (J1), which is immobile and non-feeding. The first stage juvenile undergoes one molt to form second one juvenile (J2). The second stage juvenile leaves the egg and start searching for potato root cell appropriate for invasion. Root penetration is enabled with stylet and with help of numerous degradable enzymes from esophageal glands. After invasion, J2 stops moving, becomes sedentary and the feeding site becomes a metabolic reservoir-syncytium. The second stage juvenile undergoes three molts there and transforms to juvenile of third (J3) and fourth ones (J4). After the last molt, J4 becomes either male which leaves tissue and searches for young female or preadult female, swollen and pear like. During maturation, preadult female becomes more swollen and makes pressure on the surrounding tissue, so it ruptures showing the most of the body together with perineal pattern of the female. After mating male dies and female becomes cyst with eggs and juveniles. After some time, females also die changing the color to dark brown or black. Biological characteristics specificities of the pale potato cyst nematode such as: high economical loss in the potato production, numerous eggs and juveniles as infective material, specific biological cycle, which protects the parasites inside the tissue. Then, degradable enzymes production, the shape and size of cysts for easy dissemination, cryptic coloration of cysts, resistance to outside influence and high longevity justify its classification into the group of the most significant parasites - the quarantine potato nematodes.Ispitivane su biološke karakteristike Globodera pallida, poreklom sa lokaliteta Kladnica, u periodu od dve godine. Specifičnosti bioloških osobina ove cistolike nematode krompira opravdavaju njeno svrstavanje u najopasnije parazite - karantinske nematode krompira

    Dve nove cistolike nematode kukuruza u Evropi

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    Two newly introduced cyst nematodes in Europe - Heterodera zeae and H. elachista are recently added to the EPPO Alert List and it is presumed that they can cause long-term damage because they can persist in soil for many years. The former nematode is present from 2012 while the latter is from 2014 in the EPPO Alert List. In our country they can be harmful as well, because maize is dominant crop that is grown on more than 1 million hectares and the nematodes are reported almost in our neighborhoods: Greece, Portugal and Italy.Dve novo-introdukovane cistolike nematode - Heterodera zeae i H. elachista u Evropi su skoro stavljene na EPPO listu upozorenja, jer se pretpostavlja da, kao i ostale cistolike nematode, mogu da izazovu dugoročne štete, s obzirom na činjenicu da u zemljištu mogu da opstanu dugi niz godina. Prva nematoda je od 2012, a druga od 2014. godine na EPPO Alert Listi. Smatra se da bi mogle da izazovu značajne štete i kod nas, jer je kukuruz dominantna kultura koja se gaji na preko milion hektara, a nalazi ovih nematoda u Evropi su praktično u našem susedstvu: Grčkoj, Portugaliji, odnosno Italiji

    Evolutivno održavanje informacionih sistema

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    The problem of short lifetime of company information system and possibility of its extension is presented. Beside great financial means, implementation of an information system demands great effort of human resources and on the other hand, becomes obsolete too quickly. This is exactly where the strong need for keeping present information system alive comes from. That is also explanation why it is often the case in practice that information systems are exploited much longer than their predicted lifetime. The question is if it is possible that information system, older then ten years, is still able to fulfill the needs of the company, just as much as it was able when it was at its peak of maturity. The paper presents this problem and considers possibility of achieving longevity of information systems with continuous evolving maintenance.Prezentovan je problem kratkog životnog veka informacionog sistema preduzeća i mogućnost njegovog produžetka. Uvođenje informacionih sistema, s jedne strane iziskuje visoka finansijska sredstva, a takođe i velike kadrovske napore, a sa druge strane zastareva veoma brzo. Stoga je potreba za održavanjem postojećeg u životu, velika. U praksi je zato čest slučaj da se informacioni sistemi koriste znatno duže od njihovog predviđenog životnog veka. Pitanje je, da li je moguće obezbediti da informacioni sistem stariji od deset godina i dalje može da zadovolji potrebe preduzeća, kao kada je bio u punoj zrelosti. Ovaj članak se bavi tim problemom i razmatra mogućnosti realizacije informacionih sistema koji će kontinuiranim, evolutivnim promenama postići dugovečnost

    Nano-morfologija Laimaphelenchus belgradiensis (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae) i ključ za vrste roda Laimaphelenchus

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    Laimaphelenchus are very small nematodes, some parts of their body are measured in nanometers. In the past, the only way of identification and classification of these organisms were morphology based on anatomy and measurements. Nowadays, this approach is ap­pended with nano-morphology with the help of scanning electron microscopy which reveal unknown morphological details facilitating the taxonomy work. A new species of the genus Laimaphelenchus is recently described. Laimaphelenchus belgradiensis is discovered on a black pine showing symptoms similar to those caused by Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. Although both species belong to the same family and are similar in morphological sense, females of both species have the vulval flap and males have similar spicules, they possess significant differences. The main morphological difference is the presence of supplementary tail organs-tubercles with finger-like protrusions, visible only with scanning electron microscope. The role of the protrusions is explained and a key to species of the genus Laimaphelenchus is given in this paper.Laimaphelenchus vrste su veoma sitne nematode, tako da se neki delovi njihovog tela mere nanometrima. Morfologija bazirana na anatomskim karakteristikama i merenjima pomoću optičkog mikroskopa je u prošlosti bila jedini način identifikacije i klasifikacije ovih organizama. U današnje vreme ovaj pristup je dopunjen nano-morfologijom uz pomoć scanning elektronske mikroskopije, kada se otkrivaju nepoznati morfološki detalji koji olakšavaju rad taksonomima. Nova vrsta roda Laimaphelenchus je skoro opisana. Laimaphelenchus belgradiensis je otkriven na crnom boru sa simptomima sličnim onima koje izaziva Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. Iako obe vrste pripadaju istoj familiji i slične su u morfološkom pogledu, ženke obe vrste poseduju vulvalni poklopac, i spikuli mužjaka su slični, one poseduju i značajne razlike. Osnovna morfološka karakteristika koja ih razlikuje je prisustvo pomoćnih organa na repu - tuberkula sa prstolikim proširenjima vidljivih samo uz pomoć scanning elektronskog mikroskopa. Uloga ovih tvorevina je u radu objašnjena i ključ za vrste je dat u ovom radu

    Status korenovih nematoda u Srbiji

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    Root-knot nematodes represent a polyphagous group of obligatory parasites characterized by widespread distribution and great adaptability. On the top 10 list of the most harmful species, they are at the first place. They produce gall formation in roots, while the above-ground symptoms are sometimes not visible. Meloidogine spp. cause an estimated annual loss of 157 billion dollars globally. Species identification was previously done only on the basis of morphological and morphometric characters. Today, there are molecular and biochemical methods to identify and describe new species of root-knot nematodes. Current investigations indicate the presence of M. incognita and M. hapla in Serbia but the problem is insufficient knowledge of this group of harmful organisms.Korenove nematode predstavljaju polifagnu grupu obligatnih parazita koje karakteriše široka rasprostranjenost i velika sposobnost adaptacije. Na top listi deset najštetnijih vrsta, nalaze se na prvom mestu. Dovode do stvaranja gala na korenovom sistemu, dok su nadzemni simptomi ponekad teško uočljivi. Procenjeni gubitak prinosa u svetu delovanjem Meloidogyne spp. na godišnjem nivou iznosi oko 157 milijardi dolara. Ranije su vrste identifi kovane i opisivane samo na osnovu morfoloških i morfometrijskih karakteristika. Danas postoje molekularne i biohemijske metode za identifi kaciju postojećih i dokazivanje novih vrsta korenovih nematoda. Sadašnja istraživanja ukazuju na prisustvo korenovih nematoda M. incognita i M. hapla u Srbiji ali problem predstavlja nedovoljno poznavanje ove grupe štetnih organizama