1,613 research outputs found

    Scale-free networks as preasymptotic regimes of superlinear preferential attachment

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    We study the following paradox associated with networks growing according to superlinear preferential attachment: superlinear preference cannot produce scale-free networks in the thermodynamic limit, but there are superlinearly growing network models that perfectly match the structure of some real scale-free networks, such as the Internet. We obtain an analytic solution, supported by extensive simulations, for the degree distribution in superlinearly growing networks with arbitrary average degree, and confirm that in the true thermodynamic limit these networks are indeed degenerate, i.e., almost all nodes have low degrees. We then show that superlinear growth has vast preasymptotic regimes whose depths depend both on the average degree in the network and on how superlinear the preference kernel is. We demonstrate that a superlinearly growing network model can reproduce, in its preasymptotic regime, the structure of a real network, if the model captures some sufficiently strong structural constraints -- rich-club connectivity, for example. These findings suggest that real scale-free networks of finite size may exist in preasymptotic regimes of network evolution processes that lead to degenerate network formations in the thermodynamic limit

    Chaos for Liouville probability densities

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    Using the method of symbolic dynamics, we show that a large class of classical chaotic maps exhibit exponential hypersensitivity to perturbation, i.e., a rapid increase with time of the information needed to describe the perturbed time evolution of the Liouville density, the information attaining values that are exponentially larger than the entropy increase that results from averaging over the perturbation. The exponential rate of growth of the ratio of information to entropy is given by the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy of the map. These findings generalize and extend results obtained for the baker's map [R. Schack and C. M. Caves, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 3413 (1992)].Comment: 26 pages in REVTEX, no figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Supporting parent-child conversations in a history museum

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    BACKGROUND: Museums can serve as rich resources for families to learn about the social world through engagement with exhibits and parent-child conversation about exhibits. AIMS: This study examined ways of engaging parents and child about two related exhibits at a cultural and history museum. Sample participants consisted of families visiting the Animal Antics and the Gone Potty exhibits at the British Museum. METHODS: Whilst visiting two exhibits at the British Museum, 30 families were assigned to use a backpack of activities, 13 were assigned to a booklet of activities, and 15 were assigned to visit the exhibits without props (control condition). RESULTS: Compared to the families in the control condition, the interventions increased the amount of time parents and children engaged together with the exhibit. Additionally, recordings of the conversations revealed that adults asked more questions related to the exhibits when assigned to the two intervention conditions compared to the control group. Children engaged in more historical talk when using the booklets than in the other two conditions. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that providing support with either booklets or activities for children at exhibits may prove beneficial to parent-child conversations and engagement with museum exhibits

    Polynomial diffeomorphisms of C^2, IV: The measure of maximal entropy and laminar currents

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    This paper concerns the dynamics of polynomial automorphisms of C2{\bf C}^2. One can associate to such an automorphism two currents μ±\mu^\pm and the equilibrium measure μ=μ+μ\mu=\mu^+\wedge\mu^-. In this paper we study some geometric and dynamical properties of these objects. First, we characterize μ\mu as the unique measure of maximal entropy. Then we show that the measure μ\mu has a local product structure and that the currents μ±\mu^\pm have a laminar structure. This allows us to deduce information about periodic points and heteroclinic intersections. For example, we prove that the support of μ\mu coincides with the closure of the set of saddle points. The methods used combine the pluripotential theory with the theory of non-uniformly hyperbolic dynamical systems

    More is the Same; Phase Transitions and Mean Field Theories

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    This paper looks at the early theory of phase transitions. It considers a group of related concepts derived from condensed matter and statistical physics. The key technical ideas here go under the names of "singularity", "order parameter", "mean field theory", and "variational method". In a less technical vein, the question here is how can matter, ordinary matter, support a diversity of forms. We see this diversity each time we observe ice in contact with liquid water or see water vapor, "steam", come up from a pot of heated water. Different phases can be qualitatively different in that walking on ice is well within human capacity, but walking on liquid water is proverbially forbidden to ordinary humans. These differences have been apparent to humankind for millennia, but only brought within the domain of scientific understanding since the 1880s. A phase transition is a change from one behavior to another. A first order phase transition involves a discontinuous jump in a some statistical variable of the system. The discontinuous property is called the order parameter. Each phase transitions has its own order parameter that range over a tremendous variety of physical properties. These properties include the density of a liquid gas transition, the magnetization in a ferromagnet, the size of a connected cluster in a percolation transition, and a condensate wave function in a superfluid or superconductor. A continuous transition occurs when that jump approaches zero. This note is about statistical mechanics and the development of mean field theory as a basis for a partial understanding of this phenomenon.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    Shuffling cards, factoring numbers, and the quantum baker's map

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    It is pointed out that an exactly solvable permutation operator, viewed as the quantization of cyclic shifts, is useful in constructing a basis in which to study the quantum baker's map, a paradigm system of quantum chaos. In the basis of this operator the eigenfunctions of the quantum baker's map are compressed by factors of around five or more. We show explicitly its connection to an operator that is closely related to the usual quantum baker's map. This permutation operator has interesting connections to the art of shuffling cards as well as to the quantum factoring algorithm of Shor via the quantum order finding one. Hence we point out that this well-known quantum algorithm makes crucial use of a quantum chaotic operator, or at least one that is close to the quantization of the left-shift, a closeness that we also explore quantitatively.Comment: 12 pgs. Substantially elaborated version, including a new route to the quantum bakers map. To appear in J. Phys.

    Foundations for Relativistic Quantum Theory I: Feynman's Operator Calculus and the Dyson Conjectures

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    In this paper, we provide a representation theory for the Feynman operator calculus. This allows us to solve the general initial-value problem and construct the Dyson series. We show that the series is asymptotic, thus proving Dyson's second conjecture for QED. In addition, we show that the expansion may be considered exact to any finite order by producing the remainder term. This implies that every nonperturbative solution has a perturbative expansion. Using a physical analysis of information from experiment versus that implied by our models, we reformulate our theory as a sum over paths. This allows us to relate our theory to Feynman's path integral, and to prove Dyson's first conjecture that the divergences are in part due to a violation of Heisenberg's uncertainly relations

    Chaotic Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Cosmology

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    We show that the dynamics of a spatially closed Friedmann - Robertson - Walker Universe conformally coupled to a real, free, massive scalar field, is chaotic, for large enough field amplitudes. We do so by proving that this system is integrable under the adiabatic approximation, but that the corresponding KAM tori break up when non adiabatic terms are considered. This finding is confirmed by numerical evaluation of the Lyapunov exponents associated with the system, among other criteria. Chaos sets strong limitations to our ability to predict the value of the field at the Big Crunch, from its given value at the Big Bang. (Figures available on request)Comment: 28 pages, 11 figure

    Weak point disorder in strongly fluctuating flux-line liquids

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    We consider the effect of weak uncorrelated quenched disorder (point defects) on a strongly fluctuating flux-line liquid. We use a hydrodynamic model which is based on mapping the flux-line system onto a quantum liquid of relativistic charged bosons in 2+1 dimensions [P. Benetatos and M. C. Marchetti, Phys. Rev. B 64, 054518, (2001)]. In this model, flux lines are allowed to be arbitrarily curved and can even form closed loops. Point defects can be scalar or polar. In the latter case, the direction of their dipole moments can be random or correlated. Within the Gaussian approximation of our hydrodynamic model, we calculate disorder-induced corrections to the correlation functions of the flux-line fields and the elastic moduli of the flux-line liquid. We find that scalar disorder enhances loop nucleation, and polar (magnetic) defects decrease the tilt modulus.Comment: 15 pages, submitted to Pramana-Journal of Physics for the special volume on Vortex State Studie