2,344 research outputs found

    Evolution equation of quantum tomograms for a driven oscillator in the case of the general linear quantization

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    The symlectic quantum tomography for the general linear quantization is introduced. Using the approach based upon the Wigner function techniques the evolution equation of quantum tomograms is derived for a parametric driven oscillator.Comment: 11 page

    Extremal black holes in D=4 Gauss-Bonnet gravity

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    We show that four-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton-Gauss-Bonnet gravity admits asymptotically flat black hole solutions with a degenerate event horizon of the Reissner-Nordstr\"om type AdS2×S2AdS_2\times S^2. Such black holes exist for the dilaton coupling constant within the interval 0a2<acr20\leq a^2<a^2_{\rm cr}. Black holes must be endowed with an electric charge and (possibly) with magnetic charge (dyons) but they can not be purely magnetic. Purely electric solutions are constructed numerically and the critical dilaton coupling is determined acr0.488219703a_{\rm cr}\simeq 0.488219703. For each value of the dilaton coupling aa within this interval and for a fixed value of the Gauss--Bonnet coupling α\alpha we have a family of black holes parameterized by their electric charge. Relation between the mass, the electric charge and the dilaton charge at both ends of the allowed interval of aa is reminiscent of the BPS condition for dilaton black holes in the Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton theory. The entropy of the DGB extremal black holes is twice the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy.Comment: New material and references added, errors corrected including higher decimals in a_cr, figures improve

    Global solutions for higher-dimensional stretched small black holes

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    Small black holes in heterotic string theory have vanishing horizon area at the supergravity level, but the horizon is stretched to the finite radius AdS2×SD2AdS_2 \times S^{D-2} geometry once higher curvature corrections are turned on. This has been demonstrated to give good agreement with microscopic entropy counting. Previous considerations, however, were based on the classical local solutions valid only in the vicinity of the event horizon. Here we address the question of global existence of extremal black holes in the DD-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton theory with the Gauss-Bonnet term introducing a variable dilaton coupling aa as a parameter. We show that asymptotically flat black holes exist only in a bounded region of the dilaton couplings 0<a<acr0 < a < a_{\rm cr} where acra_{\rm cr} depends on DD. For D5D \geq 5 (but not for D=4D = 4) the allowed range of aa includes the heterotic string values. For a>acra > a_{\rm cr} numerical solutions meet weak naked singularities at finite radii r=rcuspr = r_{\rm cusp} (spherical cusps), where the scalar curvature diverges as rrcusp1/2|r - r_{\rm cusp}|^{-1/2}. For D7D \geq 7 cusps are met in pairs, so that solutions can be formally extended to asymptotically flat infinity choosing a suitable integration variable. We show, however, that radial geodesics cannot be continued through the cusp singularities, so such a continuation is unphysical.Comment: 26 pages, 19 figures, minor correction

    Change in stability of solid solution at radiation influence

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    Stability of solid solution at radiation influence has been investigated. Expressions for diffusion streams of binary alloy components, which specify the existence of temperature interval in which the phenomenon of ascending diffusion of elements is observed, were received. Vacancy characters of diffusion, configuration entropy, and potential energy of atomic bonds were considered at derivation. The ascending diffusion testifies to stability infringement of homogeneous solid solution - stratification. Influence of radiation is connected with increase in concentration of vacancies which changes the energy of atomic bonds and, simultaneously, accelerates diffusion processes. The condition of alloy stability with regard to stratification at radiating influence was obtaine

    Bound, virtual and resonance SS-matrix poles from the Schr\"odinger equation

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    A general method, which we call the potential SS-matrix pole method, is developed for obtaining the SS-matrix pole parameters for bound, virtual and resonant states based on numerical solutions of the Schr\"odinger equation. This method is well-known for bound states. In this work we generalize it for resonant and virtual states, although the corresponding solutions increase exponentially when rr\to\infty. Concrete calculations are performed for the 1+1^+ ground and the 0+0^+ first excited states of 14N^{14}\rm{N}, the resonance 15F^{15}\rm{F} states (1/2+1/2^+, 5/2+5/2^+), low-lying states of 11Be^{11}\rm{Be} and 11N^{11}\rm{N}, and the subthreshold resonances in the proton-proton system. We also demonstrate that in the case the broad resonances their energy and width can be found from the fitting of the experimental phase shifts using the analytical expression for the elastic scattering SS-matrix. We compare the SS-matrix pole and the RR-matrix for broad s1/2s_{1/2} resonance in 15F{}^{15}{\rm F}Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures (figures 3 and 4 consist of two figures each) and 4 table

    Extremal dyonic black holes in D=4 Gauss-Bonnet gravity

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    We investigate extremal dyon black holes in the Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton (EMD) theory with higher curvature corrections in the form of the Gauss-Bonnet density coupled to the dilaton. In the same theory without the Gauss-Bonnet term the extremal dyon solutions exist only for discrete values of the dilaton coupling constant aa. We show that the Gauss-Bonnet term acts as a dyon hair tonic enlarging the allowed values of aa to continuous domains in the plane (a,qm)(a, q_m) the second parameter being the magnetic charge. In the limit of the vanishing curvature coupling (a large magnetic charge) the dyon solutions obtained tend to the Reissner-Nordstr\"om solution but not to the extremal dyons of the EMD theory. Both solutions have the same values of the horizon radius as a function of charges. The entropy of new dyonic black holes interpolates between the Bekenstein-Hawking value in the limit of the large magnetic charge (equivalent to the vanishing Gauss-Bonnet coupling) and twice this value for the vanishing magnetic charge. Although an expression for the entropy can be obtained analytically using purely local near-horizon solutions, its interpretation as the black hole entropy is legitimate only once the global black hole solution is known to exist, and we obtain numerically the corresponding conditions on the parameters. Thus, a purely local analysis is insufficient to fully understand the entropy of the curvature corrected black holes. We also find dyon solutions which are not asymptotically flat, but approach the linear dilaton background at infinity. They describe magnetic black holes on the electric linear dilaton background.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, revtex