8 research outputs found

    Some achievements in RBIM implementation according to RIMAP approach

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    Some results of RIMAP based RBIM implementation on the example of 21 000 components in refinery Pancevo are presented in this paper. It is proved to be a powerful tool for maintenance planning, for increasing industrial safety and decreasing inspection and maintenance costs by 25%. Changes in Serbian regulations for pressure vessels were adopted

    Some achievements in RBIM implementation according to RIMAP approach

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    Some results of RIMAP based RBIM implementation on the example of 21 000 components in refinery Pancevo are presented in this paper. It is proved to be a powerful tool for maintenance planning, for increasing industrial safety and decreasing inspection and maintenance costs by 25%. Changes in Serbian regulations for pressure vessels were adopted


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    Da lahko govorimo o kakovostnem proizvodnem procesu je potrebno najprej prepoznati temelje procesne kakovosti ter obvladati in uskladiti neskladnosti pri opravilu. Vloga in pomen človeka in njegova sposobnost nadzora z namenom obvadovanja skladnosti ga naredi nepogreŔljivega. V delno avtomatiziranem delovnem procesu delovna oprema opravlja avtoatsko kontrolo po v naprej določenih metodah, ostale naloge opravlja človek, ki krmili, nadzoruje in izboljŔuje. Za dosego čim viŔje ravni kakovosti samega proizvodnega procesa je zato človeka potrebno voditi in motivirati k stalnemu razvoju svojih znanj in sposobnosti za neodvisno spremljanje, samoocenjevanje in obvladovanje kakovosti.In order to talk about quality of the production process it is necessary to identify the fundamentals of the process quality and to manage inconsistencies in the given task. Thus the role and importance of humans and their ability to oversee and make necessary changes to the production process is indispensable. In a non-fully automated production process automated production equipment performs automated quality control according to predetermined methods, other production processes are performed by humans who control, oversee and make improvements to the task that they are assigned to. In order to achieve the highest possible levels of quality in this kind of production process, humans need to be managed and motivated in order to continuously improve their knowledge and skills to perform independent monitoring, self-assessment and quality control

    Analiza korelacionih osobina pseudoslučajnih sekvenci dužine 255 za zaŔtitu upravljačkog signala bespilotne letelice / Analysis of correlation properties of pseudorandom sequences of length 255 for the UAV control signal protection

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    Tehnike prenosa signala u proÅ”irenom spektru sa direktnom sekvencom predstavlja efikasan metod zaÅ”tite upravljačkog signala bespilotne letelice (BL). ZaÅ”tita signala se ostvaruje primenom pseudoslučajnih (PS) sekvenci u predajniku, koje su poznate prijemniku, ali ne i neovlaŔćenom korisniku. Da bi se ostvario pouzdan prenos signala, PS sekvence treba da imaju dobre autokorelacione osobine. Ukoliko je prenos signala realizovan primenom nekoliko PS sekvenci, tada su od velike važnosti i njihove međukorelacione karakteristike. U radu su analizirane autokorelacione i međukorelacione osobine PS sekvenci dužine 255. Razmatrane su tri najčeŔće koriŔćene klase PS sekvenci: linearne sekvence maksimalne dužine, Goldove sekvence i Kasamijeve sekvence. Predložen je optimalan skup PS sekvenci za zaÅ”titu upravljačkog signala BL. / The Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum technique represents an effective method for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) control signal protection. Signal protection is obtained by applying pseudorandom (PR) sequences within a transmitter, known by a receiver, but unknown to an unauthorized user. In order to achieve reliable signal transmission, PR sequences ought to have good autocorrelation properties. If the signal transmission is realized by using several PR sequences, their crosscorrelation properties are of high importance as well. In this paper autocorrelation and crosscorrelation properties of PR sequences of length 255 are analyzed. Three most frequently used classes of PR sequences: linear maximum length, Gold and Kasami sequences are considered. An optimal set of PR sequences for UAV control signal protection is recommended

    Online monitoring and assessment of emerging risk in conventional industrial plants: possible way to implement integrated risk management approach and KPI's

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    Existing methodologies and practices do not provide enough possibility for online monitoring and assessment of emerging risks occurring as a result of a change in technology, product, operating conditions, as well as in organization of activities in conventional industrial plants. Typical today's off and online methods and corresponding software packages are used as risk assessment methods, while various risk aspects (such as: process risks, process equipment integrity risks, organizational risks, and health and environmental risks) are being assessed and treated independently. However, it is clear that risk assessment and making decisions in line with that has to be based on information collected from different (independent) sources in online mode. Also, the fact that additional risks in operations may occur due to unexpected changes in technology, accidents or unexpected process equipment degradation should be taken into account. When monitoring and process management systems are being designed and developed, only the process aspect and process risk are usually analyzed, while other risk aspects are not taken into account (like health and environmental risks). A new approach, to be presented in this paper, provides a possibility of online monitoring and assessment of risks (e.g. in petrochemical industry, power industry, etc.)

    XRF and LIBS measuring on metal and ceramic laser-cleaned surfaces

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    The use of lasers in the conservation of artefacts plays an important role since its posibilities of safe, efficient and efective cleaning on complex surfaces and wide range of materials. This paper presents the results of the laser cleaning effects on ceramic medieval artefacts originated from archaeological sites from region of Tyre and Sidon, Lebanon and naturally tarnished brass plate (unknown origin). Nd: YAG and Er: Glass lasers were used to clean unwanted layers from artefact surface. Before these investigations, some preliminary analyses were conducted on the comparable contemporary samples. Effects on the laser irradiated zones were investigated by optical and SEM microscopy and EDX analysis. LIBS and XRF were used for the morphological and chemical analysis of laser radiation impact on the examined materials. Also surface's profile roughness and surface hardness were measured. Some parameters for successfully and safely cleaning of brass surface without degrading the surrounding material were determined. Ā© 2016 IMEKO-International Measurement Federation Secretariat. All rights reserved.IMEKO International Conference on Metrology for Archeology and Cultural Heritage, MetroArcheo 201

    XRF and LIBS measuring on metal and ceramic laser-cleaned surfaces

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    The use of lasers in the conservation of artefacts plays an important role since its posibilities of safe, efficient and efective cleaning on complex surfaces and wide range of materials. This paper presents the results of the laser cleaning effects on ceramic medieval artefacts originated from archaeological sites from region of Tyre and Sidon, Lebanon and naturally tarnished brass plate (unknown origin). Nd: YAG and Er: Glass lasers were used to clean unwanted layers from artefact surface. Before these investigations, some preliminary analyses were conducted on the comparable contemporary samples. Effects on the laser irradiated zones were investigated by optical and SEM microscopy and EDX analysis. LIBS and XRF were used for the morphological and chemical analysis of laser radiation impact on the examined materials. Also surface's profile roughness and surface hardness were measured. Some parameters for successfully and safely cleaning of brass surface without degrading the surrounding material were determined. Ā© 2016 IMEKO-International Measurement Federation Secretariat. All rights reserved.IMEKO International Conference on Metrology for Archeology and Cultural Heritage, MetroArcheo 201