1 research outputs found

    Contraceptive uptake among women attending family planning clinic in a Nigerian tertiary health facility: a 6 year review

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    Background: Contraceptive uptake is one of the most important determinants of pregnancy rates and birth rates in the world. Aim: To determine the principal trends in contraceptive use from 2004-2009 in the family planning unit of a tertiary health centre in South-Western Nigeria, and to identify the effect of age, marital status and parity on the choice of contraceptive method.Methods: The record of 1,862 clients attending the Family Planning unit of Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex, Ile-Ife, Osun-State, Nigeria for the period between 2004-2009 were reviewed. Information related to the age, marital status, parity and the choice of contraception were obtained using a structured proforma and the data analyzed with SPSS version 16. Pearson chi-square test was used as test of significance where applicable.Results: Within the study period, the contraceptive uptake was 13.2%. Copper-T IUCD was the most commonly used method of contraception (77.9%), followed by the progestogen only injectable contraceptives (12.6%), then oral pills (4.1%) and progestin implants (2.3%). Single women and women of low parity are more likely to use pills than IUCD (69% vs. 38.3%) while long acting reversible contraception (injectables and IUCD) are preferred by women with higher parity (P=0.000).Conclusions: IUCD is the most popular method of contraception in Ife-Ijesha area of Nigeria. Contraceptive uptake is relatively low among the women. Age and parity are key influences on the uptake and choice of contraception practiced by the women, while the influence of marital status is not statistically significant