45 research outputs found

    Total Cost of Ownership Based Economic Analysis of Diesel, CNG and Electric Bus Concepts for the Public Transport in Istanbul City

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    across the world, in Turkey, several studies have been carried out by local government to use sustainable and 100% zero-emission public transport following increased public awareness. Increasing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) due to transportation systems in the world make it necessary to establish &ldquo zero-emission sustainable transportation systems&rdquo in Turkey. In this study, an economic analysis based on actual field data is presented for Istanbul Electricity, Tramway and Tunnel General Management (IETT) to seek the suitability of an electric bus concept for Istanbul conditions. For this purpose, a dynamic model based on the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) from well to wheel has been proposed for the three groups of transportation, namely diesel, CNG (compressed natural gas) and electric buses. The data source used in the proposed approach is created by performing actual field performance tests for diesel, CNG and electric buses under real Istanbul road, time, and trip conditions. Afterwards, the Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Payback Period (PB) methods considering TCO values and updated unit prices are carried out for the investment versus profitability analyses to compare the different public bus concepts. The results show that the electric bus concept with a charging station depot achieving sustainable and zero-emission goals will be the driving force to advance the electric bus concept for Istanbul Public Transport. Document type: Articl

    Herbicidal potential of catechol as an allelochemical.

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    Catechol is an allelochemical which belongs to phenolic compounds synthesized in plants. Its herbicidal effects on weed species; field poppy (Papaver rhoeas), creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense), henbit (Lamium amplexicaule) and wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis) were investigated using wheat (Triticum vulgare) and barley (Hordeum vulgare) species as control plants. In comparison to 2,4-D (a common synthetic herbicide), 13.64 mm of catechol have been found to have a strong herbicidal effect, as effective as 2,4-D on field poppy weed by killing it, and a suppressive herbicidal effect on the other weeds by inhibiting their growth significantly. Concerning all the weeds, in general, elongation of the shoot was affected more negatively than that of the root. Fresh weights of the weeds were decreased by catechol significantly only in field poppy but not in other weeds. The study reveals that catechol is a potent inhibitor of growth of the weeds and therefore it can be evaluated as a herbicide for future weed management strategies

    Ozone Therapy and Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment in Lung Injury in Septic Rats

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    Various therapeutic protocols were used for the management of sepsis including hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy. It has been shown that ozone therapy (OT) reduced inflammation in several entities and exhibits some similarity with HBO in regard to mechanisms of action. We designed a study to evaluate the efficacy of OT in an experimental rat model of sepsis to compare with HBO. Male Wistar rats were divided into sham, sepsis+cefepime, sepsis+cefepime+HBO, and sepsis+cefepime+OT groups. Sepsis was induced by an intraperitoneal injection of Escherichia coli; HBO was administered twice daily; OT was set as intraperitoneal injections once a day. The treatments were continued for 5 days after the induction of sepsis. At the end of experiment, the lung tissues and blood samples were harvested for biochemical and histological analysis. Myeloperoxidase activities and oxidative stress parameters, and serum proinflammatory cytokine levels, IL-1β and TNF-α, were found to be ameliorated by the adjuvant use of HBO and OT in the lung tissue when compared with the antibiotherapy only group. Histologic evaluation of the lung tissue samples confirmed the biochemical outcome. Our data presented that both HBO and OT reduced inflammation and injury in the septic rats' lungs; a greater benefit was obtained for OT. The current study demonstrated that the administration of OT as well as HBO as adjuvant therapy may support antibiotherapy in protecting the lung against septic injury. HBO and OT reduced tissue oxidative stress, regulated the systemic inflammatory response, and abated cellular infiltration to the lung demonstrated by findings of MPO activity and histopathologic examination. These findings indicated that OT tended to be more effective than HBO, in particular regarding serum IL-1β, lung GSH-Px and histologic outcome

    Total Cost of Ownership Based Economic Analysis of Diesel, CNG and Electric Bus Concepts for the Public Transport in Istanbul City

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    As across the world, in Turkey, several studies have been carried out by local government to use sustainable and 100% zero-emission public transport following increased public awareness. Increasing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) due to transportation systems in the world make it necessary to establish “zero-emission sustainable transportation systems” in Turkey. In this study, an economic analysis based on actual field data is presented for Istanbul Electricity, Tramway and Tunnel General Management (IETT) to seek the suitability of an electric bus concept for Istanbul conditions. For this purpose, a dynamic model based on the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) from well to wheel has been proposed for the three groups of transportation, namely diesel, CNG (compressed natural gas) and electric buses. The data source used in the proposed approach is created by performing actual field performance tests for diesel, CNG and electric buses under real Istanbul road, time, and trip conditions. Afterwards, the Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Payback Period (PB) methods considering TCO values and updated unit prices are carried out for the investment versus profitability analyses to compare the different public bus concepts. The results show that the electric bus concept with a charging station depot achieving sustainable and zero-emission goals will be the driving force to advance the electric bus concept for Istanbul Public Transport

    Effect of weathering on the geomechanical properties of andesite, Ankara - Turkey

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    Andesite exposed in different parts of Ankara has different weathering categories varying from fresh to residual soil. The geomechanical properties of the andesite are significantly affected by weathering. Buildings constructed especially in completely weathered and residual soil levels of the andesite have some geotechnical problems. In this study, the variation of the geomechanical properties of the andesite due to weathering is investigated in three selected sites of Ankara, through optical microscope, X-ray diffraction analyses, major element analyses, pressuremeter tests, physicomechanical tests, and seismic refraction method. The data gathered from the field and laboratory studies were used to assess the characteristics of the weathering zones. Based on the data obtained from this study, an idealized weathering profile is assessed. No bearing capacity and consolidation settlement problems exist in the area. However, care should be taken for immediate settlement of the buildings. Slopes with heights less than 8 m are not expected to cause any significant problems for buildings. There exists a ground amplification problem in the study area. The natural period of the building should not match that of the weathered rock. The ground response analyses reveal that the buildings with four to seven stories may be adversely affected from earthquakes due to resonance phenomenon. Therefore, this has to be taken into account when designing new buildings

    Investigation of the relationships between pumice shape and the physical mechanical properties of ıgnimbrites

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    Bu çalışma kapsamında Kayseri, Nevşehir ve Ahlat yerleşimlerinden elde edilen farklı renk ve doku özellikleri sunan 16 ignimbirit türüne ait örneklerde fiziksel ve mekanik özellikler ortaya konulmuştur. Aynı ignimbirit örneklerindeki pomza tanelerinin uzun ve kısa eksen uzunlukları mikroskop altında ölçülmüş ve farklı şekil parametresi değerlendirme yöntemleri kullanılarak şekil oranları ortaya konmuştur. Tek eksenli basınç deneyleri sonucunda en yüksek dayanıma (36.84 MPa) Kayseri bölgesine ait ignimbiritlerin, en düşük dayanıma (6.3 MPa) ise Nevşehir ignimbiritlerinin sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra, Kayseri ve Ahlat ignimbiritlerinde pomza taneleri daha merceksi bir yapı kazanmışken, Nevşehir ignimbiritlerinde pomza taneleri yuvarlağa daha yakındır. Basit regresyon analizleri sonucunda ignimbiritlerin fiziksel ve mekanik özellikleri ile pomza tane şekli arasında en anlamlı ilişkinin en-boy ve basıklık oranı şekil parametreleri ile tek eksenli basınç dayanımı arasında olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu ilişkilerdeki belirleme katsayıları sırasıyla 0.61 ve 0.59 olarak bulunmuştur. Bu ilişkiye göre, ignimbiritlerdeki pomza tanelerinin basıklık oranı arttıkça, en-boy oranı azaldıkça malzeme dayanımı yükselmektedir

    Evaluation of the Relationship between Welding Degree and the Shape of Lithic Fragment for İgnimbrites

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    Piroklastik bir kaya türü olan ignimbirit, oluşumu esnasındaki sıcaklık (>535˚C) ve basınç koşullarına bağlı olarak farklı kaynaşma derecelerine sahip olabilir. İgnimbiritlerde kaynaşmayı kontrol eden en önemli faktörler olan oluşum sıcaklığı ve depolanma ortamındaki örtü yükü kalınlığı arttıkça ignimbiritlerdeki kaynaşma derecesi artmaktadır. Artan oluşum sıcaklığı ile ignimbiritlerde plastik deformasyon gözlenir ve içerdikleri camsı minerallerde kaynaşma meydana gelir. Bununla birlikte, depolanmayla birlikte artan örtü yükü kalınlığı, alt bölümlerde yer alan ignimbiritlerdeki kül hamurunun ve içerisinde bulunan pomza tanelerinin deforme olmasına neden olur. Bu deformasyon sırasında litik malzemeler farklı oranlarda yassılaşmış bir şekil alırlar. Yüksek deformasyonla birlikte ignimbiritlerin pomza taneleri merceksi bir yapı kazanmakta ve kaya daha kaynaşmış hale gelmektedir. İgnimbiritlerin kaynaşma derecesinin artması, kayanın fiziko-mekanik özelliklerinde de iyileşmesine neden olmaktadır. Bu araştırma kapsamında ülkemizde ignimbiritlerin yaygın olarak gözlendiği üç ayrı bölgeden (Kayseri, Nevşehir, Ahlat) elde edilen farklı renk ve doku özellikleri sunan 16 farklı ignimbirit türü üzerinde petrografik, mineralojik, jeokimyasal çalışmalar gerçekleştirilmiş ve bu örneklerin fiziksel ve mekanik özellikleri ortaya konmuştur. Bunun yanı sıra, aynı ignimbirit örneklerinde bulunan pomza ve diğer kayaç parçalarından oluşan litik tanelerin uzun ve kısa eksen uzunlukları mikroskop altında ölçülerek belirlenmiş ve farklı şekil parametresi değerlendirme yöntemleri ile şekil oranları ortaya konmuştur. Genel olarak değerlendirildiğinde Kayseri ve Ahlat ignimbiritlerinde pomza tanelerinin daha merceksi bir yapıda olduğu ortaya konmuştur. Nevşehir ignimbiritlerinde pomza taneleri merceksi bir yapı kazanmamışlardır. Öte yandan, tüm ignimbirit örneklerinde diğer kayaç parçalarına ait litik tanelerde belirgin bir yassılaşma olmadığı ortaya konmuştur. Dayanım açısından incelendiğinde Kayseri ignimbiritleri çoğunlukla diğer ignimbirit türlerine göre daha yüksek dayanımlıdır. En düşük dayanıma Nevşehir ignimbiritleri sahiptir. Araştırmanın amaçlarından biri olarak, ignimbiritlerdeki farklı fiziksel ve mekanik özellikler ile pomza tanelerindeki yassılaşma oranları arasındaki istatistiksel ilişkiler araştırılmıştır. Basit regresyon analizleri sonucunda en anlamlı ilişkinin pomza tanelerinin en-boy ve basıklık oranı şekil parametreleri ile ignimbiritlerin tek eksenli basınç dayanımı arasında olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu ilişkiye göre, pomzalardaki basıklık oranı (yassılık) arttıkça malzeme dayanımı da yükselmektedir. Öte yandan, bu araştırma projesi sonucunda ignimbiritlerin kaynaşma derecesinin değerlendirilebilmesi için bölgede yapılmış diğer araştırma sonuçları da veri tabanına dahil edilerek ignimbiritler için tek eksenli basınç dayanımı ve kuru birim hacim ağırlık kullanılarak bir kaynaşma derecesi sınıflaması geliştirilmiştir. Önerilen kaynaşma sınıflaması kaynaşmamış ile çok iyi derecede kaynaşmış arasında değişen altı sınıftan oluşmaktadır. İncelenen ignimbiritlerin kaynaşma dereceleri değerlendirildiğinde Kayseri ignimbiritleri çoğunlukla orta derecede kaynaşma özelliği sergilemektedir. Nevşehir ignimbiritleri ise az kaynaşmış bir yapıya sahiptir. Ahlat ignimbiritlerinde ise kaynaşma derecesi az dereceden iyi dereceye kadar değişebilmektedir. Aynı zamanda, ignimbiritlerin kaynaşma derecesi sınıfları ile pomza tanelerinin basıklık oranı (OR) değerlerinin farklı kaynaşma derecesindeki sınır değerleri kullanılarak yapılan sınıflama arasında büyük oranda benzerlik bulunmuştur

    The Role of Weak Links and Zn-Doping on Magnetic Parameters of High-T (c) Superconductors

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    WOS: 000329655900019The second harmonic signal, which is generated by co-application of AC and DC fields to polycrystalline type-II superconductors, were analyzed in terms of the weak links and the critical current density. With this aim the YBa2Cu3-x Zn (x) O7-y (x=0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.05, and 0.1) samples were synthesized in order to adjust intergranular couplings and thus the strength of weak links. The mechanical and magnetic measurements are in good agreement on that Zn doping reduces strength of the links between grains; however, contrary to the common expectations, it has no direct contribution to the 2nd harmonic signal strength.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [109T715]This work was supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) grant no. 109T715