5 research outputs found

    Flexibele arbeid 1988-1990 : Vormen, motieven en effecten

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    Motifs of employers to use flexible constuctions for employment in their business. Type of business / number of working hours in full-time working week / number of employees with full-time contract and part-time contract / employees working at home / use of temporary workers, callable employees, outworkers, free-lancers, employees with a temporary employment contract / fluctuations in production or service, predictability of fluctuations / indexed production of month with lowest production and best month / maximum and minimum number of employees at work / use of part-time employees, employees with a temporary employment contract, temporary workers, callable employees in the period of 1985-1988: percentage of lower skilled work/ pro and contra, expectations of change in use / parts of production process are put out: frequency, pro and contra, expectations of change in put outs / overtime hours / availability of personnel for other tasks by changes in job descriptions, schooling / characteristics of business: establishment is part of concern, changes in number of annual working hours, expenses on salaries, annual turnover. Background variables: residenc

    Niet opgeven maar werken 1985

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    Inventory of black economy and orientation on developments of formal and informal economy in the last few years. Health insurance / number of employers in the last 10 years / history of social benefits / associations with 'work on the side' / frequency of work on the side in the Netherlands, comparison with 5 years ago / characteristics of people who are working on the side / acceptability of level of earnings on work on the side in combination with other sources of income / acceptability of other 'irregularities', petty crime / activities to save money on consumption articles in household of respondent: second hand goods, do-it-yourself, exchange, auction, fancy-fair, following courses for do-it-yourselfer/ comparison with a few years ago / respondent has obtained clothings in the last 4 weeks, in which way / obtained furniture / odd jobs about the house or house rebuild in this year, who was involved to do these jobs / reparation of electric domestic appliances, by whom / respondent does odd jobs for others with or without payment, characteristics of those jobs and their compensation / respondent does work on the side, why ( not ) / profits of education, ( former ) occupation and use of materials and tools of others for own work on the side / regularity and number of hours spend on own work on the side / compensation and earnings of work on the side, how did respondent find such a job. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ educatio

    Vacatures in beweging 1986-1987

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    Investigation into vacancies among businesses with 10 or more employees, their characteristics, firm-activities to fill them and results afterwards. The study can be considered a two wave panel study, yielding multi-level data files concerning firms, job-types with one or more vacancies and vacancies themselves. P1317A is a nested file on the job-type level during phase one. P1317B1 also has job-type data, from phase 2 (february - may 1987), while P1317B2 contains data from phase 2 on a vacancy-level

    Het imago van de overheid als werkgever 1992-1993

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    Attractiveness of getting a job at several sections of the ( local ) government. Looking for a job ( imaginary ): preferrence for government or business, preferred section of government and motivation / imaginary job at following sections of government: national, provincial and municipal government, education, police, defence, district water board, justice - would respondent apply and why ( not ). Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ educatio

    Vrijwillige vervroegde uittreding 1992

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    Motives to make use of collective early retirement settlements/ financial aspects/ working conditions/ pressure of work/ health/ attitude of R's partner to early retirement/ social contacts/ need for leisure, time for hobbies/ self-esteem/ image of older employees/ respondents who are in early retirement: assessment of the consequences of early retirement/ r's health condition Background variables: basic characteristics/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ educatio