127 research outputs found

    Age-related changes in the primary auditory cortex of newborn, adults and aging bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) are located in the upper cortical layers

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    Introduction: The auditory system of dolphins and whales allows them to dive in dark waters, hunt for prey well below the limit of solar light absorption, and to communicate with their conspecific. These complex behaviors require specific and sufficient functional circuitry in the neocortex, and vicarious learning capacities. Dolphins are also precocious animals that can hold their breath and swim within minutes after birth. However, diving and hunting behaviors are likely not innate and need to be learned. Our hypothesis is that the organization of the auditory cortex of dolphins grows and mature not only in the early phases of life, but also in adults and aging individuals. These changes may be subtle and involve sub-populations of cells specificall linked to some circuits. Methods: In the primary auditory cortex of 11 bottlenose dolphins belonging to three age groups (calves, adults, and old animals), neuronal cell shapes were analyzed separately and by cortical layer using custom computer vision and multivariate statistical analysis, to determine potential minute morphological differences across these age groups. Results: The results show definite changes in interneurons, characterized by round and ellipsoid shapes predominantly located in upper cortical layers. Notably, neonates interneurons exhibited a pattern of being closer together and smaller, developing into a more dispersed and diverse set of shapes in adulthood. Discussion: This trend persisted in older animals, suggesting a continuous development of connections throughout the life of these marine animals. Our findings further support the proposition that thalamic input reach upper layers in cetaceans, at least within a cortical area critical for their survival. Moreover, our results indicate the likelihood of changes in cell populations occurring in adult animals, prompting the need for characterization

    Hygienic assessment of the conditions of raising children in the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution – kindergarten XX Severouralsk

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    The purpose of the study is to assess the hygienic conditions of raising children in a preschool educational institution.Цель исследования – оценка гигиенических условий воспитания детей в дошкольном образовательном учреждении

    Импульсный лазер с диодной накачкой для дальномеров, работающих в широком диапазоне температур

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    A prototype of a pulsed diode-pumped laser based on Neodymium-doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (Nd:YAG) crystal emitting at 1064 nm is presented for use in airborne rangefinders and atmospheric LIDARs without use of expensive production technologies and components.Actively Q-Switched laser pulse energy was estimated. Spatial characteristics of laser beam and dependence of pulse energy on the pump pulse energy were obtained at room temperature. Results of diodepumped laser pulse energy measurements are provided within 2 min for pulse repetition rates of 1, 4, 12.5, 22 Hz at ambient temperature range from -40 to +60 °C. Laser diode arrays temperature stabilization was achieved by the use of Peltier module with cooling capacity of 30 W.Pulse energy values not less than 80 mJ were achieved in the studied ranges of ambient temperature and pulse repetition rate. Laser beam divergence at room temperature does not exceed 1.9 mrad. Представлен прототип импульсного лазера на кристалле иттрий-алюминиевого граната с ионами Nd3+ (Nd:YAG) с диодной накачкой, излучающего на длине волны 1064 нм, для применения в составе дальномеров авиационного базирования и атмосферных лидаров без применения дорогостоящих компонентов и технологий производства.Проведён расчёт выходной энергии импульса лазерного излучения в режиме активной модуляции добротности. Получены пространственные характеристики лазерного излучения и зависимость энергии лазерного импульса от энергии импульса накачки при комнатной температуре. Приведены результаты измерений энергии лазерного импульса излучателя с диодной накачкой для частот следования 1; 4; 12,5; 22 Гц в течение 2 мин в температурном диапазоне от -40 до +50 °С. Стабилизация температуры матриц лазерных диодов обеспечивалась применением элемента Пельтье с максимально возможной мощностью охлаждения 30 Вт.В исследованных диапазонах частот следования лазерных импульсов и температур окружающей среды были достигнуты значения энергии лазерного импульса не менее 80 мДж. Расходимость при комнатной температуре не превышает 1,9 мрад

    Observations of transient events with Mini-MegaTORTORA wide-field monitoring system with sub-second temporal resolution

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    Here we present the summary of first years of operation and the first results of a novel 9-channel wide-field optical monitoring system with sub-second temporal resolution, Mini-MegaTORTORA (MMT-9), which is in operation now at Special Astrophysical Observatory on Russian Caucasus. The system is able to observe the sky simultaneously in either wide (900 square degrees) or narrow (100 square degrees) fields of view, either in clear light or with any combination of color (Johnson-Cousins B, V or R) and p olarimetric filters installed, with exposure times ranging from 0.1 s to hundreds of seconds. The real-time system data analysis pipeline performs automatic detection of rapid transient events, both near-Earth and extragalactic. The objects routinely detected by MMT also include faint meteors and artificial satellites

    Wide-field optical monitoring with Mini-MegaTORTORA (MMT-9) multichannel high temporal resolution telescope

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    © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.We describe the properties of Mini-MegaTORTORA (MMT-9) nine-channel wide-field optical sky monitoring system with subsecond temporal resolution. This instrument can observe sky areas as large as 900 deg2, perform photometry in three filters close to Johnson BV R system and polarimetry of selected objects or areas with 100–300 deg2 sizes. The limiting magnitude of the system is up to V = 11m for 0.1 s temporal resolution, and reaches V = 15m in minute-long exposures. The system is equipped with a powerful computing facility and dedicated software pipeline allowing it to perform automatic detection, real-time classification, and investigation of transient events of different nature located both in the near- Earth space and at extragalactic distances. The objects routinely detected by MMT-9 include faint meteors and artificial Earth satellites.We discuss astronomical tasks that can be solved using MMT-9, and present the results of the first two years of its operation. In particular, we report the parameters of the optical flare detected on June 25, 2016, which accompanied the gamma-ray burst GRB160625B

    Лечебно-профилактическое воздействие на пародонт на фоне отказа от курения

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    Introduction. The article discusses a new method for estimating the saturation of a therapeutic and prophylactic effect on periodontal on the background of refusal of smoking and its application to assess the parameters of periodontal transitions from the stage of exacerbation to the stage of remission.The objective was to improve the accuracy of low-cost prediction of the effectiveness of interventions in inflammatory periodontal diseases in smoking patients based on the development of a new method for assessing the saturation of therapeutic and prophylactic effects.Methods and materials. To determine the saturation of therapeutic and prophylactic effects on periodontal in smoking patients, it was proposed to estimate the weighted average increase in the reduction of a new series of indicators (concentration of carbon monoxide in exhaled air, clinical indices and frequency of occurrence and nature of exudate of periodontal spaces).Results. The saturation of the therapeutic and prophylactic effect on periodontal on the background of quitting (using anti-tobacco patches) when conducting events with xanthan gel with chlorhexidine or photo-activated disinfection occurs much earlier than the two-week interval. Estimates of the relative frequencies and intensities of therapeutic and prophylactic transitions are obtained when performing procedures against the background of nicotine replacement therapy.Conclusion. The proposed method for assessing the saturation of the therapeutic and prophylactic effect on periodontal in smoking patients allows to take into account additional features of the analyzed process and to carry out a low-cost prediction of the effectiveness of complex therapy.Authors declare no conflict of interest.The authors confirm that they respect the rights of the people participated in the study, including obtaining informed consent when it is necessary, and the rules of treatment of animals when they are used in the study. Author Guidelines contains the detailed information.Введение. Рассматриваются новая методика оценки насыщения лечебно-профилактического воздействия на пародонт на фоне отказа от курения и ее применение для оценки параметров переходов состояний пародонта с выраженными симптомами воспаления (обострения) в состояния без клинически выраженного воспаления (ремиссии).Цель исследования – повышение точности малозатратного прогнозирования эффективности мероприятий при воспалительных заболеваниях пародонта у курящих пациентов на основе разработки новой методики оценки насыщения лечебно-профилактического воздействия.Методы и материалы. Для определения насыщения лечебно-профилактического воздействия на пародонт у курящих пациентов предлагалось оценивать средневзвешенный прирост изменения (редукции) нового ряда показателей (концентрации угарного газа в выдыхаемом воздухе, клинических индексов и показателя частоты встречаемости и характера экссудата пародонтальных карманов).Результаты. Насыщение лечебно-профилактического воздействия на пародонт на фоне отказа от курения при проведении мероприятий с ксантановым гелем, содержащим хлоргексидин, или фотоактивируемой дезинфекцией наступает значительно раньше 2-недельного интервала. Получены оценки относительных частот и интенсивностей лечебно-профилактических переходов при проведении мероприятий на фоне никотинзаместительной терапии.Выводы. Предложенная методика оценки насыщения лечебно-профилактического воздействия на пародонт у курящих пациентов позволяет учесть дополнительные особенности анализируемого процесса и осуществлять малозатратное прогнозирование эффективности комплексных мероприятий.Авторы заявили об отсутствии потенциального конфликта интересов.Авторы подтверждают, что соблюдены права людей, принимавших участие в исследовании, включая получение информированного согласия в тех случаях, когда оно необходимо, и правила обращения с животными в случаях их использования в работе. Подробная информация содержится в Правилах для авторов

    Transition from Fireball to Poynting-flux-dominated Outflow in Three-Episode GRB 160625B

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    The ejecta composition is an open question in gamma-ray bursts (GRB) physics. Some GRBs possess a quasi-thermal spectral component in the time-resolved spectral analysis, suggesting a hot fireball origin. Others show a featureless non-thermal spectrum known as the "Band" function, consistent with a synchrotron radiation origin and suggesting that the jet is Poynting-flux-dominated at the central engine and likely in the emission region as well. There are also bursts showing a sub-dominant thermal component and a dominant synchrotron component suggesting a likely hybrid jet composition. Here we report an extraordinarily bright GRB 160625B, simultaneously observed in gamma-rays and optical wavelengths, whose prompt emission consists of three isolated episodes separated by long quiescent intervals, with the durations of each "sub-burst" being \sim 0.8 s, 35 s, and 212 s, respectively. Its high brightness (with isotropic peak luminosity Lp,iso4×1053_{\rm p, iso}\sim 4\times 10^{53} erg/s) allows us to conduct detailed time-resolved spectral analysis in each episode, from precursor to main burst and to extended emission. The spectral properties of the first two sub-bursts are distinctly different, allowing us to observe the transition from thermal to non-thermal radiation between well-separated emission episodes within a single GRB. Such a transition is a clear indication of the change of jet composition from a fireball to a Poynting-flux-dominated jet.Comment: Revised version reflecting the referees' comments. 27 pages, 11 figures, 5 tables. The final edited version will appear in Nature Astronom

    Photometric observations of LO peg in 2014-2015

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    We performed new observations of an ultra-fast rotator of the spectral class K - the LO Peg star - in SAO RAS in 2014 and in Zvenigorod Observatory of INASAN in 2015. The light curves were used to build the maps of temperature inhomogeneities on the LO Peg surface in order to determine the longitudes corresponding to the location of active regions. The obtained measurements suggest the ongoing evolution of movements of active regions and probably the cyclic character of such movements. According to our estimations, the area of the star surface covered with spots decreases and by now it reached 14% of the total visible area of its surface. New observations of the star in V filter allowed us to specify LO Peg long-term variability cycles. Based on spectropolarimetric observations of LO Peg the null result for measurements of mean longitudinal component of magnetic field is obtained

    Input-dependent modulation of MEG gamma oscillations reflects gain control in the visual cortex

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    Gamma-band oscillations arise from the interplay between neural excitation (E) and inhibition (I) and may provide a non-invasive window into the state of cortical circuitry. A bell-shaped modulation of gamma response power by increasing the intensity of sensory input was observed in animals and is thought to reflect neural gain control. Here we sought to find a similar input-output relationship in humans with MEG via modulating the intensity of a visual stimulation by changing the velocity/temporal-frequency of visual motion. In the first experiment, adult participants observed static and moving gratings. The frequency of the MEG gamma response monotonically increased with motion velocity whereas power followed a bell-shape. In the second experiment, on a large group of children and adults, we found that despite drastic developmental changes in frequency and power of gamma oscillations, the relative suppression at high motion velocities was scaled to the same range of values across the life-span. In light of animal and modeling studies, the modulation of gamma power and frequency at high stimulation intensities characterizes the capacity of inhibitory neurons to counterbalance increasing excitation in visual networks. Gamma suppression may thus provide a non-invasive measure of inhibitory-based gain control in the healthy and diseased brain