172 research outputs found

    The Signs of Quantum Dot-Lead Matrix Elements: The Effect on Transport vs. Spectral Properties

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    A small quantum dot coupled to two external leads is considered. Different signs of the dot-leads coupling matrix elements give rise to qualitatively different behavior of physical observables such as the conductance, the phase of the transmission amplitude and the differential capacitance of the dot. For certain relative signs the conductance may vanish at values of the gate potential, where the spectral density is maximal. Zeroes of the conductance are robust against increasing the dot-lead coupling. They are associated with abrupt phase lapses in the transmission phase whose width vanishes as the square of the temperature. We carefully distinguish between phase lapses of −π-\pi and phase anti-lapses of π\pi.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Non-Abelian topological insulators from an array of quantum wires

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    We suggest a construction of a large class of topological states using an array of quantum wires. First, we show how to construct a Chern insulator using an array of alternating wires that contain electrons and holes, correlated with an alternating magnetic field. This is supported by semi-classical arguments and a full quantum mechanical treatment of an analogous tight-binding model. We then show how electron-electron interactions can stabilize fractional Chern insulators (Abelian and non-Abelian). In particular, we construct a relatively stable non-Abelian Z3\mathbb{Z}_{3} parafermion state. Our construction is generalized to wires with alternating spin-orbit couplings, which give rise to integer and fractional (Abelian and non-Abelian) topological insulators. The states we construct are effectively two-dimensional, and are therefore less sensitive to disorder than one-dimensional systems. The possibility of experimental realization of our construction is addressed

    Fluctuation persistent current in small superconducting rings

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    We extend previous theoretical studies of the contribution of fluctuating Cooper pairs to the persistent current in superconducting rings subjected to a magnetic field. For sufficiently small rings, in which the coherence length ξ\xi exceeds the radius RR, mean field theory predicts the emergence of a flux-tuned quantum critical point separating metallic and superconducting phases near half-integer flux through the ring. For larger rings with R≳ξR\gtrsim \xi, the transition temperature is periodically reduced, but superconductivity prevails at very low temperatures. We calculate the fluctuation persistent current in different regions of the metallic phase for both types of rings. Particular attention is devoted to the interplay of the angular momentum modes of the fluctuating order parameter field. We discuss the possibility of using a combination of different pair-breaking mechanisms to simplify the observation of the flux-tuned transition in rings with ξ>R\xi>R.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Fermions and Bosons in Superconducting Amorphous Wires

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    We discuss the destruction of superconductivity in quasi-one-dimensional systems due to the interplay between disorder and Coulomb repulsion. We argue that to understand the behavior of the system one has to study both fermionic and bosonic mechanisms of suppression of superconductivity. The former describes reduction in the mean field critical temperature TcT_c, while the latter refers to thermal and quantum fluctuations in the order parameter. A change in parameters such as wire width and disorder strength significantly affects both mechanisms.Comment: To be published in "Electronic Correlations:From meso- to nano-physics" Proceedings of the XXXVI Rencontres de Moriond, T. Martin, G. Montambaux & J. Tran Tran Van Eds. (2001

    From an array of quantum wires to three-dimensional fractional topological insulators

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    The coupled-wires approach has been shown to be useful in describing two-dimensional strongly interacting topological phases. In this manuscript we extend this approach to three-dimensions, and construct a model for a fractional strong topological insulator. This topologically ordered phase has an exotic gapless state on the surface, called a fractional Dirac liquid, which cannot be described by the Dirac theory of free fermions. Like in non-interacting strong topological insulators, the surface is protected by the presence of time-reversal symmetry and charge conservation. We show that upon breaking these symmetries, the gapped fractional Dirac liquid presents unique features. In particular, the gapped phase that results from breaking time-reversal symmetry has a halved fractional Hall conductance of the form σxy=12e2mh\sigma_{xy}=\frac{1}{2}\frac{e^{2}}{mh} if the filling is ν=1/m\nu=1/m. On the other hand, if the surface is gapped by proximity coupling to an ss-wave superconductor, we end up with an exotic topological superconductor. To reveal the topological nature of this superconducting phase, we partition the surface into two regions: one with broken time-reversal symmetry and another coupled to a superconductor. We find a fractional Majorana mode, which cannot be described by a free Majorana theory, on the boundary between the two regions. The density of states associated with tunneling into this one-dimensional channel is proportional to ωm−1\omega^{m-1}, in analogy to the edge of the corresponding Laughlin state

    Non-Fermi-Liquid in a modified single electron transistor

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    At low temperatures, a system built from a small droplet of electrons and a larger, but still finite, droplet may display non-Fermi-liquid behavior. Stabilization of a multi-channel Kondo fixed point requires fine control of the electrochemical potential in each droplet. The desired fine control can be achieved by adjusting voltages on nearby gate electrodes. We study the conditions for obtaining this type of non-Fermi-liquid behavior and discuss the experimentally-observable consequences

    Fractional Helical Liquids and Non-Abelian Anyons in Quantum Wires

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    We study one dimensional wires with spin-orbit coupling. We show that in the presence of Zeeman field and strong electron-electron interaction a clean wire may form fractional helical liquid states with phenomenology similar to fractional quantum Hall liquids. Most notably, the wire's two terminal conductance is predicted to show fractional quantized conductance plateaus at low electron density. When the system is proximity-coupled to a superconductor, fractional Majorana bound states may be stabilized. We discuss how disorder destabilizes these fractional phases. Possible experimental realizations of similar states in double wire systems are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Memory Effects in the Electron Glass

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    We investigate theoretically the slow non-exponential relaxation dynamics of the electron glass out of equilibrium, where a sudden change in carrier density reveals interesting memory effects. The self-consistent model of the dynamics of the occupation numbers in the system successfully recovers the general behavior found in experiments. Our numerical analysis is consistent with both the expected logarithmic relaxation and our understanding of how increasing disorder or interaction slows down the relaxation process, thus yielding a consistent picture of the electron glass. We also present a novel finite size "domino" effect where the connection to the leads affects the relaxation process of the electron glass in mesoscopic systems. This effect speeds up the relaxation process, and even reverses the expected effect of interaction; stronger interaction then leading to a faster relaxation.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Realizing Topological Superconductivity with Superlattices

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    The realization of topological superconductors (SCs) in one or two dimensions is a highly pursued goal. Prominent proposed realization schemes include semiconductor/superconductor heterostructures and set stringent constraints on the chemical potential of the system. However, the ability to keep the chemical potential in the required range while in the presence of an adjacent SC and its accompanied screening effects, is a great experimental challenge. In this work, we study a SC lattice structure in which the SC is deposited periodically on a one- or two-dimensional sample. We demonstrate that this realization platform overcomes the challenge of controlling the chemical potential in the presence of the superconductor's electrostatic screening. We show how Majorana bound states emerge at the ends of a one-dimensional system proximity coupled to a one-dimensional SC lattice, and move on to present a SC-lattice-based realization of the two-dimensional px+ipy SC, hosting chiral Majorana modes at its edges. In particular, we establish that even when assuming the worst case of absolute screening, in which the chemical potential under the SC is completely unaffected by the external gate potential, the topological phase can be reached by tuning the chemical potential in the area not covered by the SC. Finally, we briefly discuss possible effects of Coulomb blockade on the properties of the system

    Variable range hopping in the Coulomb glass

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    We use a mean-field (Hartree-like) approach to study the conductance of a strongly localized electron system in two dimensions. We find a crossover between a regime where Coulomb interactions modify the conductance significantly to a regime where they are negligible. We show that under rather general conditions the conduction obeys a scaling relation which we verify using numerical simulations. The use of a Hartree self-consistent approach gives a clear physical picture, and removes the ambiguity of the use of single-particle tunneling density-of-states (DOS) in the calculation of the conductance. Furthermore, the theory contains interaction-induced correlations between the on site energy of the localized states and distances, as well as finite temperature corrections of the DOS
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