7 research outputs found

    Environmental filtering versus Natural variation and plant strategies: key components of plant trait modulation by nutrient supply

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    Aerts, M.A.P.A. [Promotor]Witte, J.P.M. [Promotor]Bodegom, P.M. van [Copromotor

    Global quantification of contrasting leaf life span strategies for deciduous and evergreen species in response to environmental conditions.

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    Aim Species with deciduous and evergreen leaf habits typically differ in leaf life span (LLS). Yet quantification of the response of LLS, within each habit, to key environmental conditions is surprisingly lacking. The aim of this study is to quantify LLS strategies of the two leaf habits under varying temperature, moisture and nutrient conditions, using a global database. We hypothesize that deciduous LLS reflects the length of the growing season, avoiding unfavourable conditions regardless of the cause. Evergreen species adjust to unfavourable periods and amortize lower net carbon gains over several growing seasons, with increasing LLS associated with increasingly short favourable versus unfavourable season lengths. Location Global. Methods Data on LLS and environmental variables were compiled from global datasets for 189 deciduous and 506 evergreen species across 83 study locations. Individual and combined effects of measures of seasonality of temperature, water and nutrient availability on length of the growing season and on LLS were quantified using linear mixed models. The best models for predicting LLS were obtained using Akaike's information criterion (AIC) and ΔAIC. Results The LLS of deciduous and evergreen species showed opposite responses to changes in environmental conditions. Under unfavourable conditions, deciduous LLS decreases while evergreen LLS increases. A measure of temperature alone was the best predictor of the growing season. The LLS of deciduous species was independent of environmental conditions after expressing LLS in relation to the number of growing seasons. Evergreen species, on the other hand, adjusted to unfavourable conditions by increasing LLS up to four growing seasons. Contrary to expectations, variation in LLS was best explained solely by temperature, instead of by combined measures of temperature, moisture and nutrient availability. Shifts in the photosynthesis to respiration balance might provide a physiological explanation. Main conclusions Temperature, and not drought or nutrient availability, is the primary driver of contrasting responses of LLS for different leaf habit types. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

    Leaf habit and woodiness regulate different leaf economy traits at a given nutrient supply.

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    The large variation in the relationships between environmental factors and plant traits observed in natural communities exemplifies the alternative solutions that plants have developed in response to the same environmental limitations. Qualitative attributes, such as growth form, woodiness, and leaf habit can be used to approximate these alternative solutions. Here, we quantified the extent to which these attributes affect leaf trait values at a given resource supply level, using measured plant traits from 105 different species (254 observations) distributed across 50 sites in mesic to wet plant communities in The Netherlands. For each site, soil total N, soil total P, and water supply estimates were obtained by field measurements and modeling. Effects of growth forms, woodiness, and leaf habit on relations between leaf traits (SLA, specific leaf area; LNC, leaf nitrogen concentration; and LPC, leaf phosphorus concentration) vs. nutrient and water supply were quantified using maximum-likelihood methods and Bonferroni post hoc tests. The qualitative attributes explained 8-23% of the variance within sites in leaf traits vs. soil fertility relationships, and therefore they can potentially be used to make better predictions of global patterns of leaf traits in relation to nutrient supply. However, at a given soil fertility, the strength of the effect of each qualitative attribute was not the same for all leaf traits. These differences may imply a differential regulation of the leaf economy traits at a given nutrient supply, in which SLA and LPC seem to be regulated in accordance to changes in plant size and architecture while LNC seems to be primarily regulated at the leaf level by factors related to leaf longevity

    Global to community scale differences in the prevalence of convergent over divergent leaf trait distributions in plan asssemblages.

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    Aim The drivers of species assembly, by limiting the possible range of functional trait values, can lead to either convergent or divergent distributions of traits in realized assemblages. Here, to evaluate the strengths of these species assembly drivers, we partition trait variance across global, regional and community scales. We then test the hypothesis that, from global to community scales, the outcome of co-occurring trait convergence and divergence is highly variable across biomes and communities. Location Global: nine biomes ranging from subarctic highland to tropical rain forest. Methods We analysed functional trait diversity at progressively finer spatial scales using a global, balanced, hierarchically structured dataset from 9 biomes, 58 communities and 652 species. Analyses were based on two key leaf traits (foliar nitrogen content and specific leaf area) that are known to drive biogeochemical cycling. Results While 35% of the global variance in these traits was between biomes, only 15% was between communities within biomes and as much as 50% occurred within communities. Despite this relatively high within-community variance in trait values, we found that trait convergence dominated over divergence at both global and regional scales through comparisons of functional trait diversity in regional and community assemblages against random (null) models of species assembly. Main conclusions We demonstrate that the convergence of traits occurring from global to regional assemblages can be twice as strong as that from regional to community assemblages, and argue that large differences in the nature and strength of abiotic and biotic drivers of dominant species assembly can, at least partly, explain the variable outcome of simultaneous trait convergence and divergence across sites. Ultimately, these findings stress the urgent need to extend species assembly research to address those scales where trait variance is the highest, i.e. between biomes and within communities. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd