5 research outputs found

    Dry matter accumulation nitrogen and phosphorus uptake in winter triticale genotypes differing in mineral elements utilization efficiency

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    In our previous studies we found the considerable genotypic variation in N, P, K utilization efficiency at shooting phase of winter triticale plants. The objective of this study was to confirm whether, genetic differences in mineral element utilization at the shooting phase, were related to productivity as well as was nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation by winter triticale plants during entire growth period. The experiment was conducted at reduced level of mineral elements in water culture (50% of standard Hoagland solution) under controlled environments (growth chambers) to full maturity. The efficient winter triticale genotypes showed significantly higher dry matter, nitrogen and phosphorus content and N, P utilization efficiency during the whole growth period. Furthermore these genotypes had higher grain yield and harvest index in comparison to inefficient genotypes. The efficient winter triticale genotypes accumulated most of biomass in post-anthesis period and N, P uptake remained high until the late maturation

    The influence of d(r) substitutions on plant dry matter and root size in hexaploid triticale

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    Two sets of disomic substitution lines, derived from the cultivars ‘Presto’ and ‘Rhino’ of triticale, with rye chromosome pairs replaced by their wheat D-genome homoeologues, were tested in hydroponic culture. The size of root system (dry matter, length, number of seminal and adventitious roots) was investigated together with total plant dry matter. The results were influenced mainly by the growth stage and interaction between homoeology group of exchanged chromosomes and varietal background. In relation to the controls (unchanged cultivars), only the ‘Rhino’ 2D(2R) showed a significant increase of plant dry matter. No significant negative effect on plant mass was stated for the 3D(3R) in ‘Presto’ and the both 1D(1R) substitutions. Tolerance of the 4D(4R), and 5D(5R) disomic substitutions was poor; 7D(7R) was absent as not able to survive. The majority of changes noticed for the root system parameters were parallel to the changes in plant dry matter. Besides, some effects specific to root system were found in adult plants. Relationships are discussed between the obtained results and the earlier ones on disomic rye additions to hexaploid wheat

    The influence of additions of rye chromosomes on plant dry mat ter and root size in bread wheat

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    The toleration of poor soil and high efficiency of mineral nutrients use of rye has been successfully transferred to triticale, but only one rye chromosome (1RS) has been used in wheat breeding. We started studies on identification of other rye chromosomes potentially useful in improvement of wheat, with special emphasis on root characters. We analyzed dry matter, length and number of roots (seminal and adventitious roots separately), together with plant dry matter, in two sets of disomic wheat-rye addition lines (CS-‘Blanco’ and CS-‘Imperial’). Plants were grown in hydroponic culture. In relation to the ‘Chinese Spring’ (CS) wheat, all the addition lines showed decrease of plant and root size parameters. The chromosomes 5R and 7R were best tolerated in wheat, but they caused a decrease of root proportion in plant. The 4R addition was the least viable one, but the root/plant ratio was higher than in wheat. The results were influenced mainly by interaction between homoeology group and cultivar of origin of rye chromosomes. The highest interactions of this kind were found in the 5R and 6R additions

    Wpływ homeologicznych substytucji D(A) i D(B) w siewkach heksaploidalnego pszenżyta na gromadzenie suchej masy, akumulację oraz wykorzystanie azotu i fosforu w kulturze hydroponicznej

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    The accumulation and utilization efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus were studied using hydroponic cultures of seedlings of the ‘Presto’ and ‘Rhino’ D(A) and D(B) substitution lines of hexaploid triticale. The results were significantly affected by homoeology group of chromosomes participating in a substitution, the A or B genome origin of replaced chromosome and genetic background of triticale cultivar. The substitutions 4D(4B) and 5D(5B) resulted in an increase of plant dry matter in relation to the non-substituted cultivars. The significant increase of N accumulation was found in 3D(3A) and 4D(4B) of ‘Rhino’, and 5D(5B) and 4D(4B) of ‘Presto’. The improvement of N utilization efficiency was recorded for 2D(2A) and 1D(1B) of ‘Presto’, and 5D(5B), 7D(7A) and 5D(5A) of ‘Rhino’. The P accumulation was distinctly improved in ‘Presto’ 5D(5B) substitution. The P utilization efficiency was improved in all substitutions containing 4D or 6D as well as in ‘Presto’ 2D(2B) and 5D(5B).Badano akumulację i efektywność wykorzystania azotu i fosforu w warunkach kultury hydroponicznej w siewkach linii substytucyjnych D(A) i D(B) heksaploidalnego pszenżyta odmian Rhino i Presto. Obecność substytucji chromosomów grupy D przy zachowaniu w całości genomu żytniego (R) istotnie zmieniała gospodarkę mineralną siewek. Obecność substytucji 4D(4B) i 5D(5B) powodowała zwiększenie suchej masy siewek w porównaniu do siewek bez substytucji. Obserwowano zwiększenie akumulacji azotu w siewkach odmiany Rhino z substytucjami 3D(3A) i 4D(4B) oraz odmiany Presto z substytucjami 5D(5B) and 4D(4B). Zwiększenie wykorzystania azotu zaobserwowano w substytucjach 2D(2A) and 1D(1B) odmiany Presto i w substytucjach 5D(5B), 7D(7A) i 5D(5A) odmiany Rhino. Akumulacja fosforu była istotnie zwiększona w siewkach odmiany Presto z substytucją 5D(5B). Wykorzystanie fosforu było znacznie wyższe w siewkach obu odmian zawierających substytucje chromosomów 4D i 6D oraz w siewkach odmiany Presto z substytucjami 2D(2B) i 5D(5B)

    Genetic variability in N, P, K utilization efficiency in spring wheat at different concentration of nutrient solutions.

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    From the ecological and economic points of view it is necessary to change agricultural practice towards low- input cultivation systems. This requires breeding of new cultivars with improved utilization efficiency of mineral nutrients. The response of fifty spring wheat cultivars representing different origin and years of release (from 1990 to 1996) to different concentrations of the Hoagland nutrient solution was investigated under controlled conditions (climatic chamber). A wide variability in N, P, K contents, their utilization efficiency and production of dry matter was found among wheat cultivars at the shooting phase of plant development at all nutrient concentrations applied. The variability coefficient decreased with the increasing concentration of Hoagland solution. Old Polish cultivars (released 1900 – 1960) and most of the intermediate cultivars (released 1961 – 1980) showed high of N, P, K utilization efficiency. The modern cultivars (released after 1981) showed either high or low N, P, K utilization efficiency. This efficiency was determined by dry matter (r= 0.94 - 0.98) and N, P, K contents (r= 0.62 - 0.94). The majority of spring wheat cultivars showed almost linear response of the evaluated parameters to increased nutrient concentration in Hoagland solution. It was been proved that genetic variability of N, P, K utilization efficiency can be assessed as early as at shooting phase