52 research outputs found

    Industry 4.0 Readiness Factor Calculation and Process Planning: State-of-the-Art Review

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    Process planning is confronting changes in terms of Industry 4.0. If the strategy and the investment plan are not defined properly, changes might cause loss. This emphasizes the importance of the readiness factor calculation. The factor expresses the current stage of development and enables the definition of a plan of action with respect to a goal. This paper gives a state-of-the-art preview of existing readiness factor calculation methods both within scientific and commercial approaches. Relation between the Industry 4.0, process planning and readiness factor calculation methods is examined and the scientific gap in the field is detected. This has enabled to create a framework of the new readiness factor calculation method, specialized for process planning in Industry 4.0

    Model uvođenja upravljanja zelenim lancima opskrbe

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    Primjenom koncepata i modela održivosti u upravljanju proizvodnim i poslovnim sustavima umanjuju se ukupni troškovi kroz smanjenje rasipanja resursa, smanjenom količinom otpada te reduciranjem nepotrebnih aktivnosti. Navedeno dovodi do kontinuiranog rasta poduzeća kroz usvajanje novih znanja i tehnologija. Trenutno postoji veliki broj raznih koncepata, modela, metoda, standarda i direktiva vezanih uz održivost. Zbog nedostatka sistematizacije područja mnoga poduzeća ili odustaju od njihovog uvođenja ili uvode samo parcijalno neke elemente u upravljanje proizvodnim i poslovnim sustavima, odnosno šire, u upravljanje lancima opskrbe. Unutar doktorskog rada napravljena je sistematizacija i sinteza koncepata, modela, metoda, standarda i direktiva vezanih uz održivost. Uz provedeno anketno istraživanje „Stanje i trendovi upravljanja zelenim lancima opskrbe u Hrvatskoj“ u hrvatskom gospodarstvu napravljen je pregled trenutnog stanja vezanog uz održivost u Republici Hrvatskoj. Također su prikazane i identificirane barijere i pokretači uvođenja upravljanja zelenim lancima opskrbe u hrvatska poduzeća. Dobiveni rezultati uspoređeni su s rezultatima anketnih istraživanja provedenima u svijetu. Temeljem svih dobivenih rezultata napravljen je model uvođenja upravljanja zelenim lancima opskrbe u hrvatska poduzeća. Kao takav, model uvođenja pomaže hrvatskim poduzećima odabrati odgovarajuće modele upravljanja zelenim lancima opskrbe, te im pomaže da unutar odabranih modela uvedu one „zelene“ elemente koji su pogodni za njihovo poduzeće

    Metode i tehnologije komisioniranja za “zelenije” skladištenje

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    Green supply chain management is a concept that is gaining popularity all over the world. Besides, it is a way to demonstrate commitment to sustainability and to be fully adopted by the organizations it should contribute to better economic performances and competitiveness. Recently there have been many incentives for more sustainable warehousing in supply chains. In order to improve efficiency of order-picking in warehouses, there are many methods, models and technologies developed and used. This paper presents, after a brief overview of green supply chain management, an overview of order-picking methods and technologies and their potentials in improving order-picking efficiency, based mainly on reducing traveling distances. In this way energy consumption is reduced, influencing also greening of warehousing too.“Zeleni” menadžment lanca opskrbe (Green supply chain management) je koncept koji dobija na popularnosti širom svijeta. Osim što je način demonstriranja posvećenosti održivosti, da bi bio u potpunosti prihvaćen od strane poduzeća nužno mora pridonijeti boljim ekonomskim pokazateljima i konkurentnosti. U posljednje vrijeme ima mnogo inicijativa za održivije skladištenje u opskrbnim lancima. S ciljem povećanja učinkovitosti komisioniranja u skladištima razvijene su i koriste se mnoge metode, modeli i tehnologije. U ovom radu se, nakon kratkog pregleda “zelenog” menadžmenta lanaca opskrbe, daje pregled metoda i tehnologija komisioniranja te njihovih potencijala u poboljšanju učinkovitosti, temeljenih uglavnom na skraćenju vožnje prilikom komisioniranja. Time se smanjuje potrošnja energije, te utječe i na “zelenije” skladištenje

    Optimisation of Parameters for Metal Part Cutting on a CNC Plasma Cutting Machine

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    This paper refers to the topic of determining the kerf value and axis accuracy of a CNC plasma cutter for the cutting of 2, 4 and 6 mm thick plates of construction steel, aluminum and stainless steel. After the thorough description of the researched materials, a detailed experiment plan was created in the Design-Expert software package. After cutting the test samples the data were measured. Upon completion of the cutting, all test samples were measured, and the data regarding their dimensional deviations on x and y-axis and bore diameter deviations was tabularly shown and analysed with the Design – Expert software. Statistical analysis of the measured data was made so that the optimal kerf values and the equations which describe dimensional deviations for each material and thickness could be made, based on the dimensional deviation of the test samples. Along with the kerf values, analysis has also given insight in the accuracy of the x and y-axis of the machine. Finally, an algorithm for optimizing multiple criteria was utilized to determine the ideal kerf value for each material and thickness. The objective was to identify the precise kerf value that results in the highest possible accuracy for the dimensions of the workpiece in both the x and y directions, as well as for the bore diameter

    Difference and similarity in perception between Green Supply Chain Management in food industry and Green Supply Chain Management in generally in Croatian companies

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    Nowadays, the increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the atmosphere is currently one of the most serious environmental treats. Due to GHG emissions we will be witnesses of climate change which will cause damaging impacts in the next few decades [1]. These will primarily affect the natural and human systems [2]. At the same time these emissions are also a limiting factor for the economic growth of some countries, especially those in the transition process [3]. One of the reasons for that is the protocol, adopted in 2012 at Doha 2012 UN Climate Change Conference COP18 CMP8, at which the industrial world agreed to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases approximately 18% below 1990 levels by 2013-2020 [4]. In the meantime, also due to the climate change and the increase in environmental awareness all over the world, the concept of Green Supply Chain Management appeared. It is often defined as integrating environmental thinking into supply chain management [5].Within that concept many greening elements aimed at the reduction of materials, energy, waste, pollution and emissions, or promoting the usage of recyclable materials and renewable energy sources, are introduced in various segments of supply chains. The proof lies in number of examples from industry, as well as in significant interest of academic community that could be seen through research papers, doctoral thesis and research projects.[...