6 research outputs found

    Relato de caso de Lagochilascariose humana procedente do Estado do Pará, Brasil Report a case of human lagochilascariasis coming from the Pará State, Brazil

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    Mais um caso de lagochilascariose em criança procedente do Município de Xinguara PA. No Hospital das Clínicas da UFG, foi feita drenagem do abscesso localizado na região cervical direita, constatando-se a presença de ovos e vermes adultos de Lagochilascaris minor. Instituída terapia com albendazol 400mg/dia (durante 30 dias) e antibioticoterapia, houve regressão do quadro clinico.<br>A new case of lagochilascariasis is reported in a child from Xinguara PA, Brazil. The patient had an abscess in the right cervical region, which was drained at the Clinical Hospital of UFG. Eggs and adult stages of Lagochilascaris minor were found in the secretion of the abscess. Treatment with albendazol, at a dosage of 400mg/day for 30 days, associated with antibiotics promoted regression of the lesion