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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系本研究の目的は, 褥瘡部位の低輝度エコー所見と褥瘡の深度との関係を明らかにすることである. 対象は, 38名の49個の褥瘡である. 褥瘡の外診所見と周波数7.5MHzでのエコー所見を1週間ごとに観察した. 分析は, 初回の視診と触診による外診所見での深度とエコー所見の低輝度エコーにより判断した深度について, 確定深度との相違を比較した. その結果, (1)49個の褥瘡の初回観察時には, 外診所見では20個が壊死に覆われ, 7個はエコーにて低輝度所見を認めた. (2)壊死組織のないI度およびII度の褥瘡は, 確定深度も同様であった. (3)初回低輝度所見を認めた褥瘡の深度は, III度またはIV度であった. (4)初回観察時に低輝度エコー所見の有無と確定深度の全層損傷の有無との関係は, 感度58.3%, 特異度100.0%, 陽性反応適中度100%, 陰性反応適中度88.1%であった. 以上より, 褥瘡の壊死部に低輝度エコー所見を認めた場合, 全層損傷と判定するアセスメント方法は有効であることが示唆された.The purpose of this study was to examine the predictive validity of ultrasound in the initial assessment for pressure ulcer staging. Forty-nine pressure ulcers of 38 patients were examined. The pressure ulcers were visually assessed using the stages defined by the NPUAP and were examined by ultrasound (7.5 MHz). The initial assessment was determined from the ratio of agreement using visual assessment and ultrasound based on the level of severity. In the first assessment, 20 of the 49 pressure ulcers were assessed to be necrotic by visual observation and 7 of 49 were hypoechoic by ultrasound observation. In the final assessment, all pressure ulcers without necrosis were stage I or stage II types. The hypoechoic pressure ulcers in the first assessment were found to be either stage III or stage IV types. Using these results, the predictive validity of the initial assessment using ultrasound was calculated. The results were as follows : sensitivity 58.3%, specificity 100.0%, positive predictive value 100.0% and negative predictive value 88.1%. This suggests that hypoechoic images detected in initial assessment using ultrasound can be predictive of full-thickness stage III : or IV wounds.日本褥瘡学会の許可を得て登録_2021.09.2