6 research outputs found

    Retrospective Analysis of Patients with Basal Cell Carcinoma Diagnosed in Our Clinic

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    Aim:Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common malignancy of the skin and its incidence is steadily increasing. The aim of our study was to reveal the clinical and demographic characteristics of BCC.Materials and Methods:The study included 273 BCC that were histopathologically diagnosed in 256 patients who admitted the Dermatology Clinic of Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University between January 2014 and January 2019. The patients’ age, gender, tumor histological subtype, tumor localization, and co-morbid conditions were all assessed retrospectively in the study.Results:The mean age of the 256 patients included in the study with BCC was statistically 67.67, with the youngest patient being 32 and the oldest patient being 104 years old. Of the patients, 137 were male (56.5%), and 119 were female (46.5%). The most common histopathological subtype observed was the nodular type, accounting for 61.5% (n=168), and the most frequent localization was the head and neck region, accounting for 88.3% (n=241).Conclusion:BCC is the most common epidermal malignancy of the skin, characterized by a slow growth pattern and a locally invasive nature. It often occurs in individuals aged 50 and above, particularly in the head and neck region where there is intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation. In our study, we also observed that BCC was most frequently seen in the 70-80 age range, primarily in the head and neck region, and predominantly in the nodular subtype. The superficial type was more commonly observed on the trunk. Although the incidence of BCC is similar between males and females, it tends to occur more frequently in females at younger ages

    One Side Two Extremity Places Inflammatory Linear Verrucous Epidermal Nevus

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    Inflamatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus (ILVEN), present as itchy, linear, erythematous, verrucous papules that develop at birth or during adolescence. ILVEN is a rare variant of verrucous epidermal nevus characterized by recurrent inflammatory events with chronic eczematous or psoriasiform aspect. It is very rare during adulthood. Diagnose made by clinical and histological examination. Differential diagnosis should be made with various dermatoses such as other epidermal nevi, linear psoriasis and lichen striatus. It is resistant to treatment. We found it appropriate to present a congenital onset of a 22 year old patient as a rare disease in routine

    One Side Two Extremity Places Inflammatory Linear Verrucous Epidermal Nevus

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    İnflamatuar lineer epidermal verrüköz nevüs (İLVEN), nadir görülen ve daha çok doğumda ve adölesan dönemde ortaya çıkan kaşıntılı, lineer yerleşimli, eritemli, verrüköz papüllerden oluşan bir hastalıktır. İLVEN, verrüköz epidermal nevüsün ender bir varyantı olup, kronik egzamatöz veya psoriasiform yönü ile tekrarlayan inflamatuvar olaylarla karakterizedir. Erişkin dönemde ortaya çıkması oldukça nadir görülür. Klinik ve histolojik muayene ile tanı konulur. Diğer epidermal nevüsler, lineer psoriasis ve liken striatus gibi çeşitli dermatozlarla ayırıcı tanısı yapılmalıdır. Tedaviye belirgin derecede dirençli bir hastalıktır. Biz de bu olgumuzda el ve ayak tutulumu olan doğumsal başlangıçlı 22 yaşındaki hastayı rutinde az rastlanan bir hastalık olduğu için sunmayı uygun buldukInflamatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus (ILVEN), present as itchy, linear, erythematous, verrucous papules that develop at birth or during adolescence. ILVEN is a rare variant of verrucous epidermal nevus characterized by recurrent inflammatory events with chronic eczematous or psoriasiform aspect. It is very rare during adulthood. Diagnose made by clinical and histological examination. Differential diagnosis should be made with various dermatoses such as other epidermal nevi, linear psoriasis and lichen striatus. It is resistant to treatment. We found it appropriate to present a congenital onset of a 22 year old patient as a rare disease in routine

    Role of GDF-15 as an inflammatory marker in patients with psoriasis vulgaris

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    Background and Design: Psoriasis is a chronic, inflammatory disease, and several biochemical markers play role in its inflammatory process. This study measured the levels of interleukin-12 (IL-12), IL-17a, IL-22 and IL-23, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and serum growth differentiation factor-15 (GDF-15) and aimed to detect the relationship of serum GDF-15 level with inflammation and disease severity. Materials and Methods: This study included 50 consecutive patients diagnosed with plaque-type psoriasis. For all patients, dermatological examinations were performed, and psoriasis area severity index (PASI) scores were recorded. Patients with PASI 20 severe (group 3) psoriasis. Results: No difference was observed between the patient and the control groups in terms of age, sex, IL-17a and IL-22. A statistically nonsignificant difference was detected in terms of IL-12 and IL-23. However, there was significant difference between two groups in terms of hs-CRP, TNF-alpha and GDF-15. GDF-15 was significantly different in all three groups (p1498.5 pg/mL (area under the curve: 0.813, p<0.001) in the receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. This study is mainly limited by the lack of follow-up and pre-and post-treatment assessment. Inflammatory markers were measured only in the serum, and their tissue levels are unknown. Conclusion: In addition to PASI score, GDF-15 levels can be a guide in monitoring treatment and systemic inflammation, determining the disease severity, and providing efficient treatment

    Clinical, Demographic and Laboratory Results of Dermatomycosis Patients in Tekirdag Region

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    Aim:Dermatomycosis factors can change over time with geographical region, climate, socioeconomic status and lifestyle. In this study, we retrospectively evaluated the patients who admitted our dermatology clinic with the preliminary diagnosis of dermatomycosis. Demographic data of the patients who admitted to our hospital and the factors isolated from the samples investigated.Materials and Methods:This study performed in January 2017 to December 2017 at Dermatology Department of Namık Kemal University School of Medicine. A total 448 samples obtained from patients who referred to the Dermatology clinic with a preliminary diagnosis of dermatomycosis were retrospectively evaluated.Results:In our study, the most frequent admissions to hospital were due to toe nail changes (28.5%), followed by trunk lesions (24.3%) and foot lesions except nail (22.5%).The most common differential diagnosis was lesions on the trunk (44.4%) followed by foot skin lesions (22.2%). Direct microscopic examination was positive in 35,8% specimens while fungal culture was positive in 5,8% cases. Trichophyton rubrum (56%) was the most common pathogen, followed by Candida albicans (12%) and Microsporum canis (8%).Conclusion:Foot lesions were the most common reason for admission to the hospital and Trichophyton rubrum was the most common causative agent. We think that increasing number of immunosuppressive individuals in the community revealed Candida albicans as the second agent. The high number of patients with onychomycosis and tinea pedis suggests that foot hygiene, care and protection is a social problem

    Retrospevtive investigation of diagnosed basal cell carcinoma cases in our clinic in the last 5 years

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    Amaç: Bazal hücreli karsinom (BHK) derinin en sık görülen malignitesidir ve insidansı giderek artmaktadır. Çalışmada kliniğimizde tanı konulan olgularda hastaların yaş, cinsiyet, tümör histopatolojik alt tipi, tümör lokalizasyonu, hastalara eşlik eden komorbid hastalıklar belirlenerek retrospektif olarak incelendi. Gereç ve Yöntem: Histopatolojik olarak BHK tanısı konulan 256 hastadaki 273 tümör çalışmaya dahil edildi. Histopatolojik alt tipler incelenirken histopatolojik tipler nodüler, yüzeyel, morfeiform, infiltratif, adenoid, bazoskuamöz, keratotik, mikst, pigmente ve mikronodüler olarak gruplandırıldı. Anatomik lokalizasyon belirtilirken vücut baş-boyun, gövde, üst ekstremite, alt ekstremite olarak 4 bölgeye ayrıldı. Baş-boyun bölgesi burun, alın, yanak, preaurikular bölge, dudak, perioral bölge olarak 6 alt bölgeye, gövde de gövde ön yüz ve gövde arka yüz olarak 2 alt bölgeye ayrıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya alınan 256 BHK hastasının yaş ortalaması 67.67 idi ve hastaların en genci 32 en yaşlısı 104 yaşındaydı. Hastaların 137'si erkek (%56.5), 119'u kadındı (%46.5). Erkek hastaların yaş ortalaması 68.24±12.81, kadın hastaların ortalama yaşı 67.02±14.18 idi. En sık görülen tümör histopatolojik alt tipi % 61.5 oranında (n=168) nodüler tipti ve en fazla tümör % 88.3 oranında (n=241) baş-boyun bölgesindeydi. Hastaların en sık komorbid hastalığı hipertansiyondu(%68.4). Sonuç:Çalışmamızda bazal hücreli karsinomun en sık 70-80 yaş aralığında, baş-boyun bölgesinde, en sık nodüler tipte olduğu görüldü. Yüzeyel tipin gövdede daha fazla görüldüğü ve erken yaşlarda kadın insidansının arttığı görüldü.Objectives:Basal cell carcinomais the most common malignancy of the skin and its incidence is gradually increasing. In the study, age, gender, tumor histopathological subtype, tumor localization, comorbid diseases accompanying in the patients diagnosed in our clinic were determined and analyzed retrospectively. Methods: 273 tumors in 256 patients with histopathological diagnosis of Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) were included in the study.While the histopathological subtypes were examined, the histopathological types were grouped as nodular, superficial, morpehiform, infiltrative, adenoid, basosquamous, keratotic, mixed, pigmented and micronodular.While specifying anatomical localization, the body was divided into 4 regions as head-neck, trunk, upper limb and lower limb.The head-neck region is divided into 6 sub-regions as the nose, forehead, cheeks, preauricular region, lips, perioral region, and the trunk is divided into 2 sub-regions as the front of the trunk and the back of the trunk. Results:The average age of 256 BCC patients was 67.67 and the youngest of patient was 32 and the oldest was 104 years old. The gender groups of the patients were 137 men (56.5%) and 119 were women (46.5%). The average age of male patients was 68.24±12.81, and the average age of female patients was 67.02 ± 14.18. The most common type was nodular type with tumor histopathological subtype 61.5% (n=168) and the most common tumor was in the head and neck region as 88.3% (n=241). The most common comorbid disease of the patients was hypertension (68.4%). Conclusion:In our study, it was observed that basal cell carcinoma was most frequently in the 70-80 age range, in the head and neck region, most commonly in the nodular type. Increased female incidence at an early age