95 research outputs found

    La Germanie de Tacite entre \ue9rudition et croyances ethnographiques

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    Dans leur tentative de comprendre les cultures \ue9trang\ue8res et de cerner les similitudes et les divergences partielles entre le monde du \u2018soi\u2019 et celui de \u2018l\u2019autre\u2019, les ethnographes de l\u2019antiquit\ue9 avaient surtout recours, d\u2019une perspective universaliste et transculturelle, \ue0 la confrontation. Dans la Germania de Tacite, deux modes de penser sont particuli\ue8rement pertinents ici. Le premier est le proc\ue9d\ue9 que Tacite lui-m\ueame appelle \u2018interpretatio Romana\u2019 (ch. 43,3). Ceci consiste \ue0 postuler l\u2019existence d\u2019un certain nombre de divinit\ue9s universelles, qui changent simplement de nom lors du passage d\u2019une culture \ue0 l\u2019autre. Aussi on trouve chez Tacite la tentative d\u2019identifier les divinit\ue9s des Germains avec celle des Romains. En revanche, le deuxi\ue8me proc\ue9d\ue9 consiste en l\u2019opposition absolue des usages et des coutumes des peuples. A beaucoup d\u2019endroits dans la Germania on observe tr\ue8s distinctement le sch\ue9ma interpr\ue9tatif du \u2018mundus inversus\u2019, celui du \uab monde \ue0 l\u2019envers \ubb selon lequel la culture \ue9trang\ue8re finit par repr\ue9senter l\u2019inversion compl\ue8te, le retournement absolu des coutumes romaines contemporaines

    Latin Synthetic Compounding and Distributed Morphology

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    The theory of Distributed Morphology (DM) has been applied to English synthetic compounds by Harley (2009), who proposes an analysis as incorporation structures. After a short introduction on the passage from lexicalism to DM in Latin morphology (par. 1), I will try to extend Haley\u2019s analysis to Latin synthetic compounds, suggesting some revisions (par. 2). In the first place, I will argue for the necessity to introduce verbal features in the structure of a compound like "agricola", in order to explain the special meanings associated to the root COL, that is the fact that the verbal head introduces a dynamic event, and that the nominalized root AGR is interpreted as undergoing a change of state (par. 3). This suggestion is confirmed by comparing the structures of verb phrases, e.g. "colere agrum", noun phrases with nominal derivatives, e.g. "cultor agri", and synthetic compounds, e.g. "agricola", where the crucial observation is that in Latin, unlike English, there is no overt agentive suffix in the compound, such as -er in "taxi-driver": in Latin synthetic compounds we do not find the typical agentive suffix -tor (par. 4). I will conclude with some general observations on the relationships between morphology and syntax (par. 5)

    Contemporary Theoretical Approaches to Word Formation in Latin

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    Short metohdological and bibliographical introduction to the research fileld of Latin Word Formation and discussion of the papers collected in the volume of the journal

    Come affrontare lo studio della grammatica latina alla luce della linguistica contemporanea

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    The development of General Linguistics in recent decades has produced important innovations in the knowledge of the functioning mechanisms of ancient and modern languages. However, these innovations have not yet fully entered the study of the Latin language. In this contribution, examples of application of the so-called “new comparative method” to some traditional problems of Latin grammar are proposed. In particular, the paper presents a description of the structure of the syllable and of the Latin accent law, a proposal for analyzing the structure of morphemes, and an introduction to the phrase structure

    La genesi del concetto di "humanitas" nella commedia latina aricaica

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    Storia del concetto di humanitas dalle premesse nella filosofia greca alla nascita nel teatro latino arcaico. In Plauto la parola homo evoca il concetto pessimistico della fragilit\ue0 della condizione umana, mentre in Terenzio prevale un nuovo ideale positivo, fondato sulla solidariet\ue0 e la condivisione. La parola humanitas viene poi diffusa soprattutto da Cicerone, come sintesi di valori morali basati sull\u2019educazione e la cultura. L\u2019universalit\ue0 del concetto non va oltre i confini dell\u2019impero romano, che saranno superati solo in et\ue0 moderna

    La presenza dell'epos di Nevio ed Ennio nell'Amphitruo di Plauto

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    Un\u2019analisi stilistica del canticum di Sosia nell\u2019Amphitruo di Plauto rivela la volont\ue0 di comporre un pezzo di bravura, con cui l\u2019autore ha voluto rendere omaggio ai poeti che al suo tempo stavano creando il genere letterario dell\u2019epos a Roma: Nevio ed Ennio

    Varrone e la scienza del linguaggio

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    Although Varro’s work has been criticized for its style and content, so as to be excluded from the process of formation of the late antique grammatical tradition, it contains many important elements for the development of the science of language. His conception of etymology is based on the correct identification of the functioning of synchronic morphology but also includes the first intuitions of diachronic morphology. His discussion of analogy and anomaly comes to correctly distinguish between the formation of words and their inflection. His tabular representation of the declinations is a scientific and teaching achievement still in use today, thanks to the rediscovery of Varro’s thought in the humanistic age. Some typical ideas in twentieth-century linguistics, such as the comparison between language and a game of chess, its computational nature and the distinction between problems and mysteries, have their first formulations in Varro. Therefore, De lingua Latina is a text that deserves to be better known and valued in contemporary culture starting from school education. Sebbene l’opera di Varrone sia stata criticata per il suo stile e il suo contenuto, così da essere esclusa dal processo di formazione della tradizione grammaticale tardoantica, essa contiene molti elementi importanti per lo sviluppo della scienza del linguaggio. La sua concezione dell’etimologia è fondata sulla giusta individuazione del funzionamento della morfologia sincronica ma comprende anche le prime intuizioni di morfologia diacronica. La sua discussione dell’analogia e dell’anomalia arriva a distinguere correttamente tra la formazione delle parole e la loro flessione. La sua rappresentazione tabellare delle declinazioni è una conquista scientifica e didattica ancor oggi in uso, proprio grazie alla riscoperta del pensiero di Varrone in età umanistica. Alcune idee tipiche nella linguistica del Novecento, come il paragone tra la lingua e una partita a scacchi, la sua natura computazionale e la distinzione tra problemi e misteri, hanno le loro prime formulazioni in Varrone. Pertanto, il De lingua Latina è un testo che meriterebbe di essere maggiormente conosciuto e valorizzato nella cultura contemporanea a partire dalla formazione scolastica

    La genesi del concetto di "humanitas" nella commedia latina aricaica

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    La storia della parola "phrasis" dall'antichit\ue0 ad oggi

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    Storia della parola "phrasis", dalle origini greche nella retorica stoica, al prestito del termine nella retorica latina, fino alla rinascita nel latino umanistico, e alla sua fortuna nella terminologia tecnica della stilistica e della linguistica moderna
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