25 research outputs found

    Systems Biology Modeling Reveals a Possible Mechanism of the Tumor Cell Death upon Oncogene Inactivation in EGFR Addicted Cancers

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    Despite many evidences supporting the concept of “oncogene addiction” and many hypotheses rationalizing it, there is still a lack of detailed understanding to the precise molecular mechanism underlying oncogene addiction. In this account, we developed a mathematic model of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) associated signaling network, which involves EGFR-driving proliferation/pro-survival signaling pathways Ras/extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and phosphoinositol-3 kinase (PI3K)/AKT, and pro-apoptotic signaling pathway apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1)/p38. In the setting of sustained EGFR activation, the simulation results show a persistent high level of proliferation/pro-survival effectors phospho-ERK and phospho-AKT, and a basal level of pro-apoptotic effector phospho-p38. The potential of p38 activation (apoptotic potential) due to the elevated level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is largely suppressed by the negative crosstalk between PI3K/AKT and ASK1/p38 pathways. Upon acute EGFR inactivation, the survival signals decay rapidly, followed by a fast increase of the apoptotic signal due to the release of apoptotic potential. Overall, our systems biology modeling together with experimental validations reveals that inhibition of survival signals and concomitant release of apoptotic potential jointly contribute to the tumor cell death following the inhibition of addicted oncogene in EGFR addicted cancers

    Regulation of p73 activity by post-translational modifications

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    The transcription factor p73 is a member of the p53 family that can be expressed as at least 24 different isoforms with pro- or anti-apoptotic attributes. The TAp73 isoforms are expressed from an upstream promoter and are regarded as bona fide tumor suppressors; they can induce cell cycle arrest/apoptosis and protect against genomic instability. On the other hand, ΔNp73 isoforms lack the N-terminus transactivation domain; hence, cannot induce the expression of pro-apoptotic genes, but still can oligomerize with TAp73 or p53 to block their transcriptional activities. Therefore, the ratio of TAp73 isoforms to ΔNp73 isoforms is critical for the quality of the response to a genomic insult and needs to be delicately regulated at both transcriptional and post-translational level. In this review, we will summarize the current knowledge on the post-translational regulatory pathways involved to keep p73 protein under control. A comprehensive understanding of p73 post-translational modifications will be extremely useful for the development of new strategies for treating and preventing cancer

    p53 regulates Cdc2 independently of inhibitory phosphorylation to reinforce radiation-induced G2 arrest in human cells.

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    We have investigated the influence of p53 on radiation-induced G2 cell cycle arrest using human H1299 cells expressing temperature-sensitive p53. Gamma-irradiated cells lacking p53 arrested transiently in G2 with Cdc2 extensively phosphorylated at the inhibitory sites Thr14 and Tyr15, and with both Cdc2 and cyclin B1 restricted to the cytoplasm. Activation of p53 by temperature shift resulted in a more protracted G2 arrest that could not be overridden by checkpoint-abrogating drugs. Surprisingly, this enhancement of G2 arrest was associated with a marked lack of inhibitory phosphorylation of Cdc2 and with the nuclear localization of both Cdc2 and cyclin B1. While transient expression of an A14F15 mutant form of Cdc2 that is not subject to inhibitory phosphorylation induced mitotic catastrophe in cells lacking p53, the p53-expressing cells were relatively refractory to this effect. Enforced expression of p21WAF1/CJP1 was sufficient to confer nuclear localization on Cdc2 in the p53 null cells, though immunodepletion experiments demonstrated that only a small proportion of Cdc2 was stably associated with p21WAF1/CJP1 in the p53-expressing cells. We conclude that a p53-dependent pathway can operate after exposure of human cells to ionising radiation to promote G2 arrest accompanied by nuclear translocation rather than inhibitory phosphorylation of Cdc2

    A possible role of p73 on the modulation of p53 level through MDM2

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    MDM2, one of the transcriptional targets of p53, can target p53 for degradation in a negative feedback loop. The p53-related protein p73, however, can bind to MDM2 but is not consequently down-regulated. Here we demonstrate that p73 could transactivate the MDM2 promoter in p53-null cell lines. In p53-null cell lines, the level of MDM2 was increased by p73 due to increases in transcription and protein stability of MDM2. In transient transfection assays, inhibition of the transcriptional activity of p73 required a higher amount of MDM2 than that of p53. This is probably due to the fact that MDM2 can target p53, but not p73, for degradation. We demonstrated further that the level of p53 could be altered by a cooperation between MDM2 and p73, but not by transcriptional inactive mutants of p73. Expression of p73 resulted in a reduction of the ectopically expressed p53 in transient transfections or of the endogenous p53 induced by Adriamycin- or UV-mediated damage. These reductions of p53 were likely to be due to an increase in MDM2-mediated proteolysis. These results suggest the possibility that different levels of p73 in the cell may act as a mechanism to modulate p53 responses after DNA damage and other stresses and that an increase rather than a decrease in p73 may play a role in tumorigenesis.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    MDM2 and MDMX bind and stabilize the p53-related protein p73

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    The p53 gene encodes one of the most important tumor suppressors in human cells and undergoes frequent mutational inactivation in cancers. MDM2, a transcriptional target of p53, binds p53 and can both inhibit p53-mediated transcription [1], [2] and target p53 for proteasome-mediated proteolysis [3], [4]. A close relative of p53, p73, has recently been identified [5], [6]. Here, we report that, like p53, p73α and the alternative transcription product p73β also bind MDM2. Interaction between MDM2 and p53 represents a key step in the regulation of p53, as MDM2 promotes the degradation of p53. In striking contrast to p53, the half-life of p73 was found to be increased by binding to MDM2. Like MDM2, the MDM2-related protein MDMX also bound p73 and stabilized the level of p73. Moreover, the growth suppression functions of p73 and the induction of endogenous p21, a major mediator of the p53-dependent growth arrest pathway, were enhanced in the presence of MDM2. These differences between the regulation of p53 and p73 by MDM2/MDMX may highlight a physiological difference in their action

    MDM2 and MDMX bind and stabilize the p53-related protein p73

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    The p53 gene encodes one of the most important tumor suppressors in human cells and undergoes frequent mutational inactivation in cancers. MDM2, a transcriptional target of p53, binds p53 and can both inhibit p53-mediated transcription [1] [2] and target p53 for proteasome-mediated proteolysis [3] [4]. A close relative of p53, p73, has recently been identified [5] [6]. Here, we report that, like p53, p73alpha and the alternative transcription product p73beta also bind MDM2. Interaction between MDM2 and p53 represents a key step in the regulation of p53, as MDM2 promotes the degradation of p53. In striking contrast to p53, the half-life of p73 was found to be increased by binding to MDM2. Like MDM2, the MDM2-related protein MDMX also bound p73 and stabilized the level of p73. Moreover, the growth suppression functions of p73 and the induction of endogenous p21, a major mediator of the p53-dependent growth arrest pathway, were enhanced in the presence of MDM2. These differences between the regulation of p53 and p73 by MDM2/MDMX may highlight a physiological difference in their action.link_to_subscribed_fulltex