42 research outputs found

    Difficulties faced by care managers in interventions for family members who abuse the elderly: interviews with care workers

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    取埗孊䜍 : 博士保健孊, 孊䜍授䞎番号 : 医博甲第1859号 , 孊䜍授䞎幎月日 : 平成19幎3月22日, 孊䜍授䞎倧孊 : 金沢倧孊, 審査結果の報告日 : 平成19幎2月23日, 䞻査 : 城戞 照圊 , 副査 :泉 キペ子, 䜐䌯 和


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    【目的】介護支揎専門員が高霢者虐埅事䟋のケアマネゞメント初期においお,認識するケアマネゞメントの困難さずその芁因を明らかにする。【方法】質的垰玍的因子探玢型の蚘述的研究方法を甚いた。察象は高霢者虐埅事䟋を担圓経隓のある,居宅介護支揎事業所勀務の介護支揎専門員である。職皮による困難さを考慮し介護職を察象ずした。研究者が非構造化面接を実斜し,逐語録をデヌタずしお分析に甚\u27いた。分析では虐埅の状況や察応の困難さ,考え方などに焊点を圓お,デヌタをコヌド化し,類䌌するデヌタの抂念を怜蚎しながらカテゎリヌ化した。介護者・芁介護者ず介護支揎専門員の関係に焊点をあお,継続比范分析を行った。金沢倧孊医孊系研究科医の倫理委員䌚の承認を埗た。【結果】介護支揎専門員21名から,ケアマネゞメントに関する困難さ,虐埅家族ぞの介入に関する困難さが抜出された。ケアマネゞメントの困難さに関しおは,‘被害者がおかれた悲惚な状況を攟眮できない\u27,‘介護保険のサヌビスを䜿うこずだけがこの人たちぞできる揎助\u27ず,‘虐埅者である介護者に契玄を解陀する暩限がある\u27ずいう認識があった。たた,‘介入するず虐埅が悪化する心配がある\u27,‘被害者より加害者ぞの察応を優先せざるをえない\u27,‘虐埅者である介護者が芁介護者のニヌズを決定\u27があり,垰結は,‘介護者が受け入れるケアプランを䜜成せざるをえない\u27であった。以䞊から"虐埅者である介護者による朜圚的なケアマネゞメントの支配"ずいう䞭栞カテゎリヌが抜出された。虐埅家族ぞの介入に関しおは,介護者である‘虐埅者ず察時するこずが怖い\u27,‘虐埅者ずの間に心理的な壁が存圚する\u27ずいう認識があった。たた,‘虐埅者である介護者ずの関係を維持しなければならない\u27圹割の䞀方で,介護支揎専門員の介入で‘家族関係に波颚を立おたくない\u27ず認識しおいた。そしお,‘虐埅の根底にある家族関係ぞの介入には至れない\u27,‘虐埅家族にも家族の絆はあるず信じたい\u27ずいう認識があった。以䞊から,"介護支揎専門員の理念ではたちうち出来ない虐埅者ぞの無力感"ずいう䞭栞カテゎリヌが抜出された。The purpose of this study is to analyze the difficulties perceived by care managers who confront elderly abuse inflicted by family members. The research was executed according to the grounded theory approach. Participants were care managers who had handled elderly abuse cases. They (n=21) were all female, and had a mean of 4.3 ± 0.7 years of experience as a care manager.The cognitions kind of two difficulties was extracted from the data. One of difficulty about care management were as follows: the terrible situation of the people abused cannot be ignored; the long-term care insurance service is the only support for these people; the abusive caregiver has the authority to cancel the contract; there is concern that intervention might increase the abuse; prioritizing how to deal with the abuser rather than the abused is unavoidable; the abusive caregiver decides the needs of the individual requiring care; and the only option is to create a care plan that is acceptable to the caregiver. Th e core category that was ultimately extracted was "tacit control of care management by the abusive caregiver".One of difficulty about intervention to abusive families were as follows: fear of confronting the abuser, unwelcome atmosphere to care manager\u27s visit, having to continue the relationship with an abusive caregiver, unwillingness to upset the family relationship, inability to intervene in a family relationship that is the root cause of abuse, and wanting to believe in family bonds even in an abusive family. The core category that was ultimately extracted was the feeling of powerlessness in being unable to take on the abuser due to the principle of respect for caregivers\u27 decisions.It is evident from this study that care managers recognize that the contract that forms the basis of care management in cases of abuse is a factor contributing to the difficulties they experience. It was suggest the need to establish a system that supports care managers in order to promote appropriate care management.研究課題/領域番号:17592292, 研究期間(幎床):2005-2006出兞「高霢者虐埅事䟋ぞの介護支揎専門員の初期の支揎に察する認識に関する研究」研究成果報告曞 課題番号17592292 (KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所)   本文デヌタは著者版報告曞より䜜

    母芪ずその 5-7 か月児の睡眠行動の䞻芳的および客芳的評䟡

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the sleep behaviors of Japanese mothers subjectively and objectively and their - to -month-old infants. Methods: The participants were  pairs of mothers and their - to -month-old infants. Each mother and infant were regarded as a pair and their sleep behavior was observed. Sleep behavior was assessed subjectively and objectively. The subjective data was collected using the self-administered Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index Japan (PSQI-J) and Kwansei Gakuin Sleepiness Scale (KSS) questionnaires, and the objective data was collected using a Lifecorder GS (Suzuken Co., Ltd., Nagoya, Japan) accelerometer. Lifecorder GS data were collected over the same period for both mothers and infants.Results: The mothers’ subjective PSQI-J sleep assessment score averaged . ± . and their average sleep efficiency was . ± .%. The Lifecorder GS objectively measured the mothers’ average sleep efficiency at . ± .% and the number of periods of awakening spanning  minutes or more as . ± . periods. Subjective and objective sleep efficiency data were significantly different (p<.). The average sleep efficiency for infants, as measured by the Lifecorder GS, was . ± .%, and their average number of periods of awakening spanning  minutes or more was . ± . times. The correlation coefficient for mother and infant sleep duration was . (p<.). There were two types of awakening during sleep; one in which the mother’s awakening preceded the infant’s, and the other in which the infant’s awakening preceded the mother’s. It was confirmed that sleep and awakening could be bidirectional between the mother and the infant.Conclusions: There was a significant difference in the subjective and objective sleep efficiency data for mothers who had - to -month-old infants. The mothers did not feel that their sleep efficiency had been adversely affected due to sleep interruption to care for their infants, however, objectively it was confirmed that sleep efficiency was lowered. The researchers think there is a need to develop education to improve sleep quality for Japanese mothers and their infants while carefully maintaining the child-raising culture


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    : We prospectively followed family caregivers to examine changes in sleeping patterns, ambulatory blood pressure, and fatigue status three years after the initial survey. : 67 family caregivers who enrolled in the first survey conducted between 2001 and 2004. : We asked the participants to enroll in the follow-up survey by mail. We interviewed care condition and asked to write self-reported activity recording for those who gave the written informed consent. An actigraph was used to determine sleep status and ambulatory blood pressure was monitored for 24-hour period. The Cumulative Fatigue Symptoms Index-Housewife was used. The research proposal was approved by the ethics committee of the faculty of Medicine, Kanazawa University. : The changes in the first and second survey results were tested by the Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test according to presence of continuation of home care. : Of 67 eligible participants, 66 were alive. Of those, two were hospitalized, and 24 remained as primary caregivers. Thirty-three participants agreed to enroll in the second investigation. Fourteen participants continued home care and 19 ceased to provide care because of the death or hospitalization of care receivers. Of 14 caregiving participants, no significant changes were found for sleep status, blood pressure measurements, and fatigue status although the number of participants with hypertensive treatment increased by two. In 19 non-caregivers group, nap time in the daytime became significantly longer and the mean duration of nap increased by 54 minutes, and chronic fatigue was relieved significantly. No significant changes in the blood pressure measurements were detected although additional two people were under hypertension medication. : This study did not show any clear difference of health condition between those continuously engaged in home care and those who had discontinued giving care. In the 19 former caregivers, the daytime nap time was significantly increased with a reduction in the feeling of fatigue. These results may be attributable to the cessation of home care. : The cessation of caregiving activities led to increased nap time and contributed to the reduction of chronic fatigue. The increasing number of participants with hypertensive treatment suggests additional care is necessary for aging participants, especially for those continue to provide care.【目的】介護を長期間続けるこずによる心身ぞの圱響を明らかにするため、家族介護者の 幎埌の転垰ず、同䞀者の幎埌の睡眠、血圧日内倉動、および疲劎感の远跡調査を行った。 【察象】2001幎から2004幎に行った初回調査から幎経過した家族介護者67名。 【方法】察象者の転垰を郵送で調査し、再調査を䟝頌した。曞面での同意を埗た者に察し介 護状況に関する面接調査ず24時間自蚘匏行動調査を行った。Actigraphにより24時間の睡 眠時間を枬定した。携垯型無拘束間接型血圧装眮により24時間の血圧倉動を枬定した。疲 劎感は The Cumulative Fatigue Symptoms Index-Housewifeより調査した。 【分析】初回調査ず远跡調査の比范は、圚宅介護の継続の有無別に、事䟋ごずに察応した Wilcoxon笊号付き順䜍怜定を行った。 【結果】家族介護者67名の幎埌の状況は、66名が生存しおおり、そのうち名は入院、圚 宅介護を継続しおいた者は24名だった。64名䞭、远跡調査に同意した者は33名だった。そ のうち圚宅介護を継続しおいた者が14名、芁介護者の死亡や入院により介護しおいなかっ た者が19名だった。圚宅介護を継続しおいた14名の初回調査ず远跡調査の結果を比范した 結果、睡眠時間、血圧、疲劎感には有意差がみられなかった。幎埌の降圧剀内服者は 名増えお名だった。介護しおいなかった19名は、幎埌の方が日䞭の仮眠時間が有意に 長く平均54分増えおおり、疲劎感が有意に軜枛しおいた。血圧には有意差がみられず、内 服者は名増えお名だった。 【考察】本研究では、圚宅介護継続者ず介護を継続しおいなかった者ずの間に健康状態の有 意な差は認められなかった。介護を䞭断しおいた19名は、日䞭の仮眠時間が有意に長く疲 劎感が軜枛しおいた。このこずは圚宅介護を継続しおいなかったこずに起因するず考えら れる。 【結論】介護の䞭断は、仮眠時間が増えお疲劎感の軜枛に貢献するこずが瀺唆された。高血 圧の治療者数の増加は、加霢、ずくに圚宅介護を継続しおいくためには、高血圧の治療の 远加が必芁であるこずを瀺しおいるず考える。[原著:Originals

    Difficulty in the family relationship of Asian women married to Japanese men during child rearing

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    目的日本人男性を倫にも぀子育お䞭のアゞア系倖囜人女性を察象に、家族ずの関係で抱く困難感を明らかにするこずを目的ずした。方法日本人男性を倫にも぀未就孊児を逊育するアゞア系倖囜人女性 11 名にむンタビュヌガむドに準じた半構造化面接を行い、質的蚘述的に分析を行った。語られた内容は意味のあるたずたりごずに抜出し、それらを芁玄しおコヌド化し、コヌド間の共通性や差異性に泚目しお分類・統合しながら、サブカテゎリヌ、カテゎリヌを生成した。結果分析の結果、日本人男性を倫にも぀子育お䞭のアゞア系倖囜人女性が家族ずの関係で抱く困難感ずしお、≪母囜ず異なる家事や子育お文化の違いぞの戞惑い≫≪異文化の壁により衚出できない本音≫≪日本人である矩母の考えを優先≫≪受け入れおもらえない自身の䟡倀≫≪倫ず子どもぞの期埅を支えずしおの日本での生掻≫の 5 ぀のカテゎリヌが芋出された。考察逊育期に、母芪が倖囜人ゆえに、母囜蚀語の䌝承が蚱されず、家族から閉め出されたずいう思いをも぀事態は、母芪の粟神的ストレスや育児、家族内の人間関係にも圱響するため、アゞア系倖囜人女性が家族の䞭で尊重されるこずが倧切であるず考える。保健垫などの支揎者は、倫婊が盞互に習慣や文化、䟡倀芳を理解し、尊重し合えるよう、他のアゞア系倖囜人女性やその倫から話を聞けるような機䌚や日本人家族のアゞア系倖囜人女性に察する態床を倉える働きかけずしお、異文化の理解ができるような堎の提䟛を行うこずも倧切であるず考える。Objectives: This study was performed to clarify difficulties in family relationships of Asian women married to Japanese men in relation to child rearing.Methods: We collected data through semi-structured interviews from 11 Asian women married to Japanese men while rearing pre-school-age children. Using the recorded content, codes were created for statements. Subcategories were established from the codes, and categories were created from each of the subcategories.Results: Five categories of difficulties experienced in the family relationships were as follows: they were bewildered at cultural differences with regard to child rearing and housework; they felt that they could not show their real feelings because of consciousness of cross-cultural barriers; they have to obey the instructions of their Japanese mother-in-law; their Japanese family does not accept their values; they can live in Japan only for the sake of their children and husband.Discussion: In the child rearing period, when a woman feels that her mother has been excluded from her family’s language because of her foreign nationality, and her family is locked out, this has a negative effect on her mental well-being, parenting, and family relations. It is important that foreign Asian women are respected in their families in Japan. To gain an understanding and respect for each other’s habits, cultures, and values, it is important to provide opportunities to hear from other Asian foreign women and their husbands and develop ways to change Japanese families’ attitudes toward foreign Asian women in Japan


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    目的灜害時における䜏民の共助の意向および避難行動芁支揎者を助けようずする意志に関する実態の調査ず、それらに関連する芁因を明らかにするこずである。 方法A 県 B åž‚ C 地区の 15 歳以䞊の䜏民 4370 人に無蚘名自蚘匏質問玙調査を行い、 3651人の回答者䞭2861人から有効回答を埗た有効回答率78.4%。調査内容は、基本属性、灜害時における察応、灜害に備える行動、灜害に関する認識、地域ぞの愛着・぀ながりずした。結果灜害時における共助の意向のある者は 78.1%、避難行動芁支揎者を助けようずする意志のある者は 79.5% であった。たた、灜害時における共助の意向、避難行動芁支揎者を助けようずする意志の䞡方に地域防灜掻動ぞの参加の必芁性、灜害時に助け合える隣近所の人がいるこずが関連しおいた。考察灜害時における共助の意向を有するこずおよび避難行動芁支揎者を助けようずする意志を有するこずには、灜害時のこずを考える機䌚を日頃から持぀こず、平垞時から䜏民同士の亀流を深める機䌚を぀くるこずが必芁であるこずが瀺唆された。Aim: This study was performed to investigate residents’ willingness to cooperate and help others requiring support with evacuation in the event of a disaster, and to identify factors linked to these traits. Methods: An anonymous, self-administered written survey was conducted with 4370 residents aged ≥15 in District C, City B, Prefecture A. Of the 3651 responses received, 2861 were valid (valid response rate, 78.4%). The survey covered basic attributes, coping in the event of a disaster, actions to prepare for a disaster, understanding of disasters, and attachment to and relations within the community.Results: The percentage of people who were willing to cooperate in the event of a disaster was 78.1%, and the percentage who would be willing to help others requiring support with evacuation was 79.5%. Necessity of participation in regional disaster prevention activities and having neighbors who help each other in a disaster were both found to be contributing factors to willingness to cooperate and help others requiring support with evacuation in the event of a disaster.Discussion: This study suggested that having the opportunity to think about how they would cope at the time of a disaster and to create opportunities to deepen exchanges between residents under normal conditions were necessary for willingness to cooperate and help others requiring support with evacuation in the event of a disaster

    Clarification of parentsʌ recognition of children\u27s condition with developmental disorder and feelings about school enrollment before attending consultation session and after admission

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    本研究の目的は A 垂就孊サポヌト盞談䌚以䞋、盞談䌚に参加した発達障害児を持぀保護者の、盞談䌚前ず就孊埌における子どもの状態の捉えず就孊に関する思いを明らかにするこずである。 研究察象は、垂発達盞談センタヌの継続盞談者で、016 幎床盞談䌚に参加した発達障害児疑いを含むを持぀保護者 0 ケヌスの盞談支揎蚘録で、保護者の語った子どもの状態の捉えず就孊ぞの思いの蚘述を質的蚘述的に分析した。分析は盞談䌚前ず就孊埌のそれぞれにおいお行った。本研究は、金沢倧孊医孊倫理審査委員䌚の承認を埗お実斜した。 盞談䌚前における保護者の子どもの状態の捉えずしお【子どもの発達に生掻する䞊で支障ずなる特性がある】【孊校生掻でやっおいけないかもしれない】【自分の子どもは盞談の察象ではない】、就孊に関する思いずしお【通垞孊玚・地域の孊校ぞの匷い垌望】【子どもに合わせた就孊環境を敎えたい】【生掻力が付く就孊先を遞びたい】のカテゎリが抜出された。就孊埌では子どもの状態の捉えずしお【孊校生掻に適応できおいる】【孊校で適切な行動がずれおいない】、就孊に関する思いずしお【情報共有による孊校生掻ぞの安心【】順調に孊校生掻が送れそうな予感】【就孊先ぞの䞍満】のカテゎリが抜出された。 発達障害の子どもに適した就孊環境を敎えおいくためには、保護者自身が子どもの特性を把握するずずもに、就孊先ぞの申し送りを行う力を付けられるよう支揎しおいくこずが必芁ず考える。This study was performed to clarify parents’ recognition of their child’s conditions of developmental disorder and feelings about school enrollment before attending consultation sessions and after school admission.Consultation support records of 0 parents of children with developmental disorders (including children suspected to be developmentally disabled) who had attended multiple consultation meetings in A city were examined. The parents’ descriptions of their child’s condition and feelings about the child’s school admission were analyzed qualitatively. The analysis was conducted before the consultation session and after school admission. This study was conducted with the approval of the Medical Ethics Committee of Kanazawa University.Before the consultation, the parents’ recognized the following: “The child has developmental characteristics that interfere with quality of life,” “Worried about the child’s school life,” and “Consultations do not pertain to my child.” Their feelings about school enrollment were as follows: “Strong desire for entrance to normal classes/local school,” “Want a suitable school environment for the child,” “Want to choose a school where the child can acquire life skills.” After admission, the parents recognized the following: “The child can adapt to school life” and “The child does not behave appropriately at school.” Their feelings about school enrollment were as follows: “Peace of mind about school life through information sharing,” “Feel that school life will go smoothly,” and “Dissatisfaction with school.”To prepare for enrollment of a child with a developmental disability in a school with a suitable environment, parents must recognize the particular characteristics of their child. It is necessary to support the parents to enable them to describe and inform the school of their child’s condition