35 research outputs found

    Content Analysis of the Concept of Addiction in High School Textbooks of Iran

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    Background: This research sought to determine how well the causes of addiction, addiction harms, and prevention of addiction have been noticed in high school textbooks.Methods: We used descriptive method to select the main related components of the addiction concept and content analysis method for analyzing the content of textbooks. The study population comprised 61 secondary school curriculum textbooks and study sample consisted of 14 secondary school textbooks selected by purposeful sampling method. The tools for collecting data were “content analysis inventory” which its validity was confirmed by educational and social sciences experts and its reliability has been found to be 91%. About 67 components were prepared for content analysis and were divided to 3 categories of causes, harms, and prevention of addiction. The analysis units in this study comprised phrases, topics, examples, course topics, words, poems, images, questions, tables, and exercises.Findings: Results of the study showed that the components of the addiction concept have presented with 212 remarks in the textbooks. Also, the degree of attention given to any of the 3 main components of the addiction concept were presented as follows: causes with 52 (24.52%) remarks, harm with 89 (41.98%) remarks, and prevention with 71 (33.49%) remarks.Conclusion: In high school textbooks, little attention has been paid to the concept of addiction and mostly its biological dimension were addressed while social, personal, familial, and religious dimensions of addiction have been neglected

    Barriers to Hepatitis C Treatment among Women in Methadone Treatment: A Study from Iran, the Most Populous Persian Gulf Country

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    Background: Untreated Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) has been reported among many Iranian female methadone patients. However, few of them report receiving HCV treatment. The present study is the first research from western Asia that explored the barriers to receiving HCV treatment among a group of Iranian female HCV-infected methadone patients.Methods: This qualitative study was conducted in four main methadone treatment clinics in Tehran, Iran, in November 2016. Overall, fifty-six untreated HCV-infected women and eight clinicians from HCV and methadone treatment services were interviewed. Women either had not received HCV treatment or received HCV treatment but left it. Data were analyzed using NVivo software. This was based on the grounded theory of Strauss and Corbin.Findings: Barriers to receiving HCV treatment included factors related to individuals and factors related to the system. Individual factors included the perception that untreated HCV infection was not a serious health concern, family responsibilities, and self-perceived discrimination against HCV-infected women. System-related factors included the lack of referral from methadone treatment staff, and a long distance between HCV treatment centers and methadone treatment centers. Interviews with the health professionals also confirmed the women’ self-reports.Conclusion: The results of this research confirm the necessity of providing HCV education and the delivery of comprehensive care for this group in methadone treatment clinics. Other services such as staff education and HCV treatment services at methadone treatment centers are suggested

    Effectiveness of Emotion Regulation Training on the Reduction of Craving ‎in Drug Abusers

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    Background: Emotion regulation appears to provide individuals with a doubled ability to avoid drug relapse and assists with the control of temptation to reuse, which is a type of tendency-avoidance conflict. The present study aims to investigate the effect of Gross model-based emotion regulation training on the reduction of craving beliefs in drug-addicted people.Methods: The present study was a quasi-experimental design. This was a pre- and post-test design that consisted of control and experimental groups. The study population comprised all addicted individuals who visited addiction treatment clinics in Marivan, Iran. About 30 drug-addicted individuals by the random selection method were chosen. Participants were randomly assigned to either the experimental or control groups. Results were analyzed by univariate covariance analysis.Findings: Gross model-based emotion regulation training reduced signs and beliefs associated with temptation in drug-addicted people (P < 0.001).Conclusion: Considering the present study’s findings, we recommend that addiction treatment centers teach strategies of emotion regulation to drug-addicted people by establishing workshops with the intent to reduce temptation signs

    HIV Programs in Iran (Persia), Iraq and Saudi Arabia: A Brief Review of Current Evidence in West and Southwest Asia

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    Background: In Western and Southwest Asia, literature is not documented on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) programs in Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. The present study is the first brief review that describes HIV programs in these three neighboring countries.Methods: Data regarding the evidence of HIV programs were gathered through a systematic literature searching. English publications were retrieved through searching online scientific databases. Grey literature was also searched online. The review was based on the studies related to the last decade.Findings: Systematic searching resulted in retrieving 21,948 studies but only 21 studies were relevant to the study aim. The review findings indicated that Iran has provided a nationwide sero-surveillance data system and has identified its key populations. Detecting HIV prevalence has been limited to case-finding in Iraq and Saudi Arabia. However, strategic plans for HIV have been provided in the three countries. HIV education, knowledge and support have been provided but still needs consideration in the three countries especially in Iraq. The low coverage of antiretroviral therapy (ART) has remained a critical gap in the provision of comprehensive HIV programs in these three countries. This issue has been followed by the lack of opiate substitution therapies for drug dependents and injecting drug users in Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Condom promotion and voluntary HIV counselling and testing have been provided for at-risk groups in the three countries but need more nationwide coverages. However, needle and syringe programs (NSPs) have been only provided in Iran.Conclusion: The review concluded that the provision of effective HIV programs should address training human resources and infrastructural development. This issue should be facilitated by international collaborations and governmental supports

    Effectiveness of Resilience Training on Ego-control and Hardiness of Illicit Drug Users

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    Background: The aim of this research was to determine the effectiveness of resilience training upon ego-control and hardiness of the addicted persons.Methods: This was a semi-experimental study with pretest and posttest control groups which was conducted in Sari, Iran, during 2014-2015. Thirty persons were selected among 240 illicit drug users who underwent screening. Resilience training was performed in ten sessions for the experimental group. The Kobasa hardiness questionnaire and self-restraint scale (SRS) were used for data collection and multivariate covariance test was performed for data analysis.Findings: According to the data, ego-control and hardiness of participants were improved significantly by resilience training (P < 0.001).Conclusion: Resilience training is effective upon the rate of ego–control and self-restraint and hardiness. This method can be used in addiction treatment clinics and residential centers

    The correlation between strength and range of motion of the neck muscles and opium smoking in Iran

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    ObjectivesOpium smoking is commonly practiced via traditional and novel routes in Iran. Both smoking methods are practiced in a non-ergonomic position. According to previous studies and our hypothesis, it can be potentially harmful to the cervical spine. Thus, the present study aimed to investigate the relationship between opium smoking and neck range of motion and neck muscle strength.MethodsIn this cross-sectional and correlational study, the range of motion and strength of the neck muscles of 120 men with drug use disorder were measured by a CROM goniometer and a hand-held dynamometer. Other data gathering was performed using a demographic questionnaire, the Maudsley Addiction Profile, and the Persian version of Leeds Dependence Questionnaire. The obtained data were analyzed by Shapiro–Wilks test, Pearson’s correlation coefficient and stepwise linear regression.ResultsThere was no significant correlation between the age of drug use onset and range of motion and muscle strength of the neck; however, the daily duration of opium smoking and the number of years of opium smoking were inversely and significantly correlated with the range of motion and muscle strength of the neck in some directions. Daily opium smoking time for decreasing in neck range of motion and total duration of opium smoking for reduction of neck muscles strength are stronger predictor variables.ConclusionOpium smoking by traditional routes causes non-ergonomic positions and has a moderate significant correlation with reduced range of motion and neck muscle strength, in Iran.Highlights– The harm of drug use disorder is not only AIDS and hepatitis, and harm reduction programs should go beyond the prevention of AIDS and hepatitis. According to more than 90% of smoking use of drug compared to other methods (oral and injectable, etc.) musculoskeletal disorders caused by the smoking use of drugs, have a greater cost burden in reducing the quality of life and the need for rehabilitation.– Drug abuse treatment and harm reduction programs should focus more seriously on replacing smoking use of drugs with oral medications assisted treatment.– Although in Iran and some countries in the region, a large number of people smoke opium for many years and sometimes all their lives, daily in a completely non-ergonomic position, but studying the deformation of the posture and musculoskeletal disorders related to the body position in them, is not a scientific concern and neither physical therapy researchers have paid attention to it nor addiction researchers.– Neck muscles strength and range of motion in opium addicts are correlated to the number of years of opium smoking and daily minutes of opium smoking, but not to its oral use.– There is no significant correlation between the onset age of continues and permanent opium smoking and substance dependence severity with neck range of motion and muscles strength.– People with drug use disorder (especially smoking users) as a large group of vulnerable people, should be the target population of musculoskeletal disorders researchers and addiction harm reduction researchers, and more experimental, comparative, cohort, etc. researches should be designed and implemented for them

    Iranian Female Methadone Patients and the Perceived Educational Needs Related to Human Immunodeficiency Virus

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    Background: Iranian female methadone patients are at risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) due to involvement in high-risk sexual behaviours and/or needle sharing. The present study aimed to explore the perceived educational needs related to HIV among a group of Iranian female methadone patients. Methods:The research design was qualitative and the participants were sampled purposively. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 34 women and 19 clinicians in Sari, Mashhad, and Tehran, Iran. Then, qualitative content analysis was implemented. Findings: The emergence of three major themes and six minor themes was revealed. Women expressed a need to increase their knowledge including women-specific pathophysiology and disease progression and the modes of the virus transmission and prevention. Women also expressed a need to enhance their knowledge and skills related to the physical management of the virus including self-care and reproductive health. Other themes included perceived psychosocial needs including removing stigma and access to resources in the community. Conclusion: Women reported a wide range of educational needs from basic knowledge to advanced skills. The findings can be used in designing women-specific educational programs related to HIV in Iran. Larger studies are suggested with gender-mixed samples in the Persian contex

    Injecting and Sexual Networks and Sociodemographic Factors and Dual HIV Risk among People Who Inject Drugs: A Cross-sectional Study in Kermanshah Province, Iran

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    Background: Few studies suggest that social network factors, including size of sexual network may associate with drug-related and sexual high-risk behaviors. The objective of this study is to investigate injecting and sexual networks and sociodemographic factors that might be associated with dual HIV risk (DHR) among people who inject drug (PWID).Methods: The data from a cross-sectional study of 455 PWID that were recruited through peer-referral sampling were used in this study. The data were collected using a structured questionnaire consisted of modules on sociodemographic characteristics, sexual and injection-related risk behaviors during 12 months before the interview. DHR was defined as engaged in both using a syringe previously used by other PWIDs and unprotected sex during last 12 months. Data analysis was performed with descriptive and logistic regression. In final model, we considered variables with P 0.050).Conclusion: DHR was common in PWID in Kermanshah. Having multiple injecting and sexual partners increased the odds of engaging in dual risk behaviors, but regular visit of NSPs can reduce the DHR among PWID

    Brain Stimulation and Methamphetamine in Iran: A Debate in the Most Populous Persian Gulf Country

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    Methamphetamine dependence has been known as a serious health problem in a large proportion of illicit drug users in Iran. Compared with the opium problem, methamphetamine dependence is a new epidemic concern in Iran. The prevalence of methamphetamine dependence is associated with crucial health problems such as poor psychological well-being, social dysfunction, craving, and a higher rate of addiction severity. This issue necessitates professional attention to the rehabilitation of methamphetamine users and treatment of craving. To date, few research studies have been conducted on this health concern. Studies in Iran indicate that methamphetamine craving shows resistance to treatment. While few pharmacological treatments have been found to be effective, motivational interviewing, matrix model and cognitive-behavioral therapy have been all evaluated in Iran to treat methamphetamine craving. However, the treatment effects need to be more long-lasting. Previous studies show that methamphetamine users lapse and relapse for a variety of reasons include “pleasure-seeking”/“impulsivity”/“habits”/“pain avoidance”/“craving”/“bad feelings eliminating such as boredom & loneliness” which have a strong neurological basis in the central nervous system and emotions and decisions that result from them. Thus we should use a range of different modalities to treat and prevent relapse

    Internet Dependence and Sensation Seeking in Youth With Moderate Cerebral Palsy

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    Objectives: The present study examined excessive internet use of youths with moderate Cerebral Palsy (CP) and their psychological states in Sensation Seeking (SS).&nbsp; Methods: This study followed descriptive and correlation research design. Individuals aged 15 to 25 years with CP who were referred to Tehran rehabilitation centers were considered in the study. The study sample (n=150) was randomly divided into two groups of internet dependents (n=75; boys=45 and girls=30) and non-dependents (n=75; boys=45 and girls=30). Internet Addiction Test and Sensation Seeking Scale have been used for data gathering. Data were analyzed by using Pearson correlation coefficients, multivariable regression, x2 and T tests. Results: Compared to non-dependents, the internet dependent group reported significantly more negative internet influences on daily routines such as clinical problems, poor school performance, regular nutrition, and relation with friends and family members. Both the groups pointed that internet use enhanced virtual peer relationships and provided up-to-date information. Internet dependents (both gender) scored significantly higher on disinhibition sensation seeking subscale than the internet non-dependents. However, these two groups (both gender) did not demonstrate significant differences in life experience seeking and thrill and adventure seeking subscales, but their differences were sizable.&nbsp; Discussion: It seems that internet applications direct or indirectly motive users to be online for more hours than necessary. This is true for CP patients given their motor impairment. Based on this research result, it seems that persons with CP because of lack of physical activities, motive by internal stimulus and seeking their sensation from external stimulus like internet application as well as for person with CP surfing in internet world and spent too much time on the internet is leisure time not activity time