8 research outputs found


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    Judging from his writings, Andreas Vesalius must have had dozens of bodies at his disposal, thirteen of which were definitely from before 1543. They came from cemeteries, places of execution or hospitals. Not only did his students help him obtain the bodies, but also public and judicial authorities. At first, he used the corpses for his own learning purposes, and later to teach his students and to write De humani corporis fabrica, his principal work. Clearly he had an eye for comparative anatomy. He observed anatomical variants and studied foetal anatomy. Occasionally, he would dissect a body to study physiological processes, while the post-mortems on the bodies brought in by the families of the deceased gave him an insight into human pathology. Some of his dissection reports have been preserved.Sudeći prema njegovim djelima, Andrija Vezal očito je na raspolaganju imao desetke kadavera, a njih sasvim sigurno trinaest do 1543. godine. Tijela je nabavljao s groblja, iz stratiÅ”ta ili bolnica. U tome su mu pomagali ne samo njegovi studenti, već i javne i sudske vlasti. U početku je kadavere rabio za vlastito učenje, potom i za poučavanje studenata i pripremu svoga glavnog djela O ustroju ljudskoga tijela (De humani corporis fabrica). Iz djela je vidljiva Vezalova sposobnost usporedbe anatomskih oblika. Zanimala ga je i anatomija fetusa. Povremeno je secirao kako bi proučavao fizioloÅ”ke procese, a tijela koja su obitelji donosile na autopsiju davala su mu uvid u patologiju bolesti. Neke od bilježaka sa sekcija ostale su sačuvane


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    Reiner Solenander (1524-1601) was a physician born in the Duchy of Cleves, who got his education at the University of Leuven and at various universities in Italy and in France. Back at home he became the court physician of William V and later of his son John William. In this article his life and works are discussed. A report on the death of Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564), noted down by Solenander in May 1566, one year and seven months after the death of Vesalius, is discussed in detail. Due to the importance of that document a copy of its first publication is given, together with a transcription and a translation as well. It indicates that Vesalius did not die in a shipwreck.Reiner Solenander (1524.ā€“1601.) bio je liječnik rođen u Vojvodstvu Klevea, koji se Å”kolovao na SveučiliÅ”tu u Leuvenu i na različitim sveučiliÅ”tima u Italiji i Francuskoj. Po povratku kući postaje dvorski liječnik Wilhelm V. a kasnije njegov sin Johann Wilhelm. U ovom se članku raspravlja o njegovu život i djelu. Detaljno je raspravljeno izvjeŔće o smrti Andrije Vezala (1514.ā€“1564.), kojega je napisao Solenander u svibnju 1566., godinu i sedam mjeseci nakon smrti Vezala. Zbog važnosti tog dokumenta priređen je faksimil njenog prvog objavljivanja, zajedno s transkriptom i prijevodom. On ukazuje na to da Vezal nije umro u brodolomu


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    A discussion is given of the figure of Johann Bachoven von Echt and his family, and on his work on scurvy. The disease is evaluated as a possible cause of the death of Andreas Vesalius. Echtā€™s relationship with Jan Wier and his connections with Vesalius and Metellus are illustrated. A historical overview of the literature on scurvy is provided highlighting the importance of the work of Echtius and Ronsse for the early knowledge of that disease. A report by Metellus on the circumstances of Vesaliusā€™ death is added

    Ukradeni i izgubljeni primjerci Vezalova djela De humani corporis fabrica

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    Thefts and losses of precious books are not rare. Here we report several incidents concerning vesaliusā€™s Fabrica: the fire of the University Library of Leuven in Belgium, the fate of the collection of the Leopoldina Library of Halle in Germany, the thefts from the Crerar Library in Chicago and in Christ Church College in Oxford, the disappearance of an exceptionally beautiful ā€˜royalā€™ copy from the Castle of Argenteuil (Belgium), and other Fabricaā€™s missing at the Franeker Library in the Netherlands and at the Library of oradea in West Romania. Finally the means of protecting precious book collections are discussed in short as well as the importance of book identification.Krađe i nestali primjerci vrijednih knjiga nisu rijetka pojava. ovaj se članak osvrće na nekoliko događaja vezanih uz vezalovo djelo De humani corporis fabrica: požar u sveučiliÅ”noj knjižnici u Leuvenu u Belgiji, sudbinu zbirke Knjižnice Leopoldina u Halleu u Njemačkoj, krađe iz Knjižnice Crerar u Chicagu te iz Christ Collegea u Oxfordu, nestanak iznimno lijepoga "kraljevskog" primjerka iz dvorca Argenteuil (Belgija) te na ostale primjerke Fabricae nestale iz knjižnica Franeker u Nizozemskoj i oradea u zapadnoj Rumunjskoj. Na kraju se kratko raspravlja o načinima zaÅ”tite zbirki knjiga te o važnosti identifikacije knjiga