14 research outputs found

    Environmental Determinants of Risky Sexual Behaviours among Secondary School Adolescents in Obollo-Afor Education Zone of Enugu State Nigeria

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    The study investigated environmental determinants of risky sexual behaviour among secondary school adolescents in Obollo-Afor Education Zone of Enugu State Nigeria. Three research questions and a hypothesis guided the study. The subject of the study was 150 adolescent secondary school boys and girls. The instrument for the study used in collecting data was questionnaire. Mean score and t-test statistics were used for data analysis. Results showed that what constitutes risky sexual behaviour among adolescents include watching pornographic films and pictures, indulging in sexual acts becauseothers are doing it, having unprotected sexual intercourse, among others. The result also revealed environmental factors such as excessive intake of alcohol, being friendly with those who indulge in risky sexual behaviours and watching bad films. The result also showed that there is no significant difference in the mean scores of male and female students as regards risky sexual behaviour. The implications of the findings were highlighted and recommendations made as well. Keywords: Environmental, Determinants, Risky, Sexual, Behaviours, Adolescent

    Impact of Home Factors On The Developmental Challenges Of Adolescents In Obollo-Afor Education Zone Of Enugu State Nigeria

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    The study sought to find out the impact of various home factors on the developmental challenges of adolescents.   Three research questions guided the study.  The subjects of the study was 1,440 adolescent students consisting 720 males and 720 females drawn from 29,924 adolescent students in the forty-eight secondary schools in Obollo-Afor education zone of Enugu State Nigeria.  The instrument for data collection was questionnaire.  In analyzing the data, mean scores and standard deviation were used for answering the research questions.   Results showed that when parents love and care for their adolescent children, the influence on their developmental challenges is very high.  Also when the family has a social stigma and there is also dichotomy in the home, the influence is insignificant on the developmental challenges of adolescents.  Jealousy among the siblings at home, and unco-operativeness at home has low influence on the developmental challenges of adolescents.  Based on the findings, counselling implications were highlighted and recommendations made. Keywords: Impact, Home Factors, Developmental Challenges, Adolescent

    Relationship Between Sexual Harassment And Psychological Adjustment Of Undergraduates Of Enugu State University Of Science And Technology Enugu Nigeria

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    The study sought to find out the relationship between sexual harassment and psychological adjustment of undergraduates of Enugu State University of Science and Technology Enugu Nigeria. Three research questions and one hypothesis guided the study. The subject of the study was 614 undergraduates composed using a screening instrument adopted from American Association of university women sexual harassment scale 1993. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire developed by the researchers titled sexual harassment and psychological Adjustment questionnaire (SHPAQ). In analyzing the data, both descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Results showed that undergraduates experienced moderate level of sexual harassment with a low level of psychological adjustment. Also, the result showed that sexual harassment relates negatively with psychological adjustment of undergraduates. Based on the findings recommendations were made. Key words: sexual, Harassment, psychological, Adjustment

    Perceived Influence of Sexuality Education N the Personal-Social Development of In-School Adolescents in Owerri Municipality of Imo State, Nigeria

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    The study investigated perceived influence of sexuality education on the personal social development of in school adolescents in Owerri municipality of Nigeria. Through stratified random sampling technique, 800 in school adolescents were drawn from six randomly selected schools in Owerri municipality of Imo State, Nigeria. Questionnaire was used to collect data. Three research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. Mean score and Z-test statistics were used for data analysis. Results showed that sexuality education should be covered in many areas and taught during moral instruction, Biology, integrated science classes and in group counseling. Result also showed that sexuality education equips one with positive attitudes towards relationship and enhances personal-social development of adolescents.  Based on the findings, the implications were highlighted and recommendations made. Keywords: Influence, Sexuality , Personal-Social, Development, Adolescent

    Continuous Assessment Mode of Evaluation in Universal Basic Education Programme: Issues of Teacher Quality in Assessment and Record-Keeping

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    This is a report of a study which investigated the approaches teachers use in carring out  Continuous Assessment evaluation at the primary and upper Basic Education Levels (i.e Primary and Junior Secondary Schools) in Nsukka Education Zone. A documentary research design was adopted in  looking into teachers’ Continuous Assessment booklets. A total of 106 (one hundred and six) primary schools, and 15 (fifteen) junior secondary schools were used. No sample was drawn since the entire population of schools in the respective levels were used in the study. Instrument used for data collection was an Interview Schedule. Results showed, amongst others, that teachers at both levels of the Basic education seriously abuse the CAM of evaluation. At the lower basic level, teachers adopt only two out of 7 common CAM of evaluation recommended by government. At the Upper Basic education, teachers adopt as many as 14 (fourteen) different CAM of evaluation. It was also discovered that each school adopted what ever CAM of evaluation that is pleasing to teachers. These have very low relationships with that recommended by Government. Some recommendations were made based on the findings

    The Use of Ict in Dissemination of Career Information in Secondary Schools in Ogbadigbo Local Government Area of Benue State Nigeria

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    The study sought to find out the use of ICT in dissemination of career information in secondary schools in Ogbadigbo local government area of Benue State, Nigeria. Three research questions and a hypothesis guided the study. Population consisted of all teachers and counselors in Ogbadigbo council area. The sample was 200 teachers and counselors drawn using stratified sampling through simple random sampling technique. Instrument for the study was questionnaire. Mean score and t-test statistics were used for data analysis. Results showed that teachers and counselors have not recognized ICT as a primary source of career information. The result also shows that students are ignorant of the basic skills in operating computer and that many government schools do not have adequate computer laboratories. It was also shown that no significant mean difference existed between teachers and counselors in the awareness of ICT as a source of career information. Implications of the findings were highlighted, limitations pointed out, recommendations and suggestions for further research made also. Keywords: Use, ICT, Dissemination, Career, Informatio

    Challenges in the Teaching of Use of English in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions in a Globalising World

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    Teaching English as a foundation course in our tertiary institutions can be cumbersome and tasking.  The use of English is a main course taught in almost all tertiary institutions in Nigeria.  The use of English refers to the conventional English language programme taught to new entrants in tertiary institutions.  The approach is general and not geared to any specific group of students despite the diversity in their academic pursuit and language needs.  However, the course faces many challenges.  This paper therefore aims to examine these challenges by looking at English and the concept of global language, challenges of globalization, problems faced in teaching the use of English and proffers solutions to these challenges. Key words: Use English, Challenges, Teaching and Globalising

    A Model Application to Assess Resource Use Efficiency for Maize Production in Soils of Northcentral Nigeria: Counseling Implications for Sustainable Land Use Optimization

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    Maize constitutes a major agrarian production setting in Nasarawa State, northcentral Nigeria but the production level is not matching domestic demand. The study assesses scientifically the resource use efficiency of this crop for future production optimization. Data from 2009/2011 maize production yearswere used. Socio-economic (qualitative) data were collected from administered questionnaire on ninety farmers from three communities (Doma, Ayaragu, and Shabu) in Lafia.Data was statistically analyzed usingdescriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. Soil samples were analyzed for lithological similarity of the soils. Result showed that soil properties varied within the locations but were of similar lithology. 72 % respondents constituted active farming age (32-50 years) and about 30 % over 50 years in age.Regression analysis showed that quadratic factorial form was best fitted with R2 = 92.0% and adjusted R2 = 91.4%. Yield increased by 0.17, 0.08 and 78.2 Kgha-1 for every unit of seed, labor and land used. Maximum yield estimate (2.34 tha-1) was obtained based on optimal levels of input. All the inputsshowed decreasing returns to scale, except fertilizer. There is need to reduce the use of variable inputs, which returns are less than the cost so as to increase present level of production profitability by the farmers. The scope of higher production lies in adequate availability of inputs.Educating and training the farming community to adopt innovative technology is important for efficient useand sustainable management of their farm soils and crops. Keyword: Model, Resource Use, Production, Zea mays , Nigeri

    Strategies for Enhancing Healthy Sexual Behaviour among Secondary School Adolescents in Nsukka Education Zone of Enugu State Nigeria

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    The study investigated strategies for enhancing health sexual behaviour among secondary school adolescents in Nsukka Education Zone of Enugu State. Two research questions and a hypothesis guided the study. The subjects of the study was 160 secondary school adolescent students. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire. Mean score and t-test statistics were used for data analysis. Results show that adolescents healthy sexual behaviours would be enhanced through emulating healthy sexual behaviours of parents, not watching pornographic films among others. The result of the study also implicated factors such as increase in the rate of abortions among adolescent girls, increase in the spread of sexual transmitted diseases among others as consequences of adolescents’ unhealthy sexual behaviours. The implications of the findings were highlighted and recommendations equally made. Keywords: Strategies, healthy, sexual behavior, adolescent

    Continuous Assessment Mode of Evaluation in Universal Basic Education Programme: Issues of Teacher Quality in Assessment and Record-Keeping

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    This is a report of a study which investigated the approaches teachers use in carring out  Continuous Assessment evaluation at the primary and upper Basic Education Levels (i.e Primary and Junior Secondary Schools) in Nsukka Education Zone. A documentary research design was adopted in  looking into teachers’ Continuous Assessment booklets. A total of 106 (one hundred and six) primary schools, and 15 (fifteen) junior secondary schools were used. No sample was drawn since the entire population of schools in the respective levels were used in the study. Instrument used for data collection was an Interview Schedule. Results showed, amongst others, that teachers at both levels of the Basic education seriously abuse the CAM of evaluation. At the lower basic level, teachers adopt only two out of 7 common CAM of evaluation recommended by government. At the Upper Basic education, teachers adopt as many as 14 (fourteen) different CAM of evaluation. It was also discovered that each school adopted what ever CAM of evaluation that is pleasing to teachers. These have very low relationships with that recommended by Government. Some recommendations were made based on the findings