78 research outputs found

    Using high-chromium iron as material for production of the equipping components of mine shafts

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    This paper deals with service conditions of shaft equipment, in particular, inserts of sliding bearings for the purpose of increasing service life due to material substitution and wear resistance increase. As a new material high-chromium irons are offered. Studies are conducted on a microstructure and wear resistance of prototypes is measured. Experimental data are treated by methods of mathematical statistics which confirm reliability of results. The results obtained make it possible to suggest using high-chromium irons as the direct material to produce inserts of sliding bearings

    Thermodynamic modeling and analysis of the structure of a heat-resistant alloy of the Fe-Cr-Ni system

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    There has been carried out thermodynamic modeling of phase transformations of the Fe-Cr Ni alloy alloyed with titanium and niobium in order to predict the phase composition and to substantiate the concentration of alloying elements of the experimental alloy for parts of metallurgical equipment. The results of microstructural analysis and phase composition of an experimental heat-resistant alloy are presented

    Thermodynamic modeling and analysis of the structure of a heat-resistant alloy of the Fe-Cr-Ni system

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    There has been carried out thermodynamic modeling of phase transformations of the Fe-Cr Ni alloy alloyed with titanium and niobium in order to predict the phase composition and to substantiate the concentration of alloying elements of the experimental alloy for parts of metallurgical equipment. The results of microstructural analysis and phase composition of an experimental heat-resistant alloy are presented

    Studying the binder effect on the properties of briquettes of ferroalloy production waste

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    The paper shows the results of studies in searching for a binder for briquetting finely dispersed dust (FDD) of ferroalloy production of the Kazakhstan content. The fractional composition and shape of FDD particles were studied. Liquid glass and caustic soda were used as a binder. The research results showed the possibility of using liquid glass as a binder. Experimental briquettes have sufficiently high compressive strength and drop strength, which implies the possibility of their transportation and loading

    Using high-chromium iron as material for production of the equipping components of mine shafts

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    This paper deals with service conditions of shaft equipment, in particular, inserts of sliding bearings for the purpose of increasing service life due to material substitution and wear resistance increase. As a new material high-chromium irons are offered. Studies are conducted on a microstructure and wear resistance of prototypes is measured. Experimental data are treated by methods of mathematical statistics which confirm reliability of results. The results obtained make it possible to suggest using high-chromium irons as the direct material to produce inserts of sliding bearings

    Studying the binder effect on the properties of briquettes of ferroalloy production waste

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    The paper shows the results of studies in searching for a binder for briquetting finely dispersed dust (FDD) of ferroalloy production of the Kazakhstan content. The fractional composition and shape of FDD particles were studied. Liquid glass and caustic soda were used as a binder. The research results showed the possibility of using liquid glass as a binder. Experimental briquettes have sufficiently high compressive strength and drop strength, which implies the possibility of their transportation and loading


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    Aim. One of drought-resistant crops that can provide stable high yields is sorghum, which is salt-tolerant, heat-resistant and a flexible crop of versatile use (green forage, silage, hay, grass meal, grain forage). The research conducted in 2010-2013 included studies on the effectiveness of the methods and norms of sowing the sorghum, required quantities of mineral fertilizers to increase the crop yields and nutritional value of sorghum sown in the irrigated lowland areas of Dagestan. Methods. We conducted three field researches. In experiments with grain sorghum (the middle ripening group Zernogradskiy 88) we studied drill and broad-cast methods of sowing, seeding rate, the calculated doses of mineral fertilizers on programmable levels of crop yields: 6 t/ha (N160P112K70), 7 t/ha (N190P128K80) and 8 t/ha (N220P144K90). Seeding rate was 300, 350 and 400 thousand viable seeds per 1 ha; broadcast was chosen as a sowing method.A field experiment with sweet sorghum included promising hybrid crop Debut, fertilizers N140P80K70, N190P110K95 and N240P140K120 to obtain 60, 70 and 80 t/ha of green mass for two mowings, respectively. Results. The use of fertilizers based on a given level of productivity at optimum plant population can significantly improve the nutritional regime of the soil during the growing season of the sweet sorghum and create optimal conditions for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium security for the crops and thus obtain the planned crop yield. Conclusion. The fodder quality of sweet sorghum varies depending on the nutrient status of the soil and mowing time

    Pregnancyas a cause of varicose veins of the genital organs (Literature review)

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    A review of the literature is presented in which the authors consider the problem of varicose veins (RVV) of the pelvic organs. The first cases of the disease description by domestic and foreign scientists are given. It was found that of 25% of all patients with varicose veins (WB) 2/3 are women and in 75% of cases the pathology develops during pregnancy. According to the literature in the etiology and pathogenesis of ERW of the genitals during pregnancy, there was a mechanical theory of vasodilation, which was that the increasing uterus compresses the veins of the pelvic organs, leading to increased hydrostatic pressure, lower blood flow rate. Other authors believe that this theory does not explain the complex pathogenesis of vascular wall dilation and why, in some cases, the disease appears in the early stages of gestation, when the mechanical effect of the pregnant uterus is not yet expressed? It is believed that an equally important role is played by ovarian occlusion and pelvic vein thrombosis in history. Arteriovenous dysplasia of the deep veins of the lower extremities and compression of the veins by the pelvic organs (pregnant uterus, retro and anteflexio of the uterus, which leads to an in-flection of the uterine ligaments with a further violation of the outflow of venous blood) are also important. The problem is very urgent, since a large part of wom-en with external and internal genital organs often occurs at a young age, is latent, and the doctor does not always associate these processes with pregnancy and childbirth.Представлен обзор литературы, в котором авторы рассматривают проблему варикозного расширения вен (ВРВ) органов малого таза. Приведены первые случаи описания заболевания отечественными и зарубежными учеными. Установлено, что из 25% всех страдающих варикозной болезнью (ВБ) 2/3 составляют женщины и при этом в 75% случаях патология развивается во время беременности. По данным литературы в этиологии и патогенезе ВРВ половых органов во время беременности существовала механическая теория возникновения расширения сосудов, которая заключалась в том, что увеличивающаяся матка сдавливает вены тазовых органов, приводящее к повышению гидростатического давления, снижению скорости кровотока. другие авторы считают, что данная теория не объясняет сложный патогенез дилатации сосудистой стенки и почему в некоторых случаях заболевание появляется в ранних сроках гестации, когда механическое влияние беременной матки еще не выражено? Считается, что не менее важную роль играет окклюзия яичниковых и тромбоз тазовых вен в анамнезе. так же имеет значение артериовенозная дисплазия глубоких вен нижних конечностей и компрессия вен органами малого таза (беременная матка, retro и anteflexio матки, которая приводит к перегибу маточных связок с дальнейшим нарушением оттока венозной крови). Проблема очень актуальна, так как у значительной части женщин ВРВ наружных и внутренних половых органов чаще всего возникает в молодом возрасте, протекает латентно, и врач не всегда связывает эти процессы с беременностью и родами