8 research outputs found

    Rupture du tendon rotulien avec fracture fermée distale du fémur homolatéral

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    Un patient de 45 ans a subi un traumatisme du genou droit à la suite d'un accident de la voie publique occasionnant chez lui une fracture distale supra condylienne comminutive du fémur droit et une rupture du tendon rotulien ipsilatérale. Cette association est exceptionnelle et aucun cas n'a été retrouvé dans la littérature. Un diagnostic précis clinique et radiologique suivi d'une prise en charge précoce et adaptée par une ostéosynthèse interne et une rééducation fonctionnelle précoce et adaptée ont permis d'obtenir de bons résultats à long terme

    Radial diaphysis fracture associated with dislocation of the ipsilateral radial head: A case report

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    Dislocation of the radial head with fracture of the ipsilateral diaphysis is a very rare lesion, few cases have been reported in the literature. We report a case of a 45-year-old patient admitted for management of a fracture of the humeral diaphysis associated with dislocation of the ipsilateral radial head, the mechanism of which was a hyperpronation of the forearm tense that the elbow was hyperflexion. The reduction was open-cast by a proximal anteropteral approach to the forearm. The evolution was favorable on a follow-up of 18 months

    Particularities in the surgical management of a pathological femoral fracture related to type I Gaucher disease

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    Background: Gaucher disease (GD) is a rare condition commonly associated with skeletal symptoms. At the advanced stage, it can lead to aseptic bone necrosis (AVN) and pathological fractures. The medical treatment by enzymatic replacement therapy (ERT) has considerably improved a patient's quality of life, but without being able to avoid bone-related complications. The handling of these patients in terms of orthopedic surgery is quite specific, and very few publications discussed the surgical management of this disorder in the literature. Case report: We are reporting a rare case of a 50-year-old female who presented with a pathologic fracture on a deformed femur with an Ehrlenmeyer flake aspect. She underwent surgical treatment by percutaneous nailing using an MRI-compatible Titanium implant. Conclusion: Through this paper, we are trying to briefly define GD, summarize his bone-related manifestations, and outline the appropriate measures and precautions that should be considered by orthopedic surgeons when dealing with skeletal complications of this rare disease

    Extra bone chondroma of the shoulder: a case study and literature review

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    Extra-osseous chondroma is a benign and rare tumor. It usually sits at the extremities, we report an exceptional case of a chondroma of the soft parts of the shoulder in a 28 year old woman who manifested by a painless swelling of the left shoulder. The histology confirmed the diagnosis on the excision piece. Clinical and radiological follow-up after a 24-month follow-up did not show a sign of recurrence

    Un cas rare de luxation astragalo-scapho-calcanéenne interne

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    Nous rapportons un cas d'un jeune patient ayant présenté à la suite d'un accident de sport une luxation astragalo-scapho-calcanéenne interne où il a bénéficié d'un traitement orthopédique avec un bon résultat clinique et radiologique

    Sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma: rare and serious

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    Sclerosing Epithelioid Fibrosarcoma (SEF) is a rare form of soft tissue sarcoma. It is characterized by a slow evolution, with local recurrences and late metastases that are mainly pulmonary and pleural in about 50% of cases. The treatment is based on the surgery which must be as wide as possible. The efficacy of adjuvant therapy in the control of SEF is not yet demonstrated. Chemotherapy is used in recurrences, some have also proposed radiotherapy. Long-term follow-up of patients with SEF is therefore essential

    Ostéosynthèse des fractures des métacarpiens et des phalanges de la main par mini plaque: à propos de 12 cas

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    Le traitement des fractures instables des métacarpes et des phalanges reste un objet de controverse. Peu de séries ont été rapportées dans la littérature, rendant leur analyse difficile. Nous rapportons une étude rétrospective comportant 12 patients, opérés par cette technique, ayant eu des fractures déplacées des métacarpes ou des phalanges, sur une période de deux ans. Les résultats globaux ont été bons dans 75% des cas, moyenne dans 16,5% des cas et mauvais dans 8,5% des cas. La stabilité du montage par mini plaques des fractures instables des métacarpiens et des phalanges ont permis une mobilisation précoce des articulations de la main, évitant ainsi la raideur.The Pan African Medical Journal 2016;2

    Giant squamous cell carcinomas of the shoulder

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    Giant squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) larger than 5 cm in diameter are uncommon; there is no guideline on the size of an SCC that is considered giant. Treatment may be difficult with the need for large tissue resections and complex surgical reconstruction. We report a rare case of giant squamous cell carcinoma of the shoulder attached to deep anatomic planes. The entire mass was removed, resulting in a large defect that was repaired with myocutaneous flap rotation of the latissimus dorsi. Three courses of radiotherapy were performed after surgery. Fifteen months after the operation, the patient is well and working without any local recurrence and metastasis