18 research outputs found

    The Management of Tourism Crises in Jordan: Amman Hotels' Bombing Case Study.

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    This study seeks to identify the reality of the management of the tourism crisis in Jordan (Amman Hotels' Bombing case study), in order to show the role of the management and how it affects the tourism crisis in Jordan, The researcher has tried to handle numerous points including finding a special concept for a tourism crisis, what a crisis generative environment is, the management of the tourism crisis, and all this by studying the Jordanian management approach during the Hotel bombing in Amman. To clarify and achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher adopted a descriptive analytical approach of what was stated in\ud the most important books and references in both Arab and foreign periodicals and journals, statistics, and some of the official reports relating to the ethics of the research. It is recommended in this study that there is a need to provide training opportunities for all people who have a role in the management of tourism crises especially in the communication sector. This also includes a massive presence of police in the tourism sites, hotels, and indeed in all the tourism areas under the condition of secrecy. It is also suggested that well qualified policemen be provided with modern defensive weapons

    Assessments of Guest Technologies in Five Stars Hotel at Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA)

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    The purpose of this study is to look at the effects of website management, technology level, and innovation on customer satisfaction in five-star hotels in Aqaba, Jordan. Among the 450 surveys distributed to hotel guests, 235 were filled out completely and returned. To investigate the connections between the variables, an (Smart PLS 4) analysis was used. Website management was shown to have a positive and statistically significant link (T = 2.909, p = 0.004) with customer satisfaction. There was a significant positive link between the hotel technology level and customer happiness (T = 10.160, p 0.001). The research found a statistically significant positive link between innovation and consumer happiness (T = 2.160, p = 0.031). In terms of the moderating effects of innovation, the research discovered that innovation did not substantially modify the link between website management and customer satisfaction (T = 0.636, p = 0.525). The research revealed a substantial moderating effect (T = 2.822, p = 0.005), however innovation was shown to reduce the influence of technology level on consumer satisfaction. In light of these results, it is suggested that the management of five-star hotels in Aqaba place a greater emphasis on better website management techniques and the enhancement of technical services. Furthermore, encouraging innovation should be approached cautiously due to the lack of data on the impact it has on the link between technology and consumer happiness. The findings of this study provide Aqaba hotel managers with useful information for improving guests experiences, which should result in happier visitors who are more likely to return and spread the good news about their stay

    The State of Academic Research Advancement in Hospitality: A 5- Year Review From 2018 To 2022 of the Jordanian Universities

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    Scientific research in the field of hospitality occupies a distinguished position in various research aspects, as it constitutes an important proportion of scientific research related to management, especially business administration, as well as an important aspect of practical research related to social and human sciences. For this reason, this study is presented to track the development of scientific research in the field of hospitality in Jordan and the aspects it touched upon. A comprehensive systematic review approach of five years of hospitality-published research on google scholar was carried out by tracking the official website of scholars in Jordanian universities. A total of 73 hospitality-related articles on Google Scholar by Jordanian scholars at public universities over the past five years were collected and analyzed for this review. The results showed that there is an abundance of research products for the year 2021, that researchers at the University of Jordan are the most scientifically productive in hospitality research, and that most of the research interests were related to human resource management in the field of hospitality. This study provides an important theoretical contribution to guide future researchers to future issues of interest to the hospitality sector in Jordan that were not addressed by the researchers

    Towards Sustainable Documentation of Geographical Names of Touristic and Heritage Sites in Occupied Jerusalem Using Geographical Information System (GIS)

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    Geographical Information System (GIS) is an important tool in documenting and managing archaeological and heritage sites in the city of Jerusalem in order to benefit from its high capabilities in monitoring, documentation, analysis, presentation and other capabilities required by the documentation of archaeological and heritage sites in Jerusalem with their Arabic names, which deal with large amounts of spatial and descriptive data, also to maximize the use of spatial data collected on archaeological and heritage sites in Jerusalem, and the conversion of geographical databases electronically, which allows more than one user or management access to data and modifying it simultaneously, which saves a lot of time, effort and cost in medium to long term, giving later a wide horizon for disseminating data and designing practical applications, and contributing to the electronic and comprehensive documentation processes of archaeological and heritage sites in the city of Jerusalem in a sustainable manner. The study has concluded that it is important to adopt modern technology systems in documenting Arabic names of heritage sites in order to preserve these names for future generations and to resist the Judaization and preservation of these names over time. Moreover, this study recommended to adopt the proposed documentation system and to expand the processes of building electronic databases to Jerusalem and other Palestinian cities in order to sustainably protect it based on scientific foundations that contribute in providing the electronic database. Keywords: Geographic Information System (GIS), Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS), Logical Model, Physical Model, (RS) Remote Sensing), occupied Jerusalem.

    Supply Chain Management and Organizational Performance: The Moderating Effect of Supply Chain Complexity

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    This study investigates the relationship between various factors in supply chain management (customer relationship, level of information, sharing postponement, sharing quality of information, and strategic supplier partnership) and their impact on organizational performance. This research relies on primary data collected through the use of questionnaires. The research will concentrate on Jordans tourist industry. Only 261 were approved and examined using SmartPLS.The results of the study indicate that sharing postponement, sharing quality of information, and strategic supplier partnership have a strong positive impact on organizational performance. However, the relationship between customer relationship and organizational performance is not statistically significant. The relationship between level of information and organizational performance is statistically significant. These findings suggest that organizations can improve their performance by implementing strategies to manage and optimize these factors in their supply chain. This study also evidenced that Supply Chain Complexity as moderator helps increase organiizational performance by interacting with Strategic Supplier Partnership, Level of Information, Sharing Quality of Information, Sharing Postponement. However, it should be noted that there is some inconsistency in the results compared to previous studies, and the relationship between these factors and organizational performance is still not fully understood. This highlights the need for further research in this area to gain a better understanding of how these factors impact organizational performance

    Evaluation of the Contents of the Five Stars Hotel Website and Customer Orientation

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    The objectives of this study are multifold: to investigate the functionality of hotel websites through a content review and to gauge customer perceptions of the value of hotel website design. To conduct the study, hotel websites were combed for numerical and visual information. Providers of information are evaluated based on their unique and comprehensive expertise measurements. The research is based on two key components: a report on all 37 five-star hotels in Jordan that analyzes their website layout in terms of population, and a survey of 100 hotel guests to ascertain how they interpret hotel websites. This proposed study is the first of its kind, with the objective of establishing a methodology for evaluating all hotel measurements provided by hotel websites. The following are the findings: When the independent variable (marketing orientation) has a value of T = 7.519, the coefficient of simple linear regression has statistical significance (Customer Orientation). The fact that Aqaba Zone Advertising and Customer Oriented Classified Hotels have a statistically significant effect on their categorization is acknowledged, as Aqaba Zone Advertising and Customer Oriented Classified Hotels have a significant effect on the coefficient of simple linear regression equation (0.605). As a result, hotel management may employ a specific predictive evaluation model to analyze their hotels websites from two perspectives: that of the management team and that of the consumers. For the first time, this analysis brings together claims from both perspectives (hotel managers and clients)

    La relación entre la calidad del servicio, la satisfacción del cliente, el valor percibido y la fidelidad del cliente: un estudio de caso de Fly Emirates

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    Client loyalty is one of the biggest challenges for the airline industry and marketers are seeking information on how to build client loyalty. This study will explore the relationship between service quality, client satisfaction, perceived value and client loyalty in the airline industry. The purpose of this study is to develop and implement a method for airline to identify attributes that will increase client loyalty. 384 respondents participate in this study and questionnaires were distributed randomly to passengers traveling by Emirates. In particularly a deductive approach adapted to collect specific quantitative information to accept or reject the hypothesis. Current study applies Structural Equation Modeling SEM-PLS to investigate the relationship among the constructs in proposed model. This study found that service quality has appositive relationship on passengers’ satisfaction and client loyalty and negative relationship on perceived value and client loyalty. The results of this study indicated that service quality and passenger's satisfaction are important factors effect of client loyalty. In conclusion Emirates must be able to understand the importance of service quality and passenger's satisfaction to fulfill the client loyalty and improve the service quality that make most significant in airline industry.La lealtad del cliente es uno de los mayores desafíos para la industria de las aerolíneas. Por eso, los profesionales de marketing están buscando información sobre cómo desarrollar la lealtad del cliente. Este estudio explorará la relación entre la calidad del servicio, la satisfacción del cliente, el valor percibido y la lealtad del cliente en la industria aérea. El propósito de este estudio es desarrollar e implementar un método para que la aerolínea identifique atributos que aumentarán la lealtad del cliente. Unos 384 encuestados participan en este estudio y los cuestionarios se distribuyeron al azar entre los pasajeros que viajaban en Fly Emirates. En particular, un enfoque deductivo adaptado para recopilar información cuantitativa específica para aceptar o rechazar la hipótesis. El estudio actual aplica el modelo de ecuación estructural SEM-PLS para investigar la relación entre los constructos en el modelo propuesto. Este estudio encontró que la calidad del servicio tiene una relación positiva en la satisfacción de los pasajeros y la lealtad del cliente. Por otro lado tiene una relación negativa en el valor percibido y la lealtad del cliente. Los resultados de este estudio indicaron que la calidad del servicio y la satisfacción del pasajero son factores importantes que afectan a la lealtad del cliente. En conclusión, Fly Emirates debe ser capaz de comprender la importancia de la calidad del servicio y la satisfacción del pasajero para cumplir con la lealtad del cliente y mejorar la calidad del servicio que es más importante en la industria de las aerolíneas

    The Impact of Job Stability, Work Environment, Administration, Salary and Incentives, Functional Justice, and Employee Expectation on the Security Staff’s Desire to Continue Working at the Hotel

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    Hotels guests and employees have acquired a huge number of studies and research, while the security department staff, who are responsible for the hotels security and customers, did not get the researchers attention. Therefore, the study is conducted to highlight an important section in the hospitality industry that has been neglected. The quantitative approach was utilized to explore the impact of Job Stability, Work Environment, Hotel Administration, Salary and Incentives, Functional Justice, and Employee Expectation on the security staff’s Desire to Continue Working at the hotel. An online questionnaire is designed and sent to the directors of the security department of the hotels. Results revealed that Hotel Administration, Functional Justice, and Employee Expectations impact their desire to continue working at the hotel. The study has contributed theoretically to fill this gap in the literature caused by the scarcity of studies that targeted the work health of the security department staff. The study also contains many practical aspects that help hotel management pay great attention to the hotel security department

    The Impact of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Non-Financial Perspectives on the Financial Performance of Private Universities

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    There are numerous attributed performance measures and investments to Balanced Scorecard (BSC) but empirical research and literature still lacks sufficient evidence of the effectiveness and improvement of organizational financial performance with respect to its multiple perspectives. BSC model perspectives are four in number, namely learning and growth, internal process, customers and financial perspective. In this paper, the impact of non-financial BSC perspectives on the financial performance of Private Universities (PUs) in Yemen is empirically examined. The study used Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) on data culled from 136 faculties, to determine the impact of three non-financial BSC perspectives on the financial performance of the institutions. The results showed that there were statistically significant positive correlations between Customer Perspective, Internal Process, and Learning and Growth, and Financial Performance. There was a positive correlation between an increase of 0.221 in Customer Perspective and a 2.341 rise in financial efficiency. In similar vein, a 3.827 improvement in Financial Performance was the consequence of a 0.346 improvement in Internal Process, while a 2.028 improvement in Financial Performance was the outcome of a 0.198 improvement in Learning and Growth

    Impact of E-Government Applications on Reducing Administrative Burden in Delivering Public Service

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    The aims of this study is to look into the impact of e-government on reducing administrative burden in providing public services to citizens in the Department of Lands and Survey. The descriptive analytical research method was selected to attain the research objectives due of its utility in conducting social, business, and humanitarian studies. Employees from various employment positions made up the study sample, which included (600) male and female employees. Data was gathered from secondary sources by referring to prior studies, while primary data was gathered by using a questionnaire. The findings revealed that e-government applications have a significant role in improving the delivery of public services to citizens who visit the Department of Land and Survey, including (valid, reliable, transparent and fast public service delivery). It is recommended that the Department of Lands and Survey work continuously to update the e-government applications to keep up with changes in the business environment in providing public services, as well as provide training courses to employees to keep them informed of advancements in e-government applications. It is also recommended to give employees autonomy and the ability to participate in policymaking and decision making in order to lessen administrative hassles they face while doing their duties