63 research outputs found

    The origin of galaxy scaling laws in LCDM

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    It has long been recognized that tight relations link the mass, size, and characteristic velocity of galaxies. These scaling laws reflect the way in which baryons populate, cool, and settle at the center of their host dark matter halos; the angular momentum they retain in the assembly process; as well as the radial distribution and mass scalings of the dark matter halos. There has been steady progress in our understanding of these processes in recent years, mainly as sophisticated N-body and hydrodynamical simulation techniques have enabled the numerical realization of galaxy models of ever increasing complexity, realism, and appeal. These simulations have now clarified the origin of these galaxy scaling laws in a universe dominated by cold dark matter: these relations arise from the tight (but highly non-linear) relations between (i) galaxy mass and halo mass, (ii) galaxy size and halo characteristic radius; and (iii) from the self-similar mass nature of cold dark matter halo mass profiles. The excellent agreement between simulated and observed galaxy scaling laws is a resounding success for the LCDM cosmogony on the highly non-linear scales of individual galaxies.Comment: Contribution to the Proceedings of the Simons Conference "Illuminating Dark Matter", held in Kruen, Germany, in May 2018, eds. R. Essig, K. Zurek, J. Fen

    How does one become spiritual? The Spiritual Modeling Inventory of Life Environments (SMILE)

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    We report psychometric properties, correlates and underlying theory of the Spiritual Modeling Index of Life Environments (SMILE), a measure of perceptions of spiritual models, defined as everyday and prominent people who have functioned for respondents as exemplars of spiritual qualities, such as compassion, self-control, or faith. Demographic, spiritual, and personality correlates were examined in an ethnically diverse sample of college students from California, Connecticut, and Tennessee (N=1010). A summary measure of model influence was constructed from perceived models within family, school, religious organization, and among prominent individuals from both tradition and media. The SMILE, based on concepts from Bandura\u27s (1986) Social Cognitive Theory, was well-received by respondents. The summary measure demonstrated good 7-week test/retest reliability (r=.83); patterns of correlation supporting convergent, divergent, and criterion-related validity; demographic differences in expected directions; and substantial individual heterogeneity. Implications are discussed for further research and for pastoral, educational, and health-focused interventions

    The edge of the Galaxy

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    We use cosmological simulations of isolated MilkyWay (MW)-mass galaxies, as well as Local Group (LG) analogues, to define the 'edge'- A caustic manifested in a drop in density or radial velocity-of Galactic-sized haloes, both in dark matter and in stars. In the dark matter, we typically identify two caustics: The outermost caustic located at ∌1.4r200m, corresponding to the 'splashback' radius, and a second caustic located at ∌0.6r200m, which likely corresponds to the edge of the virialized material that has completed at least two pericentric passages. The splashback radius is ill defined in LG-type environments where the haloes of the two galaxies overlap. However, the second caustic is less affected by the presence of a companion, and is a more useful definition for the boundary of the MWhalo. Curiously, the stellar distribution also has a clearly defined caustic, which, in most cases, coincides with the second caustic of the darkmatter. This can be identified in both radial density and radial velocity profiles, and should be measurable in future observational programmes. Finally, we show that the second caustic can also be identified in the phase-space distribution of dwarf galaxies in the LG. Using the current dwarf galaxy population, we predict the edge of the MW halo to be 292 ± 61 kpc

    The APOSTLE simulations: solutions to the Local Group's cosmic puzzles

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    The Local Group of galaxies offer some of the most discriminating tests of models of cosmic structure formation. For example, observations of the Milky Way (MW) and Andromeda satellite populations appear to be in disagreement with N-body simulations of the "Lambda Cold Dark Matter" ({\Lambda}CDM) model: there are far fewer satellite galaxies than substructures in cold dark matter halos (the "missing satellites" problem); dwarf galaxies seem to avoid the most massive substructures (the "too-big-to-fail" problem); and the brightest satellites appear to orbit their host galaxies on a thin plane (the "planes of satellites" problem). Here we present results from APOSTLE (A Project Of Simulating The Local Environment), a suite of cosmological hydrodynamic simulations of twelve volumes selected to match the kinematics of the Local Group (LG) members. Applying the Eagle code to the LG environment, we find that our simulations match the observed abundance of LG galaxies, including the satellite galaxies of the MW and Andromeda. Due to changes to the structure of halos and the evolution in the LG environment, the simulations reproduce the observed relation between stellar mass and velocity dispersion of individual dwarf spheroidal galaxies without necessitating the formation of cores in their dark matter profiles. Satellite systems form with a range of spatial anisotropies, including one similar to that of the MW, confirming that such a configuration is not unexpected in {\Lambda}CDM. Finally, based on the observed velocity dispersion, size, and stellar mass, we provide new estimates of the maximum circular velocity for the halos of nine MW dwarf spheroidals

    The star formation histories of dwarf galaxies in Local Group cosmological simulations

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    We use the APOSTLE and Auriga cosmological simulations to study the star formation histories (SFHs) of field and satellite dwarf galaxies. Despite sizeable galaxy-to-galaxy scatter, the SFHs of APOSTLE and Auriga dwarfs exhibit robust average trends with galaxy stellar mass: faint field dwarfs (105 < Mstar/M☉ < 106) have, on average, steadily declining SFHs, whereas brighter dwarfs (107 < Mstar/M☉ < 109) show the opposite trend. Intermediate-mass dwarfs have roughly constant SFHs. Satellites exhibit similar average trends, but with substantially suppressed star formation in the most recent ∌5 Gyr, likely as a result of gas loss due to tidal and ram-pressure stripping after entering the haloes of their primaries. These simple mass and environmental trends are in good agreement with the derived SFHs of Local Group (LG) dwarfs whose photometry reaches the oldest main-sequence turn-off. SFHs of galaxies with less deep data show deviations from these trends, but this may be explained, at least in part, by the large galaxy-to-galaxy scatter, the limited sample size, and the large uncertainties of the inferred SFHs. Confirming the predicted mass and environmental trends will require deeper photometric data than currently available, especially for isolated dwarfs

    Velocity-dependent J-factors for annihilation radiation from cosmological simulations

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    We determine the dark matter pair-wise relative velocity distribution in a set of Milky Way-like halos in the Auriga and APOSTLE simulations. Focusing on the smooth halo component, the relative velocity distribution is well-described by a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution over nearly all radii in the halo. We explore the implications for velocity-dependent dark matter annihilation, focusing on four models which scale as different powers of the relative velocity: Sommerfeld, s-wave, p-wave, and d-wave models. We show that the J-factors scale as the moments of the relative velocity distribution, and that the halo-to-halo scatter is largest for d-wave, and smallest for Sommerfeld models. The J-factor is strongly correlated with the dark matter density in the halo, and is very weakly correlated with the velocity dispersion. This implies that if the dark matter density in the Milky Way can be robustly determined, one can accurately predict the dark matter annihilation signal, without the need to identify the dark matter velocity distribution in the Galaxy

    The milky way total mass profile as inferred from Gaia DR2

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    We determine the Milky Way (MW) mass profile inferred from fitting physically motivated models to the Gaia DR2 Galactic rotation curve and other data. Using various hydrodynamical simulations of MW-mass haloes, we show that the presence of baryons induces a contraction of the dark matter (DM) distribution in the inner regions, r ∌ 20 kpc. We provide an analytic expression that relates the baryonic distribution to the change in the DM halo profile. For our galaxy, the contraction increases the enclosedDMhalomass by factors of roughly 1.3, 2, and 4 at radial distances of 20, 8, and 1 kpc, respectively compared to an uncontracted halo. Ignoring this contraction results in systematic biases in the inferred halo mass and concentration. We provide a best-fitting contracted NFW halo model to the MW rotation curve that matches the data very well.1 The best-fit has a DM halo mass, MDM 200 = 0.97+0.24 -0.19 × 1012M⊙, and concentration before baryon contraction of 9.4+1.9 -2.6, which lie close to the median halo mass- concentration relation predicted in λCDM. The inferred total mass, Mtotal 200 = 1.08+0.20 -0.14 × 1012M⊙, is in good agreement with recent measurements. The model gives an MW stellar mass of 5.04+0.43 -0.52 × 1010M⊙ and infers that the DM density at the Solar position is pDM ⊙ = 8.8+0.5 -0.5 × 10-3M⊙ pc-3 0.33+0.02 -0.02 GeV cm-3. The rotation curve data can also be fitted with an uncontracted NFW halo model, but with very different DM and stellar parameters. The observations prefer the physically motivated contracted NFW halo, but the measurement uncertainties are too large to rule out the uncontracted NFW halo

    Subhalo destruction in the Apostle and Auriga simulations

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    N-body simulations make unambiguous predictions for the abundance of substructures within dark matter haloes. However, the inclusion of baryons in the simulations changes the picture because processes associated with the presence of a large galaxy in the halo can destroy subhaloes and substantially alter the mass function and velocity distribution of subhaloes. We compare the effect of galaxy formation on subhalo populations in two state-of-the-art sets of hydrodynamical ∧cold dark matter (∧CDM) simulations of Milky Way mass haloes, APOSTLE and AURIGA. We introduce a new method for tracking the orbits of subhaloes between simulation snapshots that gives accurate results down to a few kiloparsecs from the centre of the halo. Relative to a dark matter-only simulation, the abundance of subhaloes in APOSTLE is reduced by 50 per cent near the centre and by 10 per cent within r200. InAURIGA, the corresponding numbers are 80 per cent and 40 per cent. The velocity distributions of subhaloes are also affected by the presence of the galaxy, much more so in AURIGA than in APOSTLE. The differences on subhalo properties in the two simulations can be traced back to the mass of the central galaxies, which in AURIGA are typically twice as massive as those in APOSTLE. We show that some of the results from previous studies are inaccurate due to systematic errors in the modelling of subhalo orbits near the centre of haloes

    Large Impacts, Past and Future, of Ozone-Depleting Substances on Brewer-Dobson Circulation Trends: A Multimodel Assessment

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    Substantial increases in the atmospheric concentration of well‐mixed greenhouse gases (notably CO2), such as those projected to occur by the end of the 21st century under large radiative forcing scenarios, have long been known to cause an acceleration of the Brewer‐Dobson circulation (BDC) in climate models. More recently, however, several single‐model studies have proposed that ozone‐depleting substances might also be important drivers of BDC trends. As these studies were conducted with different forcings over different periods, it is difficult to combine them to obtain a robust quantitative picture of the relative importance of ozone‐depleting substances as drivers of BDC trends. To this end, we here analyze—over identical past and future periods—the output from 20 similarly forced models, gathered from two recent chemistry‐climate modeling intercomparison projects. Our multimodel analysis reveals that ozone‐depleting substances are responsible for more than half of the modeled BDC trends in the two decades 1980–2000. We also find that, as a consequence of the Montreal Protocol, decreasing concentrations of ozone‐depleting substances in coming decades will strongly decelerate the BDC until the year 2080, reducing the age‐of‐air trends by more than half, and will thus substantially mitigate the impact of increasing CO2. As ozone‐depleting substances impact BDC trends, primarily, via the depletion/recovery of stratospheric ozone over the South Pole, they impart seasonal and hemispheric asymmetries to the trends which may offer opportunities for detection in coming decades

    No cores in dark matter-dominated dwarf galaxies with bursty star formation histories

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    Measurements of the rotation curves of dwarf galaxies are often interpreted as requiring a constant density core at the centre, at odds with the 'cuspy' inner profiles predicted by N-body simulations of cold dark matter (CDM) haloes. It has been suggested that this conflict could be resolved by fluctuations in the inner gravitational potential caused by the periodic removal of gas following bursts of star formation. Earlier work has suggested that core formation requires a bursty and extended star formation history (SFH). Here we investigate the structure of CDM haloes of dwarf galaxies (MDM ~ 109-5 × 1010M⊙) formed in the APOSTLE ('A Project of Simulating the Local Environment') and AURIGA cosmological hydrodynamic simulations.Our simulations have comparable or better resolution than others that make cores (Mgas ~ 104M⊙, gravitational softening ~150 pc). Yet, we do not find evidence of core formation at any mass or any correlation between the inner slope of the DM density profile and temporal variations in the SFH. APOSTLE and AURIGA dwarfs display a similar diversity in their cumulative SFHs to available data for Local Group dwarfs. Dwarfs in both simulations are DM-dominated on all resolved scales at all times, likely limiting the ability of gas outflows to alter significantly the central density profiles of their haloes. We conclude that recurrent bursts of star formation are not sufficient to cause the formation of cores, and that other conditions must also be met for baryons to be able to modify the central DM cusp
