9 research outputs found

    Web Presence and Impact Analysis of Achebe's Literary Books

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    Generally the web has been seen by the users as rich source with great potential to provide information about the wider impact of academic research, beyond traditional scholarly impact but report capability and network link strength have not been explored in the area of literary discipline. Literary books written by Achebe Chinua in the last decades were systematically sourced from AltaVista search engine data archive using Webometrics Analyst Software to report the web impact. Precision level search after spam filtering of Web pages accounts for match of 67%. Google time series analysis helped to determine the pattern of presence of Achebe literary books and web quest with the Pearson moment correlation technique to establish relationship. Evaluation of social network facilities and geographical/regional awareness of Achebe literary is used to establish the discussion and level of mentioning strength of Achebe and the literary book.  The study concludes that Achebe literary book has seen much of web presence and impact with high significant relationship between Achebe quest and the literary world. Key words: Time Series, Trends, Literary, Achebe, Social Network, Correlation, hit

    External Reserves Management and Economic Development in Nigeria (1980-2008)

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    External reserves which are variously called International Reserves, Foreign Reserve or Foreign Exchange Reserves. In recent years, issues related to the management of external reserves have gained prominence, and reserves management practices have evolved rapidly. Effective management of foreign exchange reserves is one of the major macroeconomic objectives of countries like Nigeria. This is against the background of rapid rise and accumulated challenges currently facing many emerging economics, especially oil producing countries (CBN 2007). This paper examined the management of external reserves and economic development in Nigeria between1980-2008.The empirical result of the data analysis revealed that there is statistical significant relationship in the management of Nigerian external reserves. Hence, the need for an effective and efficient management of Nigeria's external reserves is imperative and recommended that reserve management should seek to ensure that adequate reserves are available such that risks are controlled in a prudent manner and reasonable earnings are generated over the medium to long term on the funds invested. Keywords: External Reserves, Management, relationship, CBN, Macroeconomic variable

    The Trend Analysis of the Level of Fin-Metrics and E-Stat Tools for Research Data Analysis in the Digital Immigrant Age

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    The current trend in the information technology age has taken over every spare of human discipline ranging from communication, business, governance, defense to education world as the survival of these sectors depend largely on the research outputs for innovation and development. This study evaluated the trend of the usage of fin-metrics and e-stat tools application among the researchers in their research outputs- digital data presentation and analysis in the various journal outlets. The data used for the study were sourced primarily from the sample of 1720 out of 3823 empirical on and off line journals from various science and social sciences fields. Statistical analysis was conducted to evaluate the consistency of use of the digital tools in the methodology of the research outputs. Model for measuring the chance of acceptance and originality of the research was established. The Cockhran test and Bartlet Statistic revealed that there were significant relationship among the research from the Polytechnic, University and other institution in Nigeria and beyond. It also showed that most researchers still appeal to manual rather than digital which hampered the input internationally and found to be peculiar among lecturers in the system that have not yet appreciate IT penetration in Learning. It therefore recommended that training and workshop should be conducted within and outside the countries academic world to improve the analytical strength and applications of the tools to enhance research credibility, accuracy, acceptability, usability and currency of research objectives and purposes which are significant to the individual and society in general. Keywords: e-Stat, Fin-matrics, trend, digital, Journals, I

    Link Network Search Analysis of Literary Books: The Achebe's

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    Measures of impact of academic research has considerable attention in the cyber metrics world today that it application becomes very relevant in the evaluation of connectivity of books in the field of literary discipline. This paper considered seven  literary books- Things fall apart; No Longer At Ease, Arrow of God; Man of the People; Anthills’ of the Savannah; The Trouble with Nigeria and There Was a Country  connectivity on the web links using Web Analyst and Pajek Software to draw the network links diagrams based on adaptation of Kamada-Kawai Algorithms and Frutchmann-Reign Gold. The finding confirmed that Achebe literary books have seen much impact and connectivity over the years. Key words: Graphs-F-R, K-K, Networks, Literary, Achebe, Connectivity, Paje

    Statistical Modeling of Patronage of Commercial Motorcycle Transport Services and Factor Specifics: An Emerging Intra-Urban Study Auchi, Nigeria.

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    It is generally believe and unarguably understandable that economic, political, social and cultural reasons compel people to move from place to place in order to seek the benefits and other reasons capable of improving life, education/exposure and transaction. Thus, transportation is a derived demand. This paper critically study the factor specifics responsible for patronage of commercial motorcycle transport service with a view to devising empirical model that may establish relationship between patronage and identified factor specific such as social-economic, choice and reason for patronage. Structured questionnaires were administered based on stratified and random samplings. Standardized likert scale was used to mine the data for the study. The analysis was carried out electronically using statistical software Gretl 2.8. The model indicated direct relationship between the level of patronage and choice of motorcycle operators by patron but have inverse relationship among socioeconomic, reason and level of patronage of commercial motorcycle transport services. It showed that a relative change in the reasons for not patronizing motorcycle, factor determining choice of motorcycle operators by patron and social economic characteristics of patrons will result in 154.7% decrease, 44.8% increase and 105.7% decrease in the level of patronage of commercial motorcycle transport services in Auchi intra-urban in Nigeria. Keywords: Gretl, Okada, Statistical Modeling, Patrons, Auchi, Motorcycle Service

    Mathematical Modeling of River Blindness Disease with Demography Using Euler Method

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    The study focused on the mathematical modelling of river blindness (Onchocerciasis) infectious disease using SIR model with demography and Euler method as the analytical procedure in Excel programming. Onchocerciasis is discussed, assumptions are made and basic deterministic features are studied. The interaction between the susceptibility and infection decline drastically to 0.01%, in the 90 days simulated diseases about 52% of the population are susceptible to the disease and 50% on average infection rate is recorded within the 14 dyas before the infection starts decreasing from 55% and dies out. The recovery rate is 0.37(37%) and seemingly constant. Keywords: Euler method, Simulation, Infectious disease, SIR, Demograph

    Long Run Relationship between Private Investment and Monetary Policy in Nigeria

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    The paper investigated the relationship between financial sector development and economic growth in Nigeria for the period 1980-2009. Functional monetary policy measure was used to empirically determine the long run relationship of private investment and economic growth in Nigeria. Appling Vector Auto-Regression Model technique to test the stationary series of variables and the result showed that money supply  has a negative but  GDP and Others have positive significant impact on private investment in Nigeria in the short run but the variables became statistically significant in the long run. This implies that the monetary policy in Nigeria has positively affected the growth of private investment in the Nigeria economy. Key Words: Private Investment, Monetary Policy, Co-Integration, Vector Auto-Regression, Granger, Johansen Test

    Co-integration Analysis of Foreign Direct Investment Inflow and Development in Nigeria

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    The paper aimed at evaluating the co-integration analysis inflows of FDI from Ghana and South Africa tothe growth of the Nigerian economy. Data are derived from UNCTAD (2008), the African DevelopmentBank (2008) and the 2008 World Development Indicators of the World Bank (2008), and span from 1979to 2007of the Sub-sahara Africa Region. We build vector Auto-regression models and compute bounds Fstatisticsto test for the absence of a long-run relationship between foreign direct investment and growth.We also construct vector autoregressive models and compute modified Wald statistics to test for the noncausalitybetween FDI and economic growth. Granger test revealed that NGDP causes SAFDI and bothSAFDI and GFDI granger cause which implied long run relationship between FDI inflows anddevelopment in Nigeria.Keywords: Johnsen test, VAR, Jargue-Bera, Ramsey test, FDI, GDP

    Statistical Analysis as a Tool in the Assessment of Detergents Produced from Seed Oils

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    Detergents are materials whose solutions aid in the removal of dirt or other foreign matter from contaminated surfaces. Until the 1940s, soap was the only important detergents. Today, soap is but one of a great many detergent products. The primary ingredient used in detergent manufacture is often called surface active agent or surfactant because it acts upon a surface. Detergents were produced from neat, benzene-modified and esterified seed oils; their properties were compared with those of OMO using statistical analysis (ANOVA). The analyses showed that: rubber seed oil is better than cherry seed oil in the production of detergent, esterification of the oil improved the detergent action and unmodified rubber and cherry seed oils produced soap and not detergent. Keywords: Detergents, soap, statistical analysis, ANOVA, seed oil, and esterificatio