3 research outputs found
Lluitar contra els virus a les granges seguint la seva evolució filogenètica
La irrupció de l'anàlisi genètica com a mètode de diagnosi de malalties ha suposat un avenç important del que la indústria ramadera s'està beneficiant. L'estudi de les seqüències de nucleòtids dels virus permet fer reconstruccions filogenètiques que permetran deduir característiques d'aquests agents patògens, podent seguir l'evolució del virus i traçar l'origen d'un brot. Aquests tipus d'estudis permetran, en un futur, controlar amb èxit les malalties a les granjes.La irrupción del análisis genético como método de diagnóstico de enfermedades ha supuesto un avance importante, algo de lo que la industria ganadera se está beneficiando. El estudio de las secuencias de nucleótidos de los virus permite hacer reconstrucciones filogenéticas que permitirán deducir características de estos agentes patógenos, pudiendo seguir la evolución del virus y trazar el origen de un brote. Este tipo de estudio permitirán, en un futuro, controlar exitosamente las enfermedades a las granjas
Identification of interleukin-27 (IL-27)/IL-27 receptor subunit alpha as a critical immune axis for in vivo hiv control
Intact and broad immune cell effector functions and specific individual cytokines have been linked to HIV disease outcome, but their relative contribution to HIV control remains unclear. We asked whether the proteome of secreted cytokines and signaling factors in peripheral blood can be used to discover specific pathways critical for host viral control. A custom glass-based microarray, able to measure >600 plasma proteins involved in cell-to-cell communication, was used to measure plasma protein profiles in 96 HIV-infected, treatment-naive individuals with high (> 50,000) or low (<10,000 HIV RNA copies/ml) viral loads. Univariate and regression model analysis demonstrate that plasma levels of soluble interleukin-27 (IL-27) are significantly elevated in individuals with high plasma viremia (P < 0.0001) and are positively correlated with proviral HIV-DNA copy numbers in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) (Rho = 0.4011; P = 0.0027). Moreover, soluble IL-27 plasma levels are negatively associated with the breadth and magnitude of the total virus-specific T-cell responses and directly with plasma levels of molecules involved in Wnt/beta-catenin signaling. In addition to IL-27, gene expression levels of the specific IL-27 receptor (IL27RA) in PBMC correlated directly with both plasma viral load (Rho = 0.3531; P = 0.0218) and the proviral copy number in the peripheral blood as an indirect measure of partial viral reservoir (Rho = 0.4580; P = 0.0030). These results were validated in unrelated cohorts of early infected subjects as well as subjects before and after initiation of antiretroviral treatment, and they identify IL-27 and its specific receptor as a critical immune axis for the antiviral immune response and as robust correlates of viral load and proviral reservoir size in PBMC.
IMPORTANCE The detailed knowledge of immune mechanisms that contribute to HIV control is a prerequisite for the design of effective treatment strategies to achieve HIV cure. Cells communicate with each other by secreting signaling proteins, and the blood is a key conduit for transporting such factors. Investigating the communication factors promoting effective immune responses and having potentially antiviral functions against HIV using a novel focused omics approach (Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Identification of interleukin-27 (IL-27)/IL-27 receptor subunit alpha as a critical immune axis for in vivo hiv control
Intact and broad immune cell effector functions and specific individual cytokines have been linked to HIV disease outcome, but their relative contribution to HIV control remains unclear. We asked whether the proteome of secreted cytokines and signaling factors in peripheral blood can be used to discover specific pathways critical for host viral control. A custom glass-based microarray, able to measure >600 plasma proteins involved in cell-to-cell communication, was used to measure plasma protein profiles in 96 HIV-infected, treatment-naive individuals with high (> 50,000) or low (<10,000 HIV RNA copies/ml) viral loads. Univariate and regression model analysis demonstrate that plasma levels of soluble interleukin-27 (IL-27) are significantly elevated in individuals with high plasma viremia (P < 0.0001) and are positively correlated with proviral HIV-DNA copy numbers in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) (Rho = 0.4011; P = 0.0027). Moreover, soluble IL-27 plasma levels are negatively associated with the breadth and magnitude of the total virus-specific T-cell responses and directly with plasma levels of molecules involved in Wnt/beta-catenin signaling. In addition to IL-27, gene expression levels of the specific IL-27 receptor (IL27RA) in PBMC correlated directly with both plasma viral load (Rho = 0.3531; P = 0.0218) and the proviral copy number in the peripheral blood as an indirect measure of partial viral reservoir (Rho = 0.4580; P = 0.0030). These results were validated in unrelated cohorts of early infected subjects as well as subjects before and after initiation of antiretroviral treatment, and they identify IL-27 and its specific receptor as a critical immune axis for the antiviral immune response and as robust correlates of viral load and proviral reservoir size in PBMC.
IMPORTANCE The detailed knowledge of immune mechanisms that contribute to HIV control is a prerequisite for the design of effective treatment strategies to achieve HIV cure. Cells communicate with each other by secreting signaling proteins, and the blood is a key conduit for transporting such factors. Investigating the communication factors promoting effective immune responses and having potentially antiviral functions against HIV using a novel focused omics approach (Peer Reviewe