5 research outputs found
Kvantitativne metode u organizacijskom dizajnu: model i primjena u stvarnom svijetu
A major problem in organizational design is the problem of determining the optimum number of personnel required. Public Service organizations in developing countries and service providers are particularly faced with this challenge. With employment not based on organization’s requirement, overstaffing results. In this study, the structure of a publicly owned production organization was redesigned, using human utilization model to optimize its labour requirement. Using Work Sampling Method, annual work content and optimal numbers of employees were determined at the operational levels. Human interaction dynamic parameters were determined for three management levels and used to obtain the optimal spans of control for the management positions. Human utilization factors and annual costs of labour were computed for the existing and the redesigned structures. The results show that the human utilization factor of the company could be increased from 0.4787 to 0.8063 and savings of N8, 018, 544 made annually. It can be concluded that by using quantitative approach to organizational design, significant savings can be made. Wastages can be reduced and productivity improvement results.Glavni problem u organizacijskom dizajnu je problem određivanja optimalnog broja potrebnih zaposlenika. Javne službe u zemljama u razvoju i pružatelji usluga posebno su suočavaju s ovim izazovom. Uz zapošljavanje koje se ne temelji na zahtjevu organizacije javlja se prevelik broj zaposlenih. U ovom je istraživanju struktura proizvodne organizacije u državnom vlasništvu redizajnirana pomoću modela iskoristivosti kadra u svrhu optimizacije radnih uvjeta. Korištenjem metode trenutačnih opažanja utvrđeni su godišnji sadržaj rada i optimalni broj zaposlenika na operativnoj razini. Dinamički parametri ljudske interakcije određeni su za tri razine upravljanja i korišteni su za dobivanje optimalnih raspona kontrole za upravljačke pozicije. Čimbenici iskoristivosti kadra i godišnji troškovi rada izračunati su za postojeće i redizajnirane strukture. Rezultati pokazuju da bi se čimbenik iskoristivosti kadra tvrtke mogao povećati za 0,4787 do 0,8063 te bi uštede na godišnjoj razini mogle iznositi N8 018 544. Može se zaključiti da se pomoću kvantitativnog pristupa organizacijskome dizajnu mogu učiniti značajne uštede. Gubitci se mogu smanjiti, što rezultira poboljšanjem produktivnosti
Exposure to cement dust has been linked to lung function impairment. However, there are few such studies in Nigeria. The main aim of this study was to assess the post-work Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) of workers in a cement company.
Sixty workers in a cement factory were randomly selected; thirty were regarded as workers exposed to cement dust and the remaining as unexposed workers. Both groups were non smokers, had no cardiopulmonary diseases or symptoms during the time of study. Wrights Peak Flow Meter was used for measuring lung functions before and after work for the exposed and unexposed workers. A statistical package, SPSS 16.0 was used for the analysis.
There were no significant differences between the pre-work and post-work PEFR between the exposed and unexposed workers though there were differences. The exposed workers had reduced PEFR compared with their unexposed counterparts. However, there were significant differences between the pre-work and post-work PEFR for both the exposed and unexposed workers with the pre-work values lower than the post-work values.
It was found that all workers in the cement industry are exposed to cement dust which reduces the lung volume and results in lung function impairment. It is suggested that efforts should be geared towards cleaner production by recognizing where and when cement dust is generated and by planning ahead to eliminate, control or recycle the dust at the source.Izloženost cementnoj prašini povezana je s oštećenjem plućne funkcije. Međutim, u Nigeriji postoji vrlo malo studija na tu temu. Glavni je cilj ove studije utvrditi najveći vršni izdisajni protok (Peak Expiratory Flow Rate, PEFR) kod radnika u tvornici cementa.
Nasumično je odabrano šezdeset radnika; trideset za skupinu izloženu cementnoj prašini, a ostali za neizloženu skupinu. Obje su skupine bile nepušači, nisu imali srčanih ili plućnih bolesti niti drugih simptoma tijekom studije. Wrights Peak Flow Meter (Wright-ov mjerač vršnog protoka) upotrijebljen je za mjerenje funkcije pluća prije rada i poslije rada kod obje skupine. Za potrebe analize upotrijebljen je statistički paket SPSS 16.0.
Između dviju skupina nisu utvrđene značajne razlike u mjerenjima PEFR-a prije rada i poslije njega, ali bilo je razlika. Izloženi radnici imali su nižu vrijednost PEFR-a u usporedbi s neizloženima. Međutim, nađene su značanje razlike između PEFR-a prije rada i poslije rada za obje skupine, izloženih i neizloženih, s time da su vrijednosti prije rada bile niže od vrijednosti poslije rada.
Utvrđeno je da su svi radnici u proizvodnji cementa izloženi cementnoj prašini koja smanjuje obujam pluća i rezultira oštećenjem plućne funkcije. Predlaže se da se napori usmjere na postizanje čišće proizvodnje utvrđivanjem gdje i kada se cementna prašina stvara te planiranjem radnji kojima će se prašina ukloniti, nadzirati ili reciklirati na izvoru
Anthropometric data reduction using confirmatory factor analysis
OBJECTIVE: The unavailability of anthropometric data especially in developing countries has remained a limiting factor towards the design of learning facilities with sufficient ergonomic consideration. Attempts to use anthropometric data from developed countries have led to provision of school facilities unfit for the users. The purpose of this paper is to use factor analysis to investigate the suitability of the collected anthropometric data as a database for school design in Nigerian tertiary institutions. PARTICIPANTS: Anthropometric data were collected from 288 male students in a Federal Polytechnic in North-West of Nigeria. Their age is between 18-25 years. METHODS: Nine vertical anthropometric dimensions related to heights were collected using the conventional traditional equipment. Exploratory factor analysis was used to categorize the variables into a model consisting of two factors. Thereafter, confirmatory factor analysis was used to investigate the fit of the data to the proposed model. RESULTS: A just identified model, made of two factors, each with three variables was developed. The variables within the model accounted for 81% of the total variation of the entire data. The model was found to demonstrate adequate validity and reliability. Various measuring indices were used to verify that the model fits the data properly. The final model reveals that stature height and eye height sitting were the most stable variables for designs that have to do with standing and sitting construct. CONCLUSION: The study has shown the application of factor analysis in anthropometric data analysis. The study highlighted the relevance of these statistical tools to investigate variability among anthropometric data involving diverse population, which has not been widely used for analyzing previous anthropometric data. The collected data is therefore suitable for use while designing for Nigerian student