3 research outputs found

    Predictors and Outcomes of Invasive Mechanical Ventilation in Opioid Overdose Hospitalization in the United States.

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    Introduction Opioid overdose is increasingly becoming common and so is the need for invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) for opioid overdose admissions in hospitalized patients. Respiratory failure requiring invasive mechanical ventilation is the most common reason for the admission of opioid-associated overdose patients. The aim of our study was to assess the demographic and clinical characteristics associated with the increased need for IMV in hospitalized opioid overdose patients. Methods We analyzed all adult admissions (18 years and above) using the National Inpatient Sample (NIS) database for five years from January 1, 2010-December 31, 2014 to identify opioid overdose patients requiring invasive mechanical ventilation. We compared the demographic and clinical characteristics of opioid overdose patients requiring and not requiring mechanical ventilator support and performed univariate and multivariate analyses to determine the odds ratio (OR) of association. Results A total of 2,528,751 opioid overdose patients were identified among which 6.4% required IMV during hospitalization. The prevalence of opioid overdose and the need for IMV increased by 31% and 38%, respectively, over the study period. Multivariate logistic regression (OR (95% CI)

    Availability and Utilization of Digital Health Technology for Improved Patients Care: A Cross-Sectional Study of Nurses’ Perspectives at a State General Hospital in North-Central Nigeria

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    Digital health technology (DHT), the application and implementation of the digital transformation strategy in the healthcare system, entails incorporating both software and hardware services to facilitate different health needs. In Nigeria's healthcare system, the utilization of digital health technology has not been fully explored resulting in the lagging behind the delivery of healthcare for digitalized, improved patient care, and nursing practice. This research study was designed to assess knowledge, availability and utilization of digital health technology by nurses at a North-Central Hospital, in Kwara state. A descriptive cross-sectional research design was adopted. The researcher used a Self-developed administered questionnaire to elicit responses from a convenient sample of 125 nurses. The data collected were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics (with a 0.05 level of significance). The study revealed that the majority of the nurses had good knowledge (n= 92; 73.6%) and positive perception (n=90; 72%) about digital health technology with fair adequate utilization (n=74; 59.2%) of the few available digital health technology devices. A significant association was found between the knowledge of nurses about digital health technology and their highest academic qualification with a p-value of 0.022, which is less than a 0.05 level of significance. Also, a significant association was found between the knowledge of nurses and the utilization of digital health technology with a P value of 0.005. In conclusion, digital health technology knowledge among nurses was good and positive respectiviely and the level of utilization of digital health technology was adequate. Therefore, hospital administration and nurses need to advocate for improved provision of adequate digital health technologies for health care and practices especially for nursing care. Hospital administration should continue to improve the knowledge of the health workers and continually enhanced digital health technology utilisation for improved patient care. Résumé: La technologie de la santé numérique (DHT) est l'application et la mise en œuvre de la stratégie de transformation numérique dans le système de santé, qui implique l'incorporation de services logiciels et matériels pour faciliter les différents besoins en matière de santé. Dans le système de santé nigérian, l'utilisation de la technologie de santé numérique n'a pas été pleinement explorée, ce qui entraîne un retard dans la fourniture de soins de santé numérisés, l'amélioration des soins aux patients et la pratique des soins infirmiers. Cette étude a été conçue pour évaluer les connaissances, la disponibilité et l'utilisation des technologies numériques de santé par les infirmières d'un hôpital du centre-nord de l'État de Kwara. Un modèle de recherche transversale descriptive a été adopté. Le chercheur a utilisé un questionnaire auto-élaboré pour obtenir des réponses d'un échantillon de 125 infirmières. Les données recueillies ont été analysées à l'aide de statistiques descriptives et inférentielles (avec un niveau de signification de 0,05). L'étude a révélé que la majorité des infirmières avaient une bonne connaissance (n=92 ; 73,6%) et une perception positive (n=90 ; 72%) de la technologie de santé numérique avec une utilisation adéquate (n=74 ; 59,2%) des quelques dispositifs de technologie de santé numérique disponibles. Une association significative a été trouvée entre les connaissances des infirmières sur les technologies numériques de santé et leur qualification académique la plus élevée avec une valeur p de 0,022, ce qui est inférieur au niveau de signification de 0,05. De même, une association significative a été trouvée entre les connaissances des infirmières et l'utilisation des technologies numériques de santé avec une valeur P de 0,005. En conclusion, les connaissances des infirmières en matière de technologies numériques de santé étaient bonnes et positives respectivement, et le niveau d'utilisation des technologies numériques de santé était adéquat. Par conséquent, l'administration de l'hôpital et les infirmières doivent plaider en faveur d'une meilleure fourniture de technologies numériques de santé adéquates pour les soins de santé et les pratiques, en particulier pour les soins infirmiers. L'administration de l'hôpital devrait continuer à améliorer les connaissances des travailleurs de la santé en améliorant continuellement l'utilisation des technologies numériques de santé pour améliorer les soins aux patients. Mots-clés : Connaissance, disponibilité, DHT, utilisation, soins de santé, amélioration des soins aux patients.

    Seasonal Trends in Hospitalization of Attempted Suicide and Self-Inflicted Injury in United States Adults.

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    Introduction Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States (US) and the prevalence continues to increase. It is estimated that there is an average of 25 attempted suicides for every suicide death in the US, and the economic burden of suicide and attempted suicide is high. Identification of those at risk for suicide and attempted suicide can help with early and prompt intervention. Studies in Europe and Asia have shown that there is a relationship between seasonal patterns and suicidal risk. However, little is known about seasonal patterns of suicidal attempts in the US. Therefore, our study aimed to assess seasonal patterns by days of the week and months of the year in the US. Methods Hospitalized adult patients with suicide attempts and self-inflicted injury were identified using the discharge data from the National Inpatient Sample (NIS) from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2014. We looked at the seasonal trends of patients with attempted suicide and self-inflicted injury by weekday vs weekend and month of the year over the five-year study period. We also assessed two groups, male and female with attempted suicide and compared trends and contributing risk factors over the study period using Student\u27s t-test and chi-square test. Results A total of 249,845 patients with attempted suicide and self-inflicted injury were reported during the study period with a prevalence rate increase of 15%, among which 70% were males, 65.5% white and 38.8% were age 40-64 years. An overall prevalence rate of about 168-200 per 100,000 hospitalizations was reported. There was a higher admission rate on weekends as compared to weekdays (190-300 vs 150-178 per 100,000 hospitalizations). Attempted suicide and self-inflicted injury admissions peaked during the months of July and August with a peak period range of 200-230 per 100,000 hospitalizations in a year. Conclusion The prevalence of attempted suicide is steadily rising. Awareness of the seasonal and epidemiological trends of attempted suicide and self-inflicted injury is a very important step towards developing effective strategies to prevent suicide and attempted suicide