4 research outputs found

    Hanle spin precession in a two-dimensional electron system

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    We investigate the nonlocal Hanle effect in high mobility two-dimensional electron systems using (Ga,Mn)As/GaAs spin Esaki diodes as spin selective contacts. Spin signals in these systems can be strongly affected by dynamic nuclear polarization, which mimics long spin-relaxation times extracted from the measured Hanle curves. Here, we introduce a method which largely suppresses these effects by using an ac injection-detection setup. This allows us to extract from the measurements realistic spin lifetimes on the order of single nanoseconds. As the detection of Hanle signals is also strongly affected by offset signals we discuss the magnetic field dependence of these background voltages observed in lateral nonlocal spin injection devices. We show how the strength of the background magnetoresistance can be minimized by choosing a proper device geometry

    Optical investigation of electrical spin injection into an inverted two-dimensional elctron gas structure

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    We report on electrical spin injection from (Ga, Mn) As into a high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas confined at an (Al, Ga) As/GaAs interface. Besides standard nonlocal electrical detection, we use amagneto-optical approach which provides cross-sectional images of the spin accumulation at the cleaved edge of the sample, yielding spin decay lengths on the order of 2 mu m. In some cases we find a nonmonotonic bias voltage dependence of the spin signal, which may be linked to ballistic tunneling effects during spin injection. We observe a clear Hanle depolarization using a technique which is free of dynamic nuclear polarization effects. Fitting the data with the standard drift-diffusion model of spin injection suggests averaged in-plane spin lifetimes on the order of 1 ns

    Analog of microwave-induced resistance oscillations induced in GaAs heterostructures by terahertz radiation

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    We report on the study of terahertz radiation-induced MIRO-like oscillations of magnetoresistivity in GaAs heterostructures. Our experiments provide an answer on two most intriguing questions-effect of radiation helicity and the role of the edges-yielding crucial information for an understanding of the MIRO (microwave-induced resistance oscillations) origin. Moreover, we demonstrate that the range of materials exhibiting radiation-induced magneto-oscillations can be largely extended by using high-frequency radiation