40 research outputs found

    Zależność między konkurencją w sektorze bankowym i stabilnością finansową banków – przegląd badań teoretycznych i empirycznych

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    Celem artykułu jest określenie, jakie mogą być wzajemne zależności między konkurencją w sektorze bankowym a stabilnością finansową banków. Rozwiązanie tego problemu zostało podjęte na podstawie analizy literatury przedmiotu, prezentującej badania zarówno teoretyczne, jak i empiryczne. Z przeprowadzonej analizy wynika, że wysokie nasilenie konkurencji na rynku depozytowym prowadzi do wzrostu ryzyka bankowego. Natomiast w przypadku rynku kredytowego ta zależność jest odwrotna, tj. bardziej konkurencyjne otoczenie rynkowe przyczynia się do poprawy stabilności finansowej banków. Z ostatnich badań wynika, że zależność między konkurencją i stabilnością finansową banków może być nieliniowa, co oznacza, że nie tylko bardzo wysokie, lecz także bardzo niskie nasilenie konkurencji wiąże się z nadmiernym poziomem ryzyka w bankach i może skutkować niestabilnością finansową banków. Analiza badań empirycznych prowadzi również do wniosku, że siła związku i kierunek związku między nasileniem konkurencji i stabilnością finansową banków mogą zależeć od skali działalności banku, stopnia dokapitalizowania banku oraz od uwarunkowań makroekonomicznych

    Cross Country Linkages as Determinants of Procyclicality of Loan Loss Provisions – Empirical Importance of SURE Specification

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    Procyclicality in banking may result in financial instability and therefore be destructive to economic growth. The sensitivity of different banking balance sheet and income statement variables to the business cycle is diversified and may be prone to increasing integration of financial markets. In this paper we address the problem of the influence of financial integration on the transmission of economic shocks from one country to another and consequently on the sensitivity of loan loss provisions to the business cycle. We also aim to find out whether earnings management hypotheses are supported throughout the whole business cycle. Application of the SURE approach to 13 OECD countries in 1995-2009 shows that the procyclicality of LLP is statistically significant almost in thewhole sample of countries. Independent of the econometric specification, the earnings management hypotheses are hardly supported

    Cross Country Linkages as Determinants of Procyclicality of Loan Loss Provisions – Empirical Importance of SURE Specification

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    Procyclicality in banking may result in financial instability and therefore be destructive to economic growth. The sensitivity of different banking balance sheet and income statement variables to the business cycle is diversified and may be prone to increasing integration of financial markets. In this paper we address the problem of the influence of financial integration on the transmission of economic shocks from one country to another and consequently on the sensitivity of loan loss provisions to the business cycle. We also aim to find out whether earnings management hypotheses are supported throughout the whole business cycle. Application of the SURE approach to 13 OECD countries in 1995-2009 shows that the procyclicality of LLP is statistically significant almost in thewhole sample of countries. Independent of the econometric specification, the earnings management hypotheses are hardly supported

    Competition in commercial banks in Poland – analysis of Panzar-Rosse H-statistics

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    This paper aims to find out how intense is the competition in Polish commercial banks loan market. Using Panzar – Rosse H-statistics and applying several estimation techniques (GLS, one-step GMM and two-step GMM) we find that this intensity is sensitive to the estimator applied. Upon analysis of results, one can conclude that competition evolves differently across years in Poland. In some years, competition was relatively high, as the H-statistics reached the level of 0.75, which is relatively close to perfect competition. In other years it gradually decreased reaching its bottom line in 2010, and took upward trend in 2011 and 2012. Generally, the values of our competitive environment measure indicate at monopolistic competition in Poland


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    We analyze the effects of macroprudential policy and micro-prudential capital regulations on the procyclicality of loan-loss provisions, using individual bank information from over 65 countries. In this study we test whether the interaction between borrower targeted macroprudential policy instruments and restrictive micro-prudential capital regulations tends to adjust the countercyclical effect of borrower targeted instruments and capital regulations. To this end we apply the two-step GMM estimator with robust standards errors. Our analysis implies that merging restrictive borrower targeted instruments and capital regulations tends to weaken the countercyclical effect of borrower targeted macroprudential policy instruments and restrictive capital adequacy regulations. This effect depends on size, and is stronger in large banks

    What drives heterogeneity of procyclicality of loan loss provisions in the EU?

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    Using the two step system GMM Blundell and Bond estimator this paper documents a large cross-bank and cross-country variation in the relationship between loan loss provisions (LLP) and the business cycle and explores bank management specific, bank-activity specific and country specific (institutional and regulatory) features that explain this diversity in the European Union. Our results indicate that LLP in large, publicly traded and commercial banks, as well as in banks reporting consolidated statements, are more procyclical. Better investor protection and more restrictive bank capital regulations reduce the procyclicality of LLP. We do not find support for the view that better quality of market monitoring mitigates the sensitivity of LLP to business cycle. Our findings clearly indicate the empirical importance of income smoothing, capital management and credit risk management for decreased procyclicality of LLP

    What drives heterogeneity of loan loss provisions’ procyclicality in the EU?

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    This paper documents a large cross-bank and cross-country variation in the relationship between loan loss provisions and the business cycle and explores bank management specific, bank-activity specific and country specific (institutional and regulatory) features that explain this diversity in the European Union. Our results indicate that LLP in large, publicly traded and commercial banks, as well as in banks reporting in consolidated statements’ format, are more procyclical. Better investor protection and more restrictive bank regulations reduce the procyclicality of LLP. Additional evidence shows that moral hazard resulting from deposit insurance renders LLP more procyclical. We do not find support for the view that better quality of market monitoring mitigates the risk-taking behavior of banks. Our findings clearly indicate the empirical importance of earnings management for LLP procyclicality. Sensitivity of LLP to the business cycle seems to be limited in the case of banks which engage in more income smoothing and which apply prudent credit risk management

    What drives heterogeneity of loan loss provisions’ procyclicality in the EU?

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    This paper documents a large cross-bank and cross-country variation in the relationship between loan loss provisions and the business cycle and explores bank management specific, bank-activity specific and country specific (institutional and regulatory) features that explain this diversity in the European Union. Our results indicate that LLP in large, publicly traded and commercial banks, as well as in banks reporting in consolidated statements’ format, are more procyclical. Better investor protection and more restrictive bank regulations reduce the procyclicality of LLP. Additional evidence shows that moral hazard resulting from deposit insurance renders LLP more procyclical. We do not find support for the view that better quality of market monitoring mitigates the risk-taking behavior of banks. Our findings clearly indicate the empirical importance of earnings management for LLP procyclicality. Sensitivity of LLP to the business cycle seems to be limited in the case of banks which engage in more income smoothing and which apply prudent credit risk management

    Methods for Measuring Financial System Procyclicality

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    Celem artykułu jest ocena powyższych metod pomiaru ryzyka zagregowanego z perspektywy trzech kryteriów. Po pierwsze, ze względu na stopień w jakim metoda pomiaru tego ryzyka daje wyprzedzający wskaźnik zakłóceń w systemie finansowym. Po drugie, uwzględniając to, w jakim stopniu metoda ta bierze pod uwagę, bezpośrednio i pośrednio, zakłócenia mechanizmu rynkowego oraz ograniczenia poznawcze pośredników finansowych - które są głównym źródłem błędnych decyzji co do poziomu podejmowanego ryzyka i skutkują zmianami ryzyka w czasie. Brak zdolności do uwzględnienia zarówno zakłóceń mechanizmu rynkowego, jak i ograniczeń behawioralnych decydentów zatrudnionych w instytucjach finansowych, oznacza w istocie, że pomija się endogeniczne własności ryzyka zagregowanego, wynikające z kolektywnych zachowań pośredników finansowych, co może prowadzić do niedoszacowania prawdopodobieństwa zakłóceń w funkcjonowaniu sektora finansowego. Po trzecie, z perspektywy tego, w jakim stopniu metody pomiaru ryzyka zagregowanego uwzględniają i identyfikują mechanizm transmisji zakłóceń w funkcjonowaniu sektora finansowego do sfery realnej i vice versa. Biorąc pod uwagę cel niniejszego opracowania, zastosowano tu metodę analizy i krytyki piśmiennictwa. Artykuł składa się z czterech części. Pierwsze trzy obejmują prezentację i krytykę poszczególnych grup metod pomiaru procykliczności systemu finansowego, ostatnia część podsumowuje zawartą w tekście analizę.(fragment tekstu)Excessive procyclicality of the financial system (and aggregated systemic risk) is a source of financial instability. Limiting excessive procyclicality is a prerequisite for stable economic growth. Currently the task of curbing procyclicality has been assigned to macroprudential supervision. The efficacy of macroprudential policy depends on the ability of correct estimation of aggregated systemic risk. This paper focuses on methods which help to quantify this risk and aims to assess those methods. The analysis conducted in this article leads to the conclusion that early warning indicators, such as credit to GDP ratio, seem to be acceptable aggregate risk measures, as they are leading indicators. VARs and macro stress testing may be used as complementary tools. Their shortcoming is the inability to track non linearity of feedback effects between the financial system and the real economy

    Bank's Credit Risk Transfer Instruments

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    Transfer ryzyka kredytowego nie jest odkryciem ostatnich lat i towarzyszy od stuleci działalności bankierów. Jednakże postępująca na przełomie wieków rewolucja informatyczna, prowadząca do globalizacji, spowodowała, że skala ponoszonego przez banki ryzyka kredytowego i jego złożoność wymagały pojawienia się nowych narzędzi, które zapewnią skuteczne sterowanie tym ryzykiem. Do takich właśnie narzędzi należą instrumenty transferu ryzyka kredytowego. Artykuł ten jest próbą odpowiedzi na następujące pytania: 1. Jakie są instrumenty transferu omawianego ryzyka? 2. Jaki jest wpływ określonego instrumentu na strukturę bilansu banku? 3. Jakie są korzyści i koszty związane z zastosowaniem instrumentów transferu ryzyka kredytowego?The credit risk transfer in which one party sheds credit risk to another party by means of a financial instrument has been applied for a very long time. It is a well-established feature of financial markets, inherent in the banking business throughout centuries. However, the information revolution surfacing at the turn of the century, leading to globalization, resulted in the complexity of, and increase in, the credit risk borne by banks. As a consequence, there occurred the need of tools which would enable effective managing of credit risk. These tools are called 'credit risk transfer instruments'. The purpose of the article is to answer the following questions: 1. What are the features of credit risk transfer instruments? 2. What is the impact of a certain instrument on the structure of the balance sheet of a bank?, and 3. What are the benefits and the costs of transactions involving credit risk transfer instruments