28 research outputs found

    Maternal mortality and maternal health care in Nigeria : implications for socio-economic development

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    Abstract: BACKGROUND: Even though maternal mortality, which is a pregnancy-related death is preventable, it has continued to increase in many nations of the world, especially in the African countries of the sub-Saharan regions caused by factors which include a low level of socioeconomic development. AIM: This paper focuses on cogent issues affecting maternal mortality by unpacking its precipitating factors and examining the maternal health care system in Nigeria. METHODS: Contemporary works of literature were reviewed, and the functionalist perspective served as a theoretical guide to examine the interrelated functions of several sectors of the society to the outcome of maternal mortality. RESULTS: It was noted that apart from the medical related causes (direct and indirect) of maternal mortality, certain socio-cultural and socioeconomic factors influence the outcome of pregnancy. Also, a poor health care system, which is a consequent of weak social structure, is a contributing factor. CONCLUSION: As a result, maternal mortality has debilitating effects on the socioeconomic development of any nation. It is therefore pertinent for the government to improve maternal health and eradicate poverty to ensure sustainable development

    Health and Safety in the Workplace:Implication for Peak Performance in NigerianWorkspaces

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    Health and safety in the workplace are all-encompassing prevention concepts that comprise many strate-gies to reduce risks, threats, and hazards from various work-related to mishaps and accidents. Manywork environments are dangerous and unconducive for staff and employees, particularly in Nigeria andother developing countries, given the attendant lack of the much-needed capital to invest in healthy andconducive workspaces. This study assessed health and safety in the workplace as an implication forpeak performance in Nigerian workspaces. The study adopts a contextual analysis where literature fromsecondary sources was examined. Findings show a high rate of health risks and hazardous working envi-ronments for workers, which is affecting their peak performances. Therefore, it is recommended thatplausible solutions such as health orientations, material provisions, regular-checkups workable policies,and programs should be harnessed to safeguard the health of Nigerian workers. There should also be re-duced working hours, regular workplace evaluations, and prompt payment of salaries and wages, whichshould be commensurate with the level of hazards workers encounter. Lastly, there should be the imple-mentation of occupational health and safety management (OHSM) rules and regulations in Nigerianworkplace

    A Contextual Analysis of Three Major Tribes’ Traditional Conflict Resolution Mechanisms in Pre-Literate Nigerian Society

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    This paper contextually analyzed three major tribes’ traditional conflict resolution mechanism in pre-literate Nigerian society. Conflict is very much part of human society and it is expected. Conflict resolution encompasses a range of processes gallantly aimed at alleviating or eliminating sources of conflict. Secondary sources of data with relevant literature were engaged and the Emile Durkheim theory of societal development was adopted as a theoretical framework. Findings show that in Yorubaland, conflict is seen as unavoidable, a positive development through which people understand each other better. While the main causes of conflict among the Igbos are basically land, chieftaincy tussle and matrimonial fallouts. Prior to kingship institution, the Igbo used non-centralized forms of government which have in attendance Elders and Council of Elders which serves as the highest and most important peacemaking and conflict resolution mechanism. Hausa/Fulani pre-colonial administration is highly centralized and hierarchical in nature. The Emir, in terms of adjudication, is both the political and religious head because he ensures that the provisions of Sharia are adequately followed to the core in treating cases of individual or group conflicts. The Emir court was the highest and the final. Having perused all the conflict resolution mechanisms of the three major tribes in Nigeria, the following recommendations were made; there is a need to encourage traditional conflict mechanisms as it is accessible and economic for disputants. There should be peace education for all and sundry. Alternative dispute resolution and unofficial strategies should be subscribed to in an attempt to ameliorate and manage human’s conflicts (vigilante, militias, charms, prayers, communal solidarity, etc)

    A Systematic Literature Review on Mergers and Acquisitions: A Bibliometric Analysis Approach

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    Many studies have examined the effects of mergers and acquisitions, but their results vary significantly. Thus, mergers and acquisitions are one of the most popular corporate restructuring activities undertaken by various organizations, institutes, companies (both private and public), agencies, and establishments, all in a quest to achieve the desired aim of the companies. But a pertinent question exists as to if mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have produced the desired goals and objectives of the companies. Therefore this study aims to examine the results, empirical preference, and author's opinions of existing literature as to if M&A had produced synergy gains or not. Bibliometric analysis is the methodological procedure used in this study. A total number of fifty (50) high-profile literatures were qualitatively examined, and it shows that M&A produced synergy gains to the level of 48%. From the analysis, M&A was also found not to produce synergy gain to the level of 28%, thus making the remaining 24% to be associated with authors whose views weren't explicit and those that are undecided to M&A producing synergy gains. This review study recommends that horizontal mergers and acquisitions be encouraged to increase the companies' market share, leading to their desired goals and objectiv

    Good governance, social order, and development in Nigeria: The critical role of gender inclusion

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    This paper seeks to examine whether gender inclusion in governance is a determinant of good governance, social order, and development. This is germane to ascertain the policy implications of gender inclusiveness in the attainment of development in Nigeria. The paper utilizes secondary sources of data, archival reviews, and relevant sociological theories to advance knowledge on good governance, social order, and the need for gender inclusion in Nigeria's development agenda. The study found that good governance cannot thrive without accountability, a strong, virile, predictable, and stable legal framework. Notably, all stakeholders' collaborative efforts by gender inclusiveness are crucial for attaining good governance and social order and ultimately developing the country. This paper advocate for policy inputs on gender inclusiveness in the attainment of development goals

    Global Production, Consumerism, Supply Chain, and Rural Economy in Africa

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    Multinational Corporations usually carry out global production, which involves the multinational companies fragmenting their operations in different places, countries, and areas, establishing every phase of manufacture in nations where it is doable at a very low cost. In most cases, the rural areas are used to grow some of the raw materials needed for production by the multinational cooperation. The question remains, what is the state of this rural environment and economy used by multinational corporations for growing their raw material? Are they improving or worsening the condition of the rural economies? What is the relative contribution of multinational companies to the rural economies? Are these rural areas used while there are persistently high poverty levels and other downturns predominating the rural economies? This paper seeks to answer the above questions. It also examines the impact of multinational corporations’ activities on Africa's rural economy (Using Nigeria as a case study)


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    Technology has been regarded as a potent tool globally with impacts in every sector of society, including the educational sectors. It, however, has many challenges, especially in developing nations. This paper seeks to examine the challenges and impacts of technological advancement in education in Nigeria. It draws critically from empirical literature to examine the role of technology and the education system, especially in the coronavirus pandemic. The study found that many African countries, including Nigeria, have not utilized technology effectively in the education sector. Lack of internet accessibility and availability is a major bane in the educational sector, depriving many children of access to quality education. It is recommended that the government at all levels rise to the occasion by investing in ICT, thereby making it accessible to everyone at an affordable rate

    Gender Differences in Academic Performance and Industry Relevance: a Study of a Nigerian Private University Graduates

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    This article examines the linkage between university education, academic performance, and industry relevance among graduates of a Nigerian Private University in Ogun State, Southwest, Nigeria. Multiple research methods, including existing records from secondary sources and In-depth interviews, were used for the primary data collection. Existing record on students’ academic performance obtained from the University’s Center for Systems and Information (CSIS) for all academic programs in the two colleges sampled: College of Development Studies (CDS) and College of Science and Technology (CST) in the University was complemented by In-depth interviews of academic advisers and heads of department across the programs in addition to the data from the University’s Alumni office on present places of employment of the graduates within the stipulated period (2006-2018). The study found that the female graduates’ excellent academic performance across various programs did not reflect in industry relevance in terms of visibility in the economy’s critical formal sectors compared to their male counterparts. The study recommends the need for female graduates’ urgent pragmatic steps to maximize the benefits of career opportunities by translating the same into paid employment

    Gender differences in lifestyles and perception of megamall patrons in Ibadan, Nigeria

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    The development of megamalls in Nigeria and other developing nations has witnessed tremendous impact, giving people choices of places for goods reasonably and relatively affordable. Women have been at the forefront of shopping activities due to their presence more at the shopping malls. This study aims to ascertain gender differences in lifestyles and perceptions of mall patrons in Ibadan, Nigeria. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey design with 216 respondents accidentally selected from 5 shopping malls in the Ibadan metropolis. Descriptive statistics of frequency distribution table was used for analysis, while independent sample t-test was used for further statistical analysis. Findings reveal that even though men visit the malls, it is more for recreational activities, while women, on the other hand, view shopping malls as a to purchase goods, meet new people, and enjoy the beautiful ambience it offers. This reveals an average level perception of megamalls by its users. Furthermore, a significant difference was found between male and female shopping malls patronage. The mall is also seen as more of centre where buying and selling take place. Therefore, it was recommended that there be a general reorientation to refute the idea that the male gender seldom patronises shopping malls and makes purchases. They should be treated as viable customers like their female counterparts to ensure megamall sustainability in Ibadan Nigeria