143 research outputs found

    Radiation protection in medicine: first 55 years

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    Zaštita od zračenja u medicine bila je tema profesionalne zaštite od zračenja od početka uspostavljanja ove oblasti kao nezavisne naučne i stručne discipline. Tokom 55 godina duge istorije Društva za zaštitu od zračenja, zaštita od zračenja u medicine bila je zastupljena na sviim do sada održanim simpozujam na način koji refelktuje aktuelne teme u ovoj oblasti. U radu je dat pregled tema iz oblasti zaštite od zračenja u medicine na do sada održanim Simpozijumima društva za zaštitu od zračenja.Radiation protection in medicine has beena topic of professional radiation protection since the beginning of the establishment of this area as an independent scientific and professional discipline. During 55 years long history of the Society for Radiation Protection, radiation protection inmedicine was represented at all symposiums in a way that reflects contemporarytopics in this field. The paper presents an overview of topics related to radiation protectionin medicine on Symposiums of the Radiation Protection Society.Proceedings: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8681]XXX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ (Друштва за заштиту од зрачења Србије и Црне Горе), 2- 4. октобар 2019. године, Дивчибаре, Србиј

    Skin dose mapping in interventional cardiology

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    Interventne kardiološke procedure su često povezane sa relativno visokim dozama i sa dugim vremenom izlaganja zračenju, što često rezultuje visokom apsorbovanom dozom kože. Cilj ovog rada je da se razvije aplikacija za mapiranje maksimalne doze kože u interventnim kardiološkim procedurama. Maksimalna doza na površini kože je izračunata pomoću informacija iz DICOM fajlova generisanih nakon kardioloških procedura. Izračunate maksimalne doze su validirane pomoću XR-RV3 Gafchromic filmova koji su postavljeni ispod pacijenta tokom svake procedure. Srednja devijacija između izmerenih i izračunatih maksimalnih doza je 8,7% ± 26,3%. Simulirana dozna mapa pacijenta je pokazala dobro poklapanje sa XR-RV3 Gafchromic filovima. Aplikacija za mapiranje doze kože prikazana u ovom radu je elegantno rešenje i pogodna alternativa za XR-RV3 Gafchromic filmove.Interventional Cardiology (IC)procedures are frequently associated with relatively high dose rates and prolonged irradiation times, which often results in very high absorbed skin doses. Objectiveof this work is to develop skin dose mapping application for Peak Skin Dose (PSD) estimation in Interventional Cardiology procedures. PSD was calculated using necessary information from Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) headers generated after cardiac procedures. Calculated PSDs were validated using XR-RV3 Gafchromic films placed under the patient‘s back during each procedure. The mean deviation between measured and calculated PSD was 8.7% ± 26.3%. Simulated skin dose map showed good matching with XR-RV3 Gafchromic film. Skin dose mapping application presented in this paper is elegant solution and suitable alternative to XR-RV3 Gafchromic film.Proceedings: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8681]XXX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ (Друштва за заштиту од зрачења Србије и Црне Горе), 2- 4. октобар 2019. године, Дивчибаре, Србиј

    Vendor‐independent skin dose mapping application for interventional radiology and cardiology

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present and validate an originally developed application SkinCare used for skin dose mapping in interventional procedures, which are associated with relatively high radiation doses to the patient’s skin and possible skin reactions. Methods: SkinCare is an application tool for generating skin dose maps following interventional radiology and cardiology procedures using the realistic 3D patient models. Skin dose is calculated using data from Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) Radiation Dose Structured Reports (RDSRs). SkinCare validation was performed by using the data from the Siemens Artis Zee Biplane fluoroscopy system and conducting “Acceptance and quality control protocols for skin dose calculating software solutions in interventional cardiology” developed and tested in the frame of the VERIDIC project. XR-RV3 Gafchromic films were used as dosimeters to compare peak skin doses (PSDs) and dose maps obtained through measurements and calculations. DICOM RDSRs from four fluoroscopy systems of different vendors (Canon, GE, Philips, and Siemens) were used for the development of the SkinCare and for the comparison of skin dose maps generated using SkinCare to skin dose maps generated by different commercial software tools (Dose Tracking System (DTS) from Canon, RadimetricsTM from Bayer and RDM from MEDSQUARE). The same RDSRs generated during a cardiology clinical procedure (percutaneous coronary intervention—PCI) were used for comparison. Results: Validation performed using VERIDIC's protocols for skin dose calculation software showed that PSD calculated by SkinCare is within 17% and 16% accuracy compared to measurements using XR-RV3 Gafchromic films for fundamental irradiation setups and simplified clinical procedures, respectively. Good visual agreement between dose maps generated by SkinCare and DTS, RadimetricsTM and RDM was obtained. Conclusions: SkinCare is proved to be very convenient solution that can be used for monitoring delivered dose following interventional procedures. © 2021 The Authors. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Association of Physicists in Medicine

    Patient doses in chest CT examinations: Comparison of various CT scanners

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    This paper presents results from study on patient exposure level in chest CT examinations. CT scanners used in this study were various Siemens and General Electric (GE) models. Data on patient doses were collected for adult and pediatric patients. Doses measured for adult patients were lower then those determined as Diagnostic Reference Levels (DRL) for Europe, while doses for pediatric patients were similar to those found in published data. As for the manufactures, slightly higher doses were measured on GE devices, both for adult and pediatric patients

    Intercomparisons on measurements in the field of testing X-ray unit

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati interkomparacije dvije laboratorije iz oblasti ispitivanja rendgen-aparata u Crnoj Gori i Srbiji. Međulaboratorijsko poređenje se odnosi na mjernu opremu Barracuda RTI Elektonics sa MPD detektorom koja služi za ispitivanje rendgen uređaja na osnovu standardnih protokola za QC u dijagnostičkoj radiologiji. Osnovni zadatak interkomparacije bio je verifikacija tehničkih karakteristika mjernog aparata sa kojim se kontroliše niz parametara koji utiču na kvalitet rada rendgen- aparata. Interkomparacija se odnosi na mjerne veličine: napon rendgenske cijevi, jačina kerme u vazduhu i debljinu poluslabljenja (HVL). U radu je opisana metodologija i naćin organizacije interkomparacije a prikazani su i postignuti rezultati i zaključak.Results of inter-comparison of two laboratories, dealing with examination of X-ray units in Montenegro and Serbia, have been presented in this work. Inter- laboratory comparison is related to measuring equipment Barracuda RTI Electronics with MPD detector, which is used for examination of X-ray units on the basis of standard protocols for QC in diagnostic radiology. Basic aim of inter-comparison was to verify technical characteristics of measuring apparatus, and they are used for control of numerous parameters which influence the quality of X-ray apparatus performance. Inter-comparison concerns the following measuring figures: voltage of X-ray tube, intensity of karma in air and the width of half-attenuation (HVL). Methodology and organization manner of inter-comparison have been described in this work, and reached results and conclusion have been presented as well. Measuring results of all parameters are comparable, even in the interval where measuring uncertainty exists.Зборник радова : XXIX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ : Сребрно језеро, 27-29. септембар 2017. годин

    Air kerma to HP(3) conversion coefficients for exp osure of the human eye lens to the selected standard X-RAY beam qualities

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    International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) has decreased the annual dose limit for the eye lens from 150 mSv down to 20 mSv for occupational exposures. The operational quantity Hp (3) has been defined for eye lens dosimetry, while cylindrical phantom approximating the shape of a head was suggested for calibration purposes. The aim of the work was to provide a set of conversion coefficients that could contribute to improving the overall quality of eye lens dose assessment. The work investigated the air kerma to Hp(3,iota)conversion coefficients, Hp(3,iota)/Ka (in Sv/Gy), based on Monte Carlo simulations for a standard beam qualities, different angulations and suitable cylindrical phantom. For incident angles iota from 0(o\) to 90(o)., the conversion coefficients Hp(3,iota)/Ka were in the range 0.44-0.88 for N-40, 0.72-1.06 for N-60, 0.91-1.63 for N-80, 1.08-1.52 for N-100, 1.22- 1.62 for N-120 and 0.14-1.56 for N-150 beam quality. The conversion factors Hp(3)/Ka provided in this work are related to standard beam qualities readily available in the calibration laboratories and are suitable for application in numerous workplace situations in medicine and industry.3rd International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (RAD), Jun 08-12, 2015, Budva, Montenegr

    Uncertainty of calibration in the field of radiation protection

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    Cilj ovog rada je identifikacija relevantnih veličina koje doprinose ukupnoj mernoj nesigurnosti kalibracionog koeficijenta, a koje korišćenje etalonskog polja unosi u proces etaloniranja dozimetara u oblasti zaštite od zračenja. Na primeru je pokazano računanje kombinovane merne nesigurnosti za slučaj etalonskog polja generisanog radioaktivnim izvorom 60Co. Ovako izračunata merna nesigurnost iznosi 4.6% (k=2). Merna nesigurnost ovog reda veličine je adekvatna za etaloniranje velikog broja uređaja koji se koriste u zaštiti od zračenja, a čija je tačnost značajno manja od navedene vrednosti.The purpose of this paper is the identification of the relevant influence quantities contributing to the combined measurement uncertainty of calibration coefficient, that are introduced by using reference radiation qualities in the field of radiation protection. An example calculation of combined measurement uncertainty is shown for a 60Co radiation source. The calculated measurement uncertainty is 4.6% (k=2), and it is adequate for the purposes of calibration of many dosimeters used in the field of radiation protection, which have bad accuracy compared to the calculated value.XXVII Simpozijum Društva za zaštitu od zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore, Tara, 12-14. oktobar 2011

    Air kerma to HP(3) conversion coefficients for exp osure of the human eye lens to the selected standard X-RAY beam qualities

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    International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) has decreased the annual dose limit for the eye lens from 150 mSv down to 20 mSv for occupational exposures. The operational quantity Hp (3) has been defined for eye lens dosimetry, while cylindrical phantom approximating the shape of a head was suggested for calibration purposes. The aim of the work was to provide a set of conversion coefficients that could contribute to improving the overall quality of eye lens dose assessment. The work investigated the air kerma to Hp(3,iota)conversion coefficients, Hp(3,iota)/Ka (in Sv/Gy), based on Monte Carlo simulations for a standard beam qualities, different angulations and suitable cylindrical phantom. For incident angles iota from 0(o\) to 90(o)., the conversion coefficients Hp(3,iota)/Ka were in the range 0.44-0.88 for N-40, 0.72-1.06 for N-60, 0.91-1.63 for N-80, 1.08-1.52 for N-100, 1.22- 1.62 for N-120 and 0.14-1.56 for N-150 beam quality. The conversion factors Hp(3)/Ka provided in this work are related to standard beam qualities readily available in the calibration laboratories and are suitable for application in numerous workplace situations in medicine and industry.3rd International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (RAD), Jun 08-12, 2015, Budva, Montenegr