39 research outputs found

    Essays on volatility risk premia in asset pricing

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    This thesis contains two essays. In the first essay, we investigate the impact of time varying volatility of consumption growth on the cross-section and time-series of equity returns. While many papers test consumption-based pricing models using the first moment of consumption growth, less is known about how the time-variation of consumption growth volatility affects asset prices. In a model with recursive preferences and unobservable conditional mean and volatility of consumption growth, the representative agent's estimates of conditional moments of consumption growth affect excess returns. Empirically, we find that estimated consumption volatility is a priced source of risk, and exposure to it predicts future returns in the cross-section. Consumption volatility is also a strong predictor of aggregate quarterly excess returns in the time-series. The estimated negative price of risk together with the evidence on equity premium predictability suggest that the elasticity of intertemporal substitution of the representative agent is greater than unity, a finding that contributes to a long standing debate in the literature. In the second essay, I present a simple model to show that if agents face binding portfolio constraints, stocks with high volatility in states of low market returns demand a premium beyond the one implied by systematic risks. Assets whose volatility positively covaries with market volatility also have high expected returns. Both effects of this idiosyncratic volatility risk premium are strongest for assets that face more binding trading restrictions. Unlike the prior empirical literature that obtains mixed results when focusing on the level of idiosyncratic volatility, I investigate the dynamic behavior of idiosyncratic volatility and find strong support for my predictions. Comovement of innovations of idiosyncratic volatility with market returns negatively predicts returns for trading restricted stocks relative to unrestricted stocks, and comovement of idiosyncratic volatility with market volatility positively predicts returns for restricted assets.Business, Sauder School ofGraduat

    Consumption Volatility Risk

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    Empirically, the conditional volatility of aggregate consumption growth varies over time. While many papers test the consumption CAPM based on realized consumption growth, little is known about how the time-variation of consumption growth volatility affects asset prices. We show that in a model where (i) the agent has recursive preferences, (ii) the conditional first and second moments of consumption growth follow a Markov chain and (iii) the state of the economy is latent, the perception about conditional moments of consumption growth affect excess returns. In the data, we find that the perceived consumption volatility is a priced source of risk and exposure to it strongly negatively predicts future returns in the cross-section. These results suggest that the representative agent has an elasticity of intertemporal substitution greater than unity. In the time-series, changes in beliefs about the volatility state strongly forecast aggregate quarterly excess returns

    Conditional Risk, . . . of Momentum Strategies

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    Recent empirical studies evaluate the performance of investment strategies using contemporaneously measured loadings to proxy for conditional risk. We demonstrate that such procedures lead to potentially large biases in alpha when payo¤s are nonlinear. We combine lagged portfolio and component realized betas with standard instruments to improve performance analysis, and find that conditioning information reduces momentum alphas by 20-40 % relative to unconditional estimates. Overconditioned alphas are up to 2.5 times larger than appropriately conditioned measures

    Dissecting Conglomerates

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