24,228 research outputs found

    Water activity in lamellar stacks of lipid bilayers: "Hydration forces" revisited

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    Water activity and its relationship with interactions stabilising lamellar stacks of mixed lipid bilayers in their fluid state are investigated by means of osmotic pressure measurements coupled with small-angle x-ray scattering. The (electrically-neutral) bilayers are composed of a mixture in various proportions of lecithin, a zwitterionic phospholipid, and Simulsol, a non-ionic cosurfactant with an ethoxylated polar head. For highly dehydrated samples the osmotic pressure profile always exhibits the "classical" exponential decay as hydration increases but, depending on Simulsol to lecithin ratio, it becomes either of the "bound" or "unbound" types for more water-swollen systems. A simple thermodynamic model is used for interpreting the results without resorting to the celebrated but elusive "hydration forces"Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in The European Physical Journal

    Biomassa vegetal e carbono orgânico em capoeiras e agroecossistemas no Nordeste do Pará.

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    Spatial patterns and biodiversity in off-lattice simulations of a cyclic three-species Lotka-Volterra model

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    Stochastic simulations of cyclic three-species spatial predator-prey models are usually performed in square lattices with nearest neighbor interactions starting from random initial conditions. In this Letter we describe the results of off-lattice Lotka-Volterra stochastic simulations, showing that the emergence of spiral patterns does occur for sufficiently high values of the (conserved) total density of individuals. We also investigate the dynamics in our simulations, finding an empirical relation characterizing the dependence of the characteristic peak frequency and amplitude on the total density. Finally, we study the impact of the total density on the extinction probability, showing how a low population density may jeopardize biodiversity.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures; new version, with new title and figure

    Fertilidade do solo sob cobertura de floresta primária e de cultivos de dendê e de seringueira.

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    Biomassa vegetal em agroecossistema de seringueira consorciada com cacaueiro no nordeste paraense.

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    Nos diversos compartimentos do agroecossistema de seringueira com cacaueiro, foram avaliados os estoques de materia organica e a quantificacao da biomassa vegetal. O estudo foi realizado em parcela de consorcio de seringueira com cacaueiro, com quinze anos de idade, instalado no Campo Experimental do Centro de Pesquisa Agroflorestal da Amazonia Oriental-CPATU, localizado no Km 40 da rodovia PA253, em Capitao Poco, PA. A quantificacao das fitomassas de seringueira e de cacaueiro foi realizada em junho de 1991, em cinco plantas de cada cultura do total de 140 plantas de seringueira e 960 plantas de cacaueiro por hectare. Em cada planta foram avaliados ramos, caule, folhas e raizes (pivotante, grossas e finas), estas ate um metro de profundidade no solo. O estoque de materia organica do solo foi avaliado atraves da amostragem da area da parcela, na camada de 0 a 100cm. A liteira foi coletada mensalmente, de janeiro a dezembro de 1991, utilizando-se uma moldura quadrada com 484cm2 de area interna. Nesse agroecossistema, o estoque do material organico foi de 228.004 kg/ha, distribuido em 39,5% como fitomassa viva, 3% como literia e 57,5% como materia organica no solo. A contribuicao da seringueira na fitomassa viva foi de 51.884 Kg/ha, enquanto que a do cacaueiro foi de 38.064 Kg/ha.bitstream/item/42795/1/Boletim-Pesquisa-153-CPATU.pd
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