356 research outputs found

    Rheology as a tool to follow hybrid nanocomposites preparation

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    Hybrid nanocomposites were prepared using two polymeric matrices and the one inorganic precursor. Rheological measurements were performed in order to characterize and follow the reactions and to assess the effect of temperature and time on the nanocomposite structure. The experimental results evidenced that crosslinking occurs for both polymers. Higher crosslinking density and well dispersed nanoparticles morphology were achieved with EVA.The authors acknowledge the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) Project SFRH/BD/39085/2007 for the financial support


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    A literatura tem apontado que a pesquisa empírica em direito ainda é incipiente no Brasil. As pesquisas são eminentemente bibliográficas e tem natureza predominantemente descritiva do ordenamento jurídico e dos conceitos dogmáticos nele estabelecidos. O objetivo deste artigo foi classificar as teses e dissertações defendidas no programa de pós-graduação em direito da Universidade de São Paulo entre 2015 e 2016. Foram utilizados dois critérios de classificação das teses e dissertações: segundo fontes de informação e natureza dos dados. Os resultados evidenciaram que as pesquisas produzidas no programa de pós-graduação pesquisado são em sua grande maioria bibliográficas e de natureza qualitativa


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    A literatura tem apontado que a pesquisa empírica em direito ainda é incipiente no Brasil. As pesquisas são eminentemente bibliográficas e tem natureza descritiva do ordenamento jurídico e dos conceitos dogmáticos nele estabelecidos. O objetivo do estudo foi classificar as pesquisas apresentadas no grupo de trabalho sobre ensino do direito nos dois grandes eventos promovidos pelo CONPEDI nos últimos cinco anos. Foram utilizados dois critérios de classificação das pesquisas: segundo as fontes de informação e a natureza dos dados. Os resultados evidenciaram que as pesquisas produzidas são em sua grande maioria bibliográficas e de natureza qualitativa

    The influence of surface modified poly(L-lactic acid) films on the differentiation of human monocytes into macrophages

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    Macrophages play a crucial role in the biological performance of biomaterials, as key factors in defining the optimal inflammation-healing balance towards tissue regeneration and implant integration. Here, we investigate how different surface modifications performed on poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) films would influence the differentiation of human monocytes into macrophages. We tested PLLA films without modification, surface-modified by plasma treatment (pPLLA) or by combining plasma treatment with different coating materials, namely poly(L-lysine) and a series of proteins from the extracellular matrix: collagen I, fibronectin, vitronectin, laminin and albumin. While all the tested films are non-cytotoxic, differences in cell adhesion and morphology are observed. Monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) present a more rounded shape in non-modified films, while a more elongated phenotype is observed containing filopodia-like and podosome-like structures in all modified films. No major differences are found for the expression of HLA-DR+/CD80(+) and CD206(+)/CD163(+) surface markers, as well as for the ability of MDM to phagocytize. Interestingly, MDM differentiated on pPLLA present the highest expression of MMP9. Upon differentiation, MDM in all surface modified films present lower amounts of IL-6 and IL-10 compared to non-modified films. After stimulating MDM with the potent pro-inflammatory agent LPS, pPLLA and poly(L-lysine) and fibronectin-modified films reveal a significant reduction in IL-6 secretion, while the opposite effect is observed with IL-10. Of note, in comparison to non-modified films, all surface modified films induce a significant reduction of the IL-6/IL-10 ratio, a valuable prognosticator of the pro-versus anti-inflammatory balance. These findings provide important insights into MDM-biomaterial interactions, while strengthening the need for designing immune-informed biomaterials.project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000023, supported by the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). C. R. Correia and J. F. Mano acknowledge the funding from the European Research Council for project ATLAS with the grant agreement number ERC-2014-ADG-669858. J. Gaifem, M.B. Oliveira and R. Silvestre acknowledge the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for the doctoral (PD/BD/106053/2015), post-doctoral (SFRH/BPD/111354/2015) and FCT Investigator (IF/00021/2014) grants, respectively. The authors also acknowledge Hospital de Braga for providing the buffy coatsThis work was developed under the scope of the project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000023, supported by the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). C. R. Correia and J. F. Mano acknowledge the funding from the European Research Council for project ATLAS with the grant agreement number ERC-2014-ADG-669858. J. Gaifem, M.B. Oliveira and R. Silvestre acknowledge the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for the doctoral (PD/BD/106053/2015), post-doctoral (SFRH/BPD/111354/2015) and FCT Investigator (IF/00021/2014) grants, respectively. The authors also acknowledge Hospital de Braga for providing the buffy coats.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Screening of perfused combinatorial 3D microenvironments for cell culture

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    Biomaterials combining biochemical and biophysical cues to establish close-to-extracellular matrix (ECM) models have been explored for cell expansion and differentiation purposes. Multivariate arrays are used as material-saving and rapid-to-analyze platforms, which enable selecting hit-spotted formulations targeting specific cellular responses. However, these systems often lack the ability to emulate dynamic mechanical aspects that occur in specific biological milieus and affect physiological phenomena including stem cells differentiation, tumor progression, or matrix modulation. We report a tailor-made strategy to address the combined effect of flow and biochemical composition of three-dimensional (3D) biomaterials on cellular response. We suggest a simple-to-implement device comprising (i) a perforated platform accommodating miniaturized 3D biomaterials and (ii) a bioreactor that enables the incorporation of the biomaterial-containing array into a disposable perfusion chamber. The system was upscaled to parallelizable setups, increasing the number of analyzed platforms per independent experiment. As a proof-of-concept, porous chitosan scaffolds with 1 mm diameter were functionalized with combinations of 5 ECM and cell-cell contact-mediating proteins, relevant for bone and dental regeneration, corresponding to 32 protein combinatorial formulations. Mesenchymal stem cells adhesion and production of an early osteogenic marker were assessed on-chip on static and under-flow dynamic perfusion conditions. Different hit-spotted biomaterial formulations were detected for the different flow regimes using direct image analysis. Cell-binding proteins still poorly explored as biomaterials components amelogenin and E-cadherin - were here shown as relevant cell response modulators. Their combination with ECM cell-binding proteins - fibronectin, vitronectin, and type 1 collagen - rendered specific biomaterial combinations with high cell adhesion and ALP production under flow. The developed versatile system may be targeted at wM.B. Oliveira acknowledges the financial support from Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology- FCT (Grant SFRH/BPD/111354/2015). This work was developed within the scope of the projects CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007679 (FCT Ref. UID/CTM/50011/2013) and IPC/i3N Minho (FCT Ref. UID/CTM/50025/2013), financed by national funds through the FCT/MEC and when appropriate co-financed by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement. This work was also supported by European Research Council grant agreement ERC-2014-ADG-669858 (project ATLAS)

    Modulação da hemostasia por inibição enzimática exercida por folhas de Averrhoa carambola

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    Herbal medicines represent an advantageous alternative for the prevention and treatment of several diseases when compared to allopathic medicines. Averrhoa carambola (Oxalidaceae) is a plant rich in phenolic compounds and popularly known for its medicinal properties such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and hypoglycemic. Different enzymes of the human organism participate in physiological processes which involve hemostasis, inflammation, and formation of new tissue. These enzymes are highlighted as pharmaceutical targets for the treatment of numerous pathologies. The present work evaluated the aqueous and ethanolic extracts from A. carambola leaves on phospholipase, hemolytic, caseinolytic, thrombolytic, coagulant, and fibrinogenolytic activities induced by phospholipases A2 and proteases. Phenolic compounds and total flavonoids were quantified in the aqueous and ethanolic extracts of the leaves of Averrhoa carambola. These extracts were evaluated, in vitro, on phospholipase, proteolytic, hemolytic, thrombolytic and fibrinogenolytic activities induced by snake venoms. The results confirm the pharmacological potential of A. carambola since the extracts were able to modulate all evaluated activities related to hemostasis through inhibitions or potentiation of the enzymatic activities (phospholipases A2 and proteases). The constituents of A. carambola may act interfering in processes such as coagulation, thrombus dissolution, and fibrinogenolysis.Os medicamentos fitoterápicos representam uma alternativa vantajosa para a prevenção e tratamento de diversas doenças quando comparados aos medicamentos alopáticos. Averrhoa carambola (Oxalidaceae) é uma planta rica em compostos fenólicos e popularmente conhecida por suas propriedades medicinais como anti-inflamatória, antioxidante e hipoglicêmica. Diferentes enzimas do organismo humano participam de processos fisiológicos que envolvem hemostasia, inflamação e formação de novos tecidos. Essas enzimas são destacadas como alvos farmacêuticos para o tratamento de inúmeras patologias. O presente trabalho avaliou os extratos aquoso e etanólico das folhas de A. carambola sobre as atividades fosfolipásica, hemolítica, caseinolítica, trombolítica, coagulante e fibrinogenolítica induzidas por fosfolipases A2 e proteases. Compostos fenólicos e flavonoides totais foram quantificados nos extratos aquoso e etanólico das folhas de A. carambola. Esses extratos foram avaliados, in vitro, sobre as atividades fosfolipásica, proteolítica, hemolítica, trombolítica e fibrinogenolítica induzidas por peçonhas de serpentes. Os resultados confirmam o potencial farmacológico de A. carambola uma vez que os extratos foram capazes de modular todas as atividades avaliadas relacionadas à hemostasia por meio de inibições ou potencialização das atividades enzimáticas (fosfolipases A2 e proteases). Os constituintes de A. carambola podem atuar interferindo em processos como coagulação, dissolução de trombos e fibrinogenólise

    Injuries to Crossfit practitioners: narrative review

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    Introdução: O CrossFit tem como pilar o desenvolvimento do condicionamento físico e está se difundindo entre a população, tanto em modalidades competitivas quanto não competitivas. O treinamento faz uso de três padrões para orientar o condicionamento físico: desenvolvimento de habilidades, como resistência e força; bom rendimento em toda atividade; e competência e desenvolvimento das vias determinantes do condicionamento metabólico. Objetivo: Reunir os tipos mais frequentes de lesões provocadas pela prática de CrossFit e as causas e os fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento destas. Metodologia: A revisão da literatura foi realizada ao longo dos meses de outubro e novembro de 2021, por meio das bases de dados PubMed, BVS, LILACS e IBECS, utilizando os termos MeSH “high intensity interval training”, “sports injury” e “injury”. Resultados: Foram inseridas 8 publicações neste estudo, após a aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão e foi confeccionada uma tabela com os principais achados de cada estudo. Os resultados encontrados foram subdivididos em 4 grupos relacionados a: MMSS; MMII; tronco e coluna; fatores de risco para lesões. As lesões de ombro e joelho são as mais prevalentes, e há necessidade de mais estudos sobre lesões de coluna e tronco. No que tange aos fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de lesões, as correlações entre tempo de prática do CrossFit, frequência de treinos e participação de competições não são bem definidas. Conclusão: As prevalências das lesões divergem entre os estudos, todavia as lesões de ombro são mais predominantes em MMSS, joelhos, em MMII e região lombar, na coluna vertebral. Apesar da literatura escassa sobre o tema, torna-se evidente a necessidade de acompanhamento por meio de profissionais capacitados para evitar a ocorrência de lesões.Introduction: CrossFit is a training program based on fitness development which has been gaining popularity, both in its competitive and non-competitive modes. The training uses three standards to guide physical conditioning: development of skills, such as endurance and strength; good performance in all tasks; and competency and training of pathways that determine metabolic conditioning. Objective: To assess the most frequent types of injuries associated with CrossFit training and the causes and risk factors for their occurrence. Methodology: The literature review was conducted between October and November 2021 in the PubMed, BVS, LILACS and IBECS databases, using the MeSH terms “high intensity interval training”, “sports injury” and “injury”. Results: After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, eight studies were used in the review and a table with the main findings of each one was created. The results found were divided into 4 groups, referring to: upper limbs; lower limbs; trunk and spine; and risk factors for injuries. Shoulder and knee injuries were the most prevalent, and there is a need for further studies on spinal and trunk injuries. As for risk factors for the occurrence of injuries, the correlations between CrossFit experience, training frequency, and participation in competition are not well defined. Conclusion: The studies found different values of prevalence, but agreed that shoulder injuries were more prevalent in the upper limbs, knee injuries in lower limbs, and lumbar injuries in the spine. Despite the scarcity of literature on the subject, there is a clear need for the supervision of trained professionals in order to avoid injuries

    Validation of blood components transport through a pneumatic tube system

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    Introduction Urgent blood component transfusions may be life-saving for patients in hemorrhagic shock. Measures to reduce the time taken to provide these transfusions, such as uncrossmatched transfusion or abbreviated testing, are available. However, transport time is still an additional delay and the use of a pneumatic tube system (PTS) may be an alternative to shorten the transport time of blood components. Objectives To assess pneumatic tube system transportation of blood components based on a validation protocol. Methods: Pre- and post-transport quality control laboratory parameters, visual appearance, transport time and temperature of the packed red blood cells (RBCs), thawed fresh plasma (TFP), cryoprecipitate (CR), and platelet concentrate (PC) were evaluated. Parameters were compared between transport via pneumatic tube and courier. Results A total of 23 units of RBCs, 50 units of TFP, 30 units of CR and ten units of PC were evaluated. No statistically significant differences were found between pre- and post-transport laboratory results. There was also no difference in laboratory parameters between transport modalities (PTS versus courier). All blood components transported matched regulatory requirements for quality criteria. The temperature during transport remained stable and the transport time via PTS was significantly shorter than the courier's transport time (p < 0.05). Conclusion The PTS was considered a fast, safe and reliable means of transportation for blood components, also securing quality prerequisites

    Choosing the Criteria for Clinical Evaluation of Composite Restorations: An Analysis of Impact on Reliabilty and Treatment Decision

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    Objective: To assess the reproducibility of two clinical criteria for the evaluation of restorations in primary teeth and the impact on treatment decision. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed selecting 71 resin-based composite restorations placed in primary molars of children who had sought dental treatment at a dental school. Two trained examiners evaluated independently the restorations using modified FDI and USPHS criteria. All restorations were assessed separately with each system in random order to avoid memory bias. Kappa statistics were used to determine inter-examiner reliability considering each parameter of both criteria and score final about treatment decision. McNemar test was used to compare the treatment decision with two criteria. The significance level was set at 5%. Results: Kappa values ranged from 0.28 to 0.93 with USPHS and 0.28 to 0.88 with FDI, considering each parameter separately. Inter- examiner agreement for treatment decision was excellent for both criteria (Kappa: 0.85-0.90). For clinical decision-making, no difference between criteria was found, irrespective of examiner. Conclusion: Low inter- examiner agreement for evaluation of each parameter of USPHS and FDI criteria does not reflect on reproducibility for treatment decision. Both criteria may be suitable for evaluation of composite restorations in primary teeth