4 research outputs found

    The concept of the sustainable port – ports becoming enablers of sustainability in trans-ports and logistics

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    Global transportation is one of the major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. Portsplay an important role for the leap towards a more sustainable transport ecosystem. Overthe years, empowered by the Swedish innovation project I.Hamn, a concept for thesustainable port has been developed by the Swedish ports (see Appendix 1). This efforthas been financed by the Swedish Transport Administration’s industry programmeSustainable shipping managed by Lighthouse. The project is coordinated by the ResearchInstitutes of Sweden (RISE), and University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University ofTechnology are project partners.The result is a vision of the sustainable port, including a roadmap - developed togetherwith Lighthouse Focus group for Ports - supporting Swedish ports, in which the threepillars of sustainability have been addressed, i.e., economic, social, and environmentalsustainability.Globala transporter \ue4r en av de st\uf6rsta bidragsgivarna till utsl\ue4ppen av v\ue4xthusgaser. Hamnarna spelar en viktig roll f\uf6r spr\ue5nget mot ett mer h\ue5llbart transportekosystem. Genom insatser i innovationsprojektet I.Hamn har ett koncept f\uf6r den h\ue5llbara hamnen tagits fram av de svenska hamnarna (se Appendix 1). Satsningen har finansierats av Trafikverkets branschprogram H\ue5llbar sj\uf6fart som f\uf6rvaltas av Lighthouse. Projektet har koordinerats av Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE) tillsammans med G\uf6teborgs universitet och Chalmers tekniska h\uf6gskola.\ua0Resultatet \ue4r en vision om den h\ue5llbara hamnen, inklusive en f\ue4rdplan - framtagen tillsammans med Lighthouse Fokusgrupp Hamnar - som st\uf6djer svenska hamnar, d\ue4r de tre pelarna f\uf6r h\ue5llbarhet har tagits upp, det vill s\ue4ga ekonomisk, social och milj\uf6m\ue4ssig h\ue5llbarhet

    Using a web-based simulation software in education

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    Manoeuvring ships in confined waters is a complex issue and requires extensive education, training and practical experience. Using Seaman Onlineâ„¢, the instructor builds and publishes specific exercises which the students can access by logging in to their account from any computer connected to the internet at any time. After having completed an exercise, students can replay the simulation on an evaluation page where all important manoeuvring data are presented in a graphical and numerical format. There are several areas in ship handling where Seaman Onlineâ„¢ may not only support the student in their training and understanding of the complexity of ship behaviour in various manoeuvring conditions but also their analytical skills. These areas may be categorized into applied hydrodynamics, ship handling using tugs and repetitive training in berthing/un-berthing manoeuvres. On a general level, Seaman Onlineâ„¢ was perceived by the students as a useful complement to the desktop and bridge simulators

    Development of a Software to Identify and Analyse Marine Traffic Situations

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    Avoiding collisions is one of the main tasks for a deck officer onboard a vessel. Traffic situations with two or more vessels are very common and has to be handled regularly and according to anti-collision regulation (colreg). By developing a software that use AIS data, identify and analyse traffic situations, we would like to measure marine traffic in specific areas. The purpose is to develop the training and education for new officers and to validate increased safety in areas with new regulations, i.e. new traffic separation schemes and sea traffic management. The software identifies and analyse traffic situations and manoeuvers based on different parameters, i.e. Bearings, distances, speed, course, targets in vicinity and obstructions around the vessel, showing result for individual traffic situations and find statistics for the area selected. The result is validated by use of a navigational simulator and measures of real traffic data from Bornholmsgat. The development of the software is still in progress

    Maritime Traffic Situations in Bornholmsgat

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    Maritime traffic situations is regulated in the Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs), but how well are these rules followed by officers on board vessels? When the world shipping fleet grow and the traffic becomes more intensive, the risk of collision increase. By analysing AIS data from vessels in the traffic separation scheme Bornholmsgat during 24 hours in December 2013, 421 traffic situations were found where the passing distance between the vessels were less than 1.5 nautical miles.The compliance with the Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs) seems to be good, but the average avoiding action is less than the recommended manoeuver