5 research outputs found

    Development of Methods for the Strategic Management of Web Projects

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    In this article, we have explored methods for the strategic management of web projects. By introducing a long-term web project development strategy into the operation of a web project, mechanisms can be developed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the web project. An important factor is to develop a strategy taking into account all possible crisis situations and ways out of these situations. The authors analyzed and simulated the web project structure, working out methods of web project strategy realization and implementation in a crisis situation. Additionally, in this article, the authors have presented the model for the strategic map of the balanced scorecard of a web project. The authors tested the developed methods on six web projects of university departments. The received results confirmed the appropriateness and necessity of the development and implementation of methods of the strategic management of web projects

    When Fact-Checking and ‘BBC Standards’ Are Helpless: ‘Fake Newsworthy Event’ Manipulation and the Reaction of the ‘High-Quality Media’ on It

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    Fact-checking and journalists professional standards usually are considered to be the best fail-safe against manipulations in media. However, we found that newsmakers are able to manipulate even the audience of so-called ‘high-quality media’ who practice all mentioned approaches. To prove this we have refined the concept of ‘pseudo-event’, introduced by D.J. Boorstin, by defining the term ‘fake newsworthy event’ as an event created by newsmakers, that is high-profile and attractive for media, but the only or particular aim of these actions is an agenda-setting, and this aim is not obvious from the origin of the action. Namely, the member of parliament may file some bill realizing that it cannot be adopted and trying just to shape the public opinion. Or some person may claim against a celebrity or businessman having no chance to win at trial. On the example of Ukrainian ‘high-quality media’ we showed that journalists usually do not take into account whether some topics are launched just for manipulating agenda-setting. To prove that we gathered the data about publications focused on such topics in Ukrainian ‘high-quality media’, we provided their discourse analysis, and compared the result with experts’ evaluations of ‘media quality’ and ‘artificiality rate’ of the topic. We have not found correlations between ‘artificiality’ of the topic and the number of publications. Recommendations were elaborated for the media workers if they want to avoid this type of manipulation

    When Fact-Checking and ‘BBC Standards’ Are Helpless: ‘Fake Newsworthy Event’ Manipulation and the Reaction of the ‘High-Quality Media’ on It

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    Fact-checking and journalists professional standards usually are considered to be the best fail-safe against manipulations in media. However, we found that newsmakers are able to manipulate even the audience of so-called ‘high-quality media’ who practice all mentioned approaches. To prove this we have refined the concept of ‘pseudo-event’, introduced by D.J. Boorstin, by defining the term ‘fake newsworthy event’ as an event created by newsmakers, that is high-profile and attractive for media, but the only or particular aim of these actions is an agenda-setting, and this aim is not obvious from the origin of the action. Namely, the member of parliament may file some bill realizing that it cannot be adopted and trying just to shape the public opinion. Or some person may claim against a celebrity or businessman having no chance to win at trial. On the example of Ukrainian ‘high-quality media’ we showed that journalists usually do not take into account whether some topics are launched just for manipulating agenda-setting. To prove that we gathered the data about publications focused on such topics in Ukrainian ‘high-quality media’, we provided their discourse analysis, and compared the result with experts’ evaluations of ‘media quality’ and ‘artificiality rate’ of the topic. We have not found correlations between ‘artificiality’ of the topic and the number of publications. Recommendations were elaborated for the media workers if they want to avoid this type of manipulation

    Application of Fuzzy Logic and SNA Tools to Assessment of Communication Quality between Construction Project Participants

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    The purpose of this research is to study the communication network among the participants in a construction project. The proposed approach contains the solving of the following tasks: identification of the key factors that affect the communication quality; calculation of the “communication quality” indicator between each pair of participants using fuzzy logic; and evaluation of the key measures of centrality using the tools of a Social Network Analysis. Solving the set tasks can help break the problem of the low level of efficiency of construction project deliveries. This study was conducted when the design stage was already complete and the construction project had 17 participants. We used the following factors influencing communication quality: timeliness, understanding, bidirectionality, use of IT tools in communication acts and adequacy. The use of fuzzy logic tools can minimise the subjectivity of the qualitative data obtained from the questionnaires. The analysis of five centrality measures showed that “Project manager”, “Chief engineer”, “Construction site manager”, “Construction works manager” and “Architect” had the greatest values in comparison with other network participants. On the one hand, this organisational structure of communication can be considered correct because the main information flows through the project managers, who make the decisions. On the other hand, this indicates a significant dependence of the construction project on these participants and, in the event of certain risk events, may lead to a decrease in the efficiency of its implementation. The methods presented in this article can be used in project management to analyse a real communication network