6 research outputs found

    Neuropsychological Means of Developing Emotional Intelligence in Children

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    The article analyzes the age and neuropsychological features and means of developing the child's emotional intelligence based on foreign and domestic experiences. An attempt is made to generalize the definition of emotional intelligence in the scientific literature. A neuropsychological approach to studying the relationship between a child's emotional development and emotional and rational brain has been implemented. The vital role of social and emotional learning of students (SEL) on their academic success and personal growth in the research of modern foreign researchers is emphasized. In the organization of emotional development of the child's personality, a complex combination of the principle of systematics is recommended, taking into account the social nature of the psyche with the principle of biological (brain) organization of emotional phenomena. The psychological characteristics of the emotional and personal sphere of the child and some emotional disorders in the context of neuropsychology are analyzed. The essence of the interaction of biological and social factors in the development of mental functions of emotions taking into account their subcortical-cortical brain mechanisms is revealed. The program on developing the child's emotional intelligence with the indication of actual conditions of its realization is developed. The success of the development of emotional intelligence in children with reliance on art-therapeutic methods has been noted. It is recommended to use neuropsychological technologies for the child's mental development, focusing on the doctrine of the three functional blocks of the brain and solid mental activity to form new neural connections. The necessity of neuropsychological support of left-handed children is argued.</p

    Art Therapy as a Means of Psychological Correction of Emotional Disorders

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    The article reveals the essence and specificity of psychologically corrective work with the help of art therapy in the theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem of correction of emotional disorders. Types of emotional disorders, their causes, and also directions of art therapy and some rules of introduction of art therapy techniques in psychologically corrective practice are considered. Some psychological recommendations for the use of isotherapy methods in the correction of emotional disorders, compliance with which can attest to the high professional competence of the consultant in mastering art therapy techniques have been developed. Art therapy work is offered for consideration as emotional "auto-training" of harmonious interaction with the social environment, a strategy of preservation of emotional health and a psychological means of self-help of the self-sufficient person for the purpose of prevention of emotional deviations. The use of art-therapeutic means is offered to consider as innovative health-saving technology. Theoretical and methodological developments in the introduction of art therapy in the psychologically corrective process by foreign and domestic researchers, which can be considered as successful recommendations for the use of art therapy techniques for the psychocorrection of emotional disorders are summarized.</p

    The Neuropedagogical Aspects of Mental and Cognitive Activity in Younger School-Age Children

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    This article discusses theoretical angles of investigating the psychological development of younger school-age children and the examination of cognitive processes, due to the fact that each age group is associated with its own predominant activity. The leading activity is distinguished by the formation and alteration of other forms of activity, the restructuring of fundamental cognitive processes and personality development. It might not consume all of a child’s spare time, but it does affect his/her growth during that age. Engaging in learning activities is of paramount importance for young learners. Firstly, it establishes essential relationships between the child and society. Secondly, it serves as the groundwork for developing core personality traits and certain cognitive processes of younger school-age children. The level of success that students in this group attain will significantly determine their well-being and standing in the class. Ukrainian research has outlined various learning challenges commonly experienced by younger school-age children and the psychological factors behind them. Accordingly, learning challenges can be attributed to a lack of attention, inadequate short-term and long-term memory, visual reasoning, mental processes and general intelligence. However, not only children with learning difficulties require an individual approach. Considering the distinct cognitive mental processes of younger school-age children, teachers can create the most favourable conditions for their learning and growth. Therefore, this article aims to study the characteristics of cognitive mental processes in younger school-age children.</p

    The Psychodrama Method of Group Psychotherapy

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    The article presents a theoretical-methodological analysis of the psychodrama method of group psychotherapy. It examines the aim, objectives, advantages, peculiarities and structure of classical psychodrama as a method of group psychotherapy. Also, the article attempts to define psychodrama as a group psychotherapy process. It studies the links between psychodrama and methods of various psychological approaches. Importantly, the article suggests a phenomenological approach to studying the interaction among the participants in psychodramatic psychotherapy groups to develop effective technologies for implementing psychodramatic techniques. It justifies the methodological and methodical essence of psychodramatic technologies in group psychotherapy, its main characteristics and goals. From the perspective of an integrative approach, psychodramatic technologies in group psychotherapy ensure the interrelation and interdependence of its psychodiagnostic and psychodevelopmental components. Meanwhile, the article considers the organizational, methodical and structural-dynamic features of using the interactive and role-playing method in group psychotherapy depending on the type of psychodrama. It shows how one can practically apply the “mirroring” psychotechnique in combination with the fairy tale metaphor (the method of enacting a fairy tale) in all types of psychodrama, along with an analysis of the advantages of its use and resourcefulness. Finally, the article discusses a methodical combination of psychodrama and transactional analysis within the “psychodramatic triangle” technique. It provides methodical recommendations for emotional disorder correction using the psychodrama method. The relevant indicators of the effectiveness and efficiency of the psychodrama method in group psychotherapy include catharsis, insight, expressions of trust and a sense of comfort in the space of group interaction and feedback, as an existing objective reality.</p

    The dynamics of structural changes in the social-role attitudes of students during studies at higher educational institution

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    The purpose of the paper — to present the theoretical considerations and the results of empirical study concerning on the intentional characteristics of professional consciousness (on the example of social-role attitudes of students). The structure, the dynamics of changes in the social-role attitudes of students during studies at higher educational institution in different forms of studies (full-time and part-time) and the influence of the quality of program content transferred during the education process on the shaping of students' professional awareness were also discussed

    The evaluation of the mental and emotional state of the university students in the situation of exam

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    The purpose of the paper is to describe the results of the theoretical and empirical study of the mental and emotional state assessment of university students in the examination situation. The dependence of students’ mental and emotional state during the examination on personal traits, students’ self-assessment, as well as the specificity of their mental and emotional state with different levels of examination anxiety are discussed