31 research outputs found
The article presents the results of an empirical study. The aim of the study is to increase the effectiveness of compulsory measures for juvenile delinquents through the development and implementation of the pedagogical support system of these measures.The urgency of the research is determined by the lack of the scientific and methodological support for the practical implementation of compulsory measures of educational influence on juvenile delinquents; by the low level of the psychological and pedagogical readiness of the subjects of the pedagogical interaction; insufficiency of the pedagogical support as the most important condition of these measures effectiveness. Research methods are pedagogical analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison and generalization of research results, questionnaires, interviews, individual and group conversations, observation, generalization of independent characteristics, statistical methods of information processing.According to the research aim the system of the pedagogical support of compulsory measures of educational influence on juvenile offenders was developed and tested. It includes organizational and substantial, technological and staff resource components and their interaction, the main directions and ways for increasing of the pedagogical training level of the subjects of the pedagogical interaction. The results of the investigation proved the effectiveness of the pedagogical support system of compulsory measures for juvenile delinquents.
Multicultural Educational Approach Influence on Student’s Development
Recognition of the need to prepare a person for integrating into a multicultural society has led to the problem of organizing educational activities, which provide mastering both languages and cultures, cultural awareness and readiness for intercultural communication, based on the interest in foreign culture and identity of a person as a bearer of own national culture. University educational activities aimed at solving the task of developing personal and professional qualities of a student, who acts as a citizen of their state, meets the social needs and requirements. The paper aims at exploring the specific features of educational activities based on language-and-culture content.
The paper employs theoretical and comparative analysis of research describing the basic ideas of teaching foreign languages and cultures as well as studies on personal development in multicultural space.
The paper identifies the specific features of educational activities, organized on the basis of language-and-culture content to influence a student as a representative of the nation. One of the major findings is that the teacher’s actions are related to the methods used to expose students to foreign culture in the teacher-led and out-of-class activities. The authors describe the organized educational activities which provide language-and-culture content at different stages of foreign language teaching.
In sum, the authors conclude that the main characteristics of educational activities – complexity and integrity; relation to the principle of dialogue between cultures – are determined by the purposes of foreign language teaching and culture, and by the tasks of keeping and developing the students’ features
Experimental study of {99m}Tc-aluminum oxide use for sentinel lymph nodes detection
The purpose of the study was a comparative research in the possibility of using the radiopharmaceuticals {99m}Tc-Al[2]O[3] and {99m}Tc-Nanocis for visualizing sentinel lymph nodes. The measurement of the sizes of {99m}Tc-Al[2]O[3] and {99m}Tc-Nanocis colloidal particles was performed in seven series of radiopharmaceuticals. The pharmacokinetics of {99m}Tc-Al[2]O[3] and {99m}Tc-Nanocis was researched on 50 white male rats. The possibility of the use of {99m}Tc-Al[2]O[3] and {99m}Tc-Nanocis for lymphoscintigraphy was studied in the experiments on 12 white male rats. The average dynamic diameter of the sol particle was 52-77 nm for {99m}Tc-Al[2]O[3] and 16.7-24.5 nm for {99m}Tc-Nanocis. Radiopharmaceuticals accumulated in the inguinal lymph node in 1 hour after administration; the average uptake of {99}mTc-Al[2]O[3] was 8.6% in it, and the accumulation of {99m}Tc-Nanocis was significantly lower-1.8% (p < 0.05). In all study points the average uptake of {99m}Tc-Al[2]O[3] in the lymph node was significantly higher than {99m}Tc-Nanocis accumulation. The results of dynamic scintigraphic studies in rats showed that {99m}Tc-Al[2]O[3] and {99m}Tc-Nanocis actively accumulated into the lymphatic system. By using {99m}Tc-Al[2]O[3] inguinal lymph node was determined in 5 minutes after injection and clearly visualized in all the animals in the 15th minute, when the accumulation became more than 1% of the administered dose. Further observation indicated that the {99m}Tc-Al[2]O[3] accumulation reached a plateau in a lymph node (average 10.5%) during 2-hour study and then its accumulation remained practically at the same level, slightly increasing to 12% in 24 hours. In case of {99m}Tc-Nanocis inguinal lymph node was visualized in all animals for 15 min when it was accumulated on the average 1.03% of the administered dose. Plateau of {99m}Tc-Nanocis accumulation in the lymph node (average 2.05%) occurred after 2 hours of the study and remained almost on the same level (in average 2.3%) for 24 hours. Thus, the experimental study of a new domestic radiopharmaceutical showed that the {99m}Tc-Al[2]O[3]accumulates actively in the lymph nodes several times as compared to the imported analogue and its practical application will facilitate intraoperative identification of sentinel lymph nodes
The Study of {99}mTc-Aluminum Oxide Using for Sentinel Lymph Nodes Detection in Experiment
We have established a multiple higher accumulation of {99}mTc-Al[2]O[3] in SLM in comparison with import analogue. Considering this fact the clinical use of new domestic radiopharmaceutical will facilitate intraoperative identification of such nodes
Exhibiting in Libraries
Pastāv vairākas iespējas, kā veidot, izvietot un noformēt izstādi. Taču nav izstrādāti vienoti principi, kas noteiktu, kā izstādes ir veidojamas. Tāpēc katra izstāde atšķiras viena no otras. Izstādes pēc iespējas tiek veidotas tā, lai tās būtu ērti apskatāmas. Izstāžu veidošanu ietekmē temata aktualitāte, mērķauditorija un, protams, bibliotēkas telpas un bibliotekāru pieredze.
Bakalaura darba pētījuma mērķis ir apkopot teorētisko informāciju par izstāžu veidošanu bibliotēkās. Novērtēt izstāžu darbību Latvijas Nacionālajā bibliotēkā, Rīgas Centrālajā bibliotēkā un Latvijas Neredzīgo bibliotēkā. Ar anketēšanas palīdzību uzzināt bibliotēku darbinieku domas par izstāžu veidošanu, un bibliotēkas apmeklētāju iespaidus par bibliotēkas izstādēm.
Pētījumu rezultātā tika iegūta informācija par vispārīgiem izstāžu veidošanas kritērijiem, kurus izmanto bibliotēkās.
Izstādes veido bibliotēku publisko dzīvi un tēlu. Pēc bibliotēku izstāžu kvalitātes var spriest par bibliotekāru profesionalitāti un darba pieredzi šajā darba jomā, jo tas ir pirmais, ko pamana bibliotēkas klients.Although there are several ways in which to set up, display and arrange an exhibition, there is no one definite principle according to which exhibitions should be set up. As a result one exhibition is different to another. Exhibitions are set up, as much as possible, so as to provide for a convenient display. The setup of exhibitions depends on whether their subject is a topical one, the visitors they are targeted at, and, of course, on the library premises available and the experience of librarians.
The purpose of this Paper was to find theoretical information on the setup of exhibitions in libraries, as well as to assess exhibitions set up at the Latvian National Library, Riga Central Library and Latvian Library for the Blind on an actual scale. To find out what librarians think about setting up exhibitions and impressions of library visitors about exhibitions in libraries by means of a questionnaire.
As a result of the study, information was obtained on general criteria used at the libraries to set up exhibitions. The approaches to the setting up of exhibitions in three Latvian set up libraries were studied. A questionnaire was used to find out what people working in libraries and library visitors think about the way exhibitions are set up
Selbstorganisierte Bildung von periodischen Oberflächenstrukturen nach Femtosekundenlaser-Induzierter Instabilität
The phenomenon of laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS), or ripples, generated by near-infrared radiation with the central wavelength around 800 nanometer (λlaser ≈ 800 nm) and pulse duration about of 100 femtosecond (τpulse ≈ 100 fs) on solid targets is considered in this dissertation. The main aim of the work is a better understanding of the fundamental processes of laser-matter interaction resulting in pattern formation by femtosecond (fs) laser ablation. The problem is of great interest both in fundamental and applied science. The knowledge of the underlying physical mechanisms will provide the opportunity to control surface nanostructuring, which has a big application potential in many modern technologies. Femtosecond LIPSS observed at the bottom of ablation crater reveal a large variety of features including nanostructures with periods below 100 nm. Moreover, the ripple size depends mainly on the irradiation dose/absorbed laser energy and is rather insensitive to the variation of laser wavelength or incidence angle. The orientation of the structures is dictated by laser polarization. All these experimental observations and an astounding similarity of the structures to other patterns originating from instabilities led to the idea to attribute the femtosecond laser nanostructuring to a self-organized pattern formation from laser-induced surface instability. In this dissertation, surface pattern formation upon femtosecond laser ablation is considered in the framework of an adopted surface erosion model, based on the description of spontaneous pattern formation on surfaces bombarded with high-energy ions. We exploit the similarity to ion-beam sputtering and extend a corresponding model for laser ablation by including laser polarization. It has been found that an asymmetry in the deposition and dissipation of the incident laser energy, related to the laser polarization, results in a corresponding dependence of coefficients in a nonlinear equation of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky type. The surface morphologies calculated in the framework of this model for different configurations of the incident laser electric field show an excellent qualitative agreement with structures observed in ultra-short pulse ablation experiments. In this work, properties of the periodic surface structures induced upon femtosecond laser ablation are studied in detail, focusing on a systematic investigation of the main control parameters regulating the pattern formation process. The results support the non-linear self-organization mechanism of pattern formation from laser-induced surface instability.Diese Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit dem Phänomen der Laser-Induzierten Periodischen Oberflächenstrukturen (LIPSS, Ripples), erzeugt bei der Ablation durch ultrakurze Lichtimpulsen mit ≈100 fs Dauer (τPuls ≈ 100 fs) und einer Wellenlänge von 800 nm (λLaser ≈ 800 nm) an unterschiedlichen Targetmaterialien. Das wesentliche Ziel der Arbeit bestand darin, die fundamentale Physik der Oberflächenstrukturierung bei der Femtosekundenlaserablation besser zu verstehen. Das Problem ist von großer Bedeutung sowohl für die Grundlagenforschung als auch in der angewandten Wissenschaft. Die Kenntnis der physikalischen Mechanismen hilft, die Nanostrukturierung von Oberflächen zu kontrollieren, die ein großes Anwendungspotenzial in vielen modernen Technologien bietet. Femtosekunden LIPSS am Boden des Ablationskraters präsentieren eine große Vielfalt von Strukturen bis hin zu einer Periodizität kleiner als 100 nm. Die Größe der Strukturen hängt hauptsächlich von der Bestrahlungsdosis/absorbierten Laserenergie ab, und ist nicht von der Wellenlänge oder dem Einfallswinkel des Laserstrahls beeinflusst. Die Orientierung der Ripples ist mit der Polarisation der Laserpulse verknüpft. Alle diese experimentelle Beobachtungen und eine erstaunliche Ähnlichkeit der Strukturen zu anderen Mustern, die aus Instabilitäten entstehen, haben zur Idee geführt, die Entwicklung der Nanostrukturen im Rahmen einer Oberflächenselbstorganisation aus einer laserinduzierten Instabilität zu erklären. In der Arbeit wird die Entwicklung der periodischen Oberflächenstrukturen bei Femtosekundenlaserablation im Rahmen eines adoptierten Oberflächenerosionsmodels betrachtet. Unser theoretischer Ansatz basiert auf dem Modell für die Entwicklung von selbstorganisierten Oberflächenstrukturen beim hochenergetischen Ionenstrahl-Sputtern. Unsere Erweiterung des Modells berücksichtigt den Einfluss polarisierter Laserstrahlung. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Laserpolarisation eine Asymmetrie in der Verteilung der absorbierten Laserenergie verursachen kann, die auf eine entsprechende Abhängigkeit von Koeffizienten in einer Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Gleichung hinausläuft. Die numerisch berechneten Oberflächenmorphologien zeigen eine ausgezeichnete qualitative Übereinstimmung mit dem Experiment. Das experimentelle Teil der Dissertation präsentiert eine detaillierte Messung der Eigenschaften der laserinduzierten periodischen Oberflächenstrukturen. Der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit lag in der Untersuchung der Parameter die kontrollieren die Bildung/Entwicklung der Nanostrukturen. Die zahlreiche Daten aus Ablations-Experimenten unterstützen den nichtlinearen Charakter der Selbstorganisation bei der laser-induzierten Strukturbildung