12 research outputs found

    Determinants of Managerial Competences Transformation in the Polish Energy Industry

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    Different technological, socio-economic, geopolitical, and demographic factors have a significant influence on labor markets. Currently, due to COVID-19, the global economy is in a challenging situation, and millions of people from different countries have lost their jobs. The employee’s mental health and well-being are in risk conditions. In the coming years, the Polish energy sector will face several transformations. Emerging technologies are intended to deal with the problems in energy management. One of the main industry forces is human capital, people who will be able to project and manage the innovative technologies. Thus, this paper examines the determinants of managerial competences transformation in the energy industry from the labor market perspective. The paper fulfills the research gap in the energy manager profession’s transformation in Poland. The aim of the paper was to present the current state of the energy manager profession in Poland. Two methodological approaches were used: the theoretical and practical approaches. Descriptive statistics are provided to present the labor market research results. The findings of the research can contribute to the literature and practice by applying them in the process of developing energy manager competency models, as well as in education programs and training courses for enterprises and universities

    Cognitive Computing—Will It Be the Future “Smart Power” for the Energy Enterprises?

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    Nowadays, cognitive computing has become the popular solution to many problems arising in the energy industry, such as the creation of renewable technologies, energy saving, and searching for new sources. Last decade, a substantial number of scientific papers aiming to support these tasks were published. On the other hand, some years ago, the “cognitive enterprise” (CE) concept was introduced by the IBM company, which assumes, among others, the cognitive technologies used to increase enterprise intelligence. On the road to obtaining the status of a “cognitive enterprise”, it should overcome many challenges. Thus, the aim of the paper was to analyze the current state of research on the application of cognitive computing in the energy industry and to define the trends, challenges, milestones, and perspectives in scientific work’s development. The aim has been achieved using the bibliometric approach. The preliminary analysis was made by Web of Science data sources; 4182 records were retrieved. The results comprise the research field, geographic distribution of research, time analysis, and affiliation analysis. Additionally, descriptive statistics, as well as simple forecasting, were provided to present the research results. As a result of the research, the publication history road was created as well as the milestone framework on the path toward “cognitive enterprise”. The findings of this research can contribute to literature and practice by applying them to the process of cognitive enterprise models’ development as well as by adapting the education programs and training courses for enterprises and universities to market requirements

    Sustainable Smart Cities and Energy Management: The Labor Market Perspective

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    Nowadays, sustainability is one of the strategic goals of smart cities. They are the essential solution to creating the sustainable future. On the other hand, the smart city is intended to deal with the problems of energy management. This paper examines the influence of the smart sustainable cities concept on energy management from the labor market perspective. The paper fulfills the research gap about energy manager profession transformation considering smart sustainable city concept. The aim of the paper is to create an up-to-date holistic energy manager skill model with a focus on emerging technologies. The skill model reflects the synergy of two methodological approaches: the theoretical and practical approaches. Descriptive statistics are used to present the labor market research results. It is concluded that the core elements of the smart sustainable city concept have an impact on energy management are sustainability and big data. The labor market research also draws differences in the amount and structure of demand on energy manager skills by countries, but at the same time similar skills requirements are found. The skill model of the energy manager profession is built around several main groups associated with specific knowledge, social skills, and behavior skills. The findings of the present research can contribute to knowledge and practice by applying it in the process of developing energy manager competency models in commercial and non-commercial enterprises as well as in education programs and training courses

    Toward Cognitive Management Accounting

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    This paper examines the impact of cognitive technologies in management accounting. The purpose of the research was to create the current management accountant skills model. The main contributions of this paper are the literature study of the future of management accounting, the study of the impact of cognitive technologies on management accounting, the labor market research, and the current management accountant skills model. The purpose of the literature study was to highlight the opportunities and challenges of the application of cognitive technologies to management accounting and the role of cognitive abilities in the management accountant profession. The labor market study was conducted in order to analyze the impact of cognitive technologies on the management accountant profession and identify the core skills required. The paper fulfills the research gap regarding the impact of cognitive information technologies on management accounting and the management accountant profession in terms of smart and sustainable organization conception. The number of job positions with cognitive analytic skills, big data skills, cognitive abilities, and additional skills and competencies was identified. Although the research reveals differences in the demand for skills and abilities among the studied countries, the common skills model for managerial accountants was successfully created

    Transformation of the Business Process Manager Profession in Poland: The Impact of Digital Technologies

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    The increasing role of emerging technologies, such as big data, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence (AI), cognitive technologies, cloud computing, and mobile technologies, is essential to the business process manager profession’s sustainable development. Nevertheless, these technologies could involve new challenges in labor markets. The era of intelligent business process management (BPM) has begun, but how does it look in real labor markets? This paper examines the hypothesis that the transformation of the business process manager profession has been caused by certain determinants that involve the need for an improvement in BPM skills. The main contribution is a model of the dimensions of the impact of digital technologies on business process management supplemented with skills that influence the business process manager profession. The paper fills the gap in research on perspectives of the impact of digital technologies on business process management, considering both a literature analysis and labor market research. The purpose of the literature review was to identify the core dimensions that drive the use of emerging technologies in business process management. The labor market study was conducted in order to analyze the current demand for core skills of business process managers in the Polish labor market with a particular emphasis on the intelligent BPM concept. Additionally, to study the determinants that slow down the iBPM concept’s development, the digital intensity level of the enterprises and public administration units in Poland was studied. Finally, a fuzzy cognitive map presenting the core determinants of the business process manager profession’s transformation is described

    Building the Cognitive Enterprise in the Energy Sector

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    Currently, emerging technologies support many problems arising in the energy industry. The “cognitive enterprise” concept, introduced by the IBM company, assumes that emerging technologies are used together with cognitive workflows to increase enterprise intelligence. The pursuit of enterprises from the energy sector to obtain the status of a cognitive enterprise requires the use of many emerging technologies, including cognitive technologies. Thus, the aim of the paper was to present the current state of research and identify the core components of the cognitive enterprise. To analyze the trends and challenges in scientific research development, the bibliometric approach was used. The analysis was made by means of the Web of Science and Scopus platforms; 70,177 records were retrieved. The results comprise the geographic distribution of research and the time analysis as well as the author and affiliation analysis. Additionally, descriptive statistics are provided. Consequently, the research milestones regarding the transformation of the traditional energy enterprise into the cognitive enterprise were defined. The findings of this research have supported the construction of the conceptual framework of the core transformation components for the cognitive energy enterprise. The study have several theoretical and practical implications. The proposed framework could be used to assess the level of readiness for transformation from the traditional to the cognitive energy enterprise. The discovered scientific gaps can constitute future research directions on cognitive enterprise concept

    The business process quality assessment including linguistic data

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    Zagadnienia poruszane w artykule związane są z analizą i oceną jakości procesów usługowych. W przypadku badania procesów przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych szczególną uwagę zazwyczaj poświęca się analizie efektywności. Jednak procesy usługowe wymagają innego spojrzenia, spojrzenia od strony jakości. W artykule przedstawiono metodę zawierającą wszechstronne podejście do analizy jakości procesów usługowych, bazujące na integracji kilku metod klasycznych z dodaniem nowych elementów, dzięki czemu metoda pozwala przeanalizować jakość procesu z różnych punktów widzenia.The article demonstrates the method that contains a comprehensive approach to analyze the quality of service processes, based on the integration of several classic methods and adding new elements, so the method can examine the process quality from different points of view. This comprehensive analysis aims to make the diagnosis of the quality status of each process and its continuous improvement. The most important element of the method is the quality assessment from the viewpoint of the customer, which can be made by using the zone of tolerance

    Материнство и заработная плата женщин в Польше

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    A low fertility and low participation rates of women in the Polish labor market justify the interest about the wage cost of motherhood. Using panel data from the European Survey of Income and Living Conditions in Poland for the period of 2005–2008, the authors estimate that the wage cost of the first child in the family (measured as the part of potential earnings lost by the mother) amounted to 8% of gross wage, and for the third child it was 15% while the child care for the second child did not involve such cost. The wage cost of the child care decreases with the increase in the age of the mother; this finding may suggest that the existing labour division within the family, marked by a heavier involvement of mothers rather than fathers in child care, is a more significant cause of lower earnings as compared with the depreciation of human capital. The regression results confirm the existence of a positive relationship between the motherhood decision and the expected renumeration.Низкий суммарный коэффициент рождаемости и низкая активность женщин на рынке труда вынуждают внимательно присмотреться к этим тревожным явлениям и проанализировать зарплатные издержки материнства в Польше. На основании данных панельной дискуссии Европейского исследования доходов и условий жизни населения в Польше в 2005 – 2008 гг. можно сказать, что эти издержки (измеряемые как недополученная часть потенциальной зарплаты матери) в случае первого ребенка в семье составили 8% зарплаты брутто, а в случае третьего ребенка – 15%; опека над вторым ребенком не вызывает дополнительных издержек. Потери матери в зарплате сокращаются вместе с повышением возраста женщины. Этот факт интерпретируется следующим образом: существующее разделение труда в рамках семьи с преобладающей нагрузкой на мать является более важной причиной ее низкой зарплаты по сравнению с депрециацией человеческого капитала. Результаты регрессии подтверждают наличие положительной связи между решением о рождении ребенка и ожидаемой заработной платой

    Basic aspects of creating cognitive graphics systems

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    W artykule przedstawiono pojęcie i podstawowe założenia koncepcji grafiki kognitywnej. Opisano jej znaczenie w procesie rozwoju technologii informatycznych oraz historię powstania systemów grafiki kognitywnej. Ponadto w artykule zaprezentowano architekturę klasycznych systemów grafiki kognitywnej i jej podstawowe moduły. Uwagę poświęcono też systemowi NovoSpark®Visualizer, jego strukturze, metodologii i specyfice wizualizacji. Przedstawiono przykład rozwiązywania problemu wyboru strategii cenowej w systemie korporacji NovoSpark. W zakończeniu omówiono perspektywy rozwoju systemów grafiki kognitywnej oraz kierunki dalszych badań w tej dziedzinie.The article presents the term and basic assumptions of cognitive graphics concept. It also describes the importance of cognitive graphics in the development of information technology and the origins of cognitive graphics systems. Furthermore, the article presents examples of classical architecture of cognitive graphic systems and its basic modules. A special attention is given to the NovoSpark®Visualizer system, to its structure, methodology and specifics of visualization. Provided is an example of solving the problem of choice of pricing strategy by using the NovoSpark®Visualizer system. In conclusion, the prospects for the development of cognitive graphic systems and directions for further research in this field are discussed