11 research outputs found
Efficacy and Safety of PEGylated Interferons for Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in Adult Patients: Results of Matching-Adjusted Indirect Comparison
Introduction. Beta interferons are effective and safe agents for the treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). PEGylated interferons have been developed in order to increase patient adherence. Direct comparisons of the efficacy and safety of PEGylated interferons have not yet been conducted.
Our objective was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of SamPEG-IFN-β1a versus PEG-IFN-β1a in adult patients with RRMS.
Materials and methods. We conducted a systematic search of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) using the PubMed, Embase and eLIBRARY.RU databases. Efficacy was assessed based on the proportion of patients with disease relapses and the annualized relapse rate (ARR) during the 1st and the 2nd years of treatment. Safety was assessed by the number of patients with adverse events (AEs), serious AEs (SAEs), and any AEs that led to the treatment discontinuation. We conducted pairwise matching-adjusted indirect comparison (MAIC) to assess comparative efficacy of PEGylated IFNs. To evaluate the efficacy, hypotheses of non-inferiority of SamPEG-IFN-β1a to PEG-IFN-β1a and superiority of SamPEG-IFN-β1a over PEG-IFN-β1a were tested.
Results. Based on results of the systematic review, four articles were selected wherein the results of phase 3 clinical trial of PEG-IFN-β1a and phase 2–3 clinical trial of SamPEG-IFN-β1a were described. In PEG-IFN-β1a group (n = 512) the agent was administered once every 2 weeks, in SamPEGIFN-β1a group (n = 114) the agent was administered at a dose of 240 μg. The analysis results confirmed the hypothesis of SamPEG-IFN-β1a non-inferiority to PEG-IFN-β1a in efficacy, while SamPEG-IFN-β1a superiority over PEG-IFN-β1a in efficacy was not confirmed. The hypothesis of SamPEG-IFN-β1a superiority over PEG-IFN-β1a in safety was also confirmed based on a significantly lower incidence of SAEs and any AEs that led to treatment discontinuation.
Conclusions. The proportion of patients with relapses and the ARR in 1 year and in 2 years of therapy indicates that SamPEG-IFN-β1a is non-inferior to PEG-IFN-β1a in efficacy. SamPEG-IFN-B1a demonstrated a more favourable safety profile than PEG-IFN-B1a as showing less odds of SAEs and AEs leading to treatment discontinuation
Effectiveness and safety of empegfilgrastim (Extimia®) in patients with solid tumors receiving cytotoxic therapy: final results of the DEFENDOR study
Aim. To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of Extimia® (empegfilgrastim, JSC "BIOCAD") in reducing the frequency, duration of neutropenia, the incidence of febrile neutropenia (FN) and infections caused by FN in patients with solid tumors receiving myelosuppressive therapy.
Materials and methods. The paper presents the final results of a multicenter prospective observational post-marketing study of the safety and effectiveness of Extimia® (empegfilgrastim) in patients with solid tumors receiving cytotoxic therapy. For the primary prevention of FN, all patients received empegfilgrastim at 7.5 mg subcutaneously once per course of chemotherapy (CT) 24 hours after the end of CT administration. The primary endpoint included an assessment of the relative dose-intensity (RDI) of the CT courses administered. The endpoints of interest included the assessment of the RDI of CT courses by nosology and CT regimen, the frequency of dose-limiting neutropenia, and the incidence of all adverse events (AEs) in patients who received at least one dose of the study medication, including serious AEs.
Results. From February 2021 to December 2022, 3218 patients with various malignancies were included in 41 study centers of the Russian Fede- ration. Of these, 3217 (99.97%) patients received at least one dose of the study drug, and 2663 (82.8%) patients were included in the RDI evaluation population according to the study protocol. The mean age in this group was 56.9 (18–84) years. RDI ≥85% was achieved in 2,415 (90.7%) patients. The mean RDI was 96.2%, with a median of 100%. FN risk factors were present in 1216 (45.7%) patients, with age ≥65 years being the most common risk factor at 761/2663 (28.6%). It should be noted that in patients younger than 65 years, the RDI was 91.5%, and in elderly patients (≥65 years) 88.7%. Dose-limiting neutropenia was reported in 19 (0.7%) patients. There were 74 cases of grade 3–4 AEs (according to CTCAE v.5) in 59 (1.8%) patients. The most common were neutropenia, anemia, and diarrhea in 19 (0.7%), 7 (0.2%), and 6 (0.2%) patients, respectively. Serious AEs were reported in 17 patients (0.5%).
Conclusion. Primary prophylaxis of FN with long-acting granulocyte colony-stimulating factor empegfilgrastim effectively maintains RDI in various nosological and therapeutic groups of patients with different CT regimens in real-world clinical practice