5,394 research outputs found

    Confinement effects from interacting chromo-magnetic and axion fields

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    We study a non-Abelian gauge theory with a pseudo scalar coupling \phi \epsilon ^{\mu \nu \alpha \beta} F_{\mu \nu}^a F_{\alpha \beta}^a in the case where a constant chromo-electric, or chromo-magnetic, strength expectation value is present. We compute the interaction potential within the framework of gauge-invariant, path-dependent, variables formalism. While in the case of a constant chromo-electric field strength expectation value the static potential remains Coulombic, in the case of a constant chromo-magnetic field strength the potential energy is the sum of a Coulombic and a linear potentials, leading to the confinement of static charges.Comment: 12 pages, no figures, published versio

    Can on-farm bioenergy production make organic farming more sustainable? - A model for energy balance, nitrogen losses, and green house gas emissions in a 1000 ha energy catchment with organic dairy farming and integrated bioenergy production

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    Can biogas and bioethanol production make organic farming more sustainable? - Results from a model for the fossil energy balance, Nitrogen losses, and greenhouse gas emissions in a 1000 ha energy catchment with organic dairy farming and integrated biogas and bioethanol production. Dalgaard T1, Pugesgaard S1, Jørgensen U1, Olesen JE1, Møller HB1 and Jensen ES2 1) Dept. Agroecology and Environment. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (DJF), University of Aarhus. DK-8830 Tjele. Denmark. Contact: [email protected] 2) Biosystems Department, Risø DTU, The National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, The Technical University of Denmark DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark The vision of organic farming systems, independent of fossil energy resources, with significantly lower nutrient losses, and no net contribution to the greenhouse gas emissions might be fulfilled via the integration of biogas production. This is an important hypothesis investigated in the www.bioconcens.elr.dk/uk/ research project. This poster illustrates preliminary results from a model for the fossil energy balance, Nitrogen losses, and greenhouse gas emissions in a 1000 ha energy catchment with organic dairy farming and integrated biogas production in Denmark. The model will draw on results from previous models (e.g the farmGHG model), and includes a number of organic dairy farm type components, including information on livestock production, housing, manure storage, manure and fodder import/export, crop rotations, yield levels, and soil types. In addition, a biogas plant model component evaluates effects of the inclusion of variable amounts of manures and crop residues from the specified farm types, into the biogas energy production. The model is intended to result in an overall catchment balance for the following three types of indicators: 1) the fossil energy use – i.e. the net fossil energy use minus the bioenergy production, 2) losses of Nitrogen in the form of nitrates, ammonia and nitrous oxide, and 3) the emission of the three main greenhouse gasses from agriculture: carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane, measured in carbon dioxide equivalents. Moreover, these indicator values are specified for each of the farm types included in the model, and for the biogas plant component. Finally, selected model results are discussed in relation to the overall hypothesis of the research project, and it is discussed how the integration of biogas production in organic farming, can help to improve the self-sufficiency in Nitrogen, and thereby reduce the import of nutrients to the organic farming systems

    Calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor antagonist BIBN 4096 BS for the acute treatment of migraine

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    Background: Calcitonin gene–related peptide (CGRP) may have a causative role in migraine. We therefore hypothesized that a CGRP-receptor antagonist might be effective in the treatment of migraine attacks. Methods: In an international, multicenter, double-blind, randomized clinical trial of BIBN 4096 BS, a highly specific and potent nonpeptide CGRP-receptor antagonist, 126 patients with migraine received one of the following: placebo or 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, or 10 mg of BIBN 4096 BS intravenously over a period of 10 minutes. A group-sequential adaptive treatment-assignment design was used to minimize the number of patients exposed. Results: The 2.5-mg dose was selected, with a response rate of 66 percent, as compared with 27 percent for placebo (P=0.001). The BIBN 4096 BS group as a whole had a response rate of 60 percent. Significant superiority over placebo was also observed with respect to most secondary end points: the pain-free rate at 2 hours; the rate of sustained response over a period of 24 hours; the rate of recurrence of headache; improvement in nausea, photophobia, phonophobia, and functional capacity; and the time to meaningful relief. An effect was apparent after 30 minutes and increased over the next few hours. The overall rate of adverse events was 25 percent after the 2.5-mg dose of the drug and 20 percent for the BIBN 4096 BS group as a whole, as compared with 12 percent for placebo. The most frequent side effect was paresthesia. There were no serious adverse events. Conclusions: The CGRP antagonist BIBN 4096 BS was effective in treating acute attacks of migraine

    Quantum corrections from a path integral over reparametrizations

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    We study the path integral over reparametrizations that has been proposed as an ansatz for the Wilson loops in the large-NN QCD and reproduces the area law in the classical limit of large loops. We show that a semiclassical expansion for a rectangular loop captures the L\"uscher term associated with d=26d=26 dimensions and propose a modification of the ansatz which reproduces the L\"uscher term in other dimensions, which is observed in lattice QCD. We repeat the calculation for an outstretched ellipse advocating the emergence of an analog of the L\"uscher term and verify this result by a direct computation of the determinant of the Laplace operator and the conformal anomaly

    Personal factors influence use of cervical cancer screening services: epidemiological survey and linked administrative data address the limitations of previous research

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    National screening programs have reduced cervical cancer mortality; however participation in these programs varies according to women's personal and social characteristics. Research into these inequalities has been limited by reliance on self-reported service use data that is potentially biased, or administrative data that lacks personal detail. We address these limitations and extend existing research by examining rates and correlates of cervical screening in a large epidemiological survey with linked administrative data. MethodsThe cross-sectional sample included 1685 women aged 44-48 and 64-68 years from the Australian Capital Territory and Queanbeyan, Australia. Relative risk was assessed by logistic regression models and summary Population Attributable Risk (PAR) was used to quantify the effect of inequalities on rates of cervical cancer screening. ResultsOverall, 60.5% of women participated in screening over the two-year period recommended by Australian guidelines. Screening participation was associated with having children, moderate or high use of health services, employment, reported lifetime history of drug use, and better physical functioning. Conversely, rates of cervical screening were lower amongst women who were older, reliant on welfare, obese, current smokers, reported childhood sexual abuse, and those with anxiety symptoms. A summary PAR showed that effective targeting of women with readily observable risk-factors (no children, no partner, receiving income support payments, not working, obese, current smoker, anxiety, poor physical health, and low overall health service use) could potentially reduce overall non-participation in screening by 74%. ConclusionsThis study illustrates a valuable method for investigating the personal determinants of health service use by combining representative survey data with linked administrative records. Reliable knowledge about the characteristics that predict uptake of cervical cancer screening services will inform targeted health promotion efforts

    On the relation between the width of the flux tube and Tc1T_c^{-1} in lattice gauge theories

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    Within the framework of a quantum flux tube model for the interquark potential it is possible to predict that in (2+1) dimensions the space-like string tension must increase with the temperature in the deconfined phase and that the thickness of the flux tube must coincide with the inverse of the deconfinement temperature. Both these predictions are in good agreement with some recent numerical simulations of SU(2) and Z2Z_2 gauge models.Comment: 3 pages, uuencoded .ps file (Proceeding of Lattice '93 Conference

    Hadron Correlators and the Structure of the Quark Propagator

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    The structure of the quark propagator of QCDQCD in a confining background is not known. We make an Ansatz for it, as hinted by a particular mechanism for confinement, and analyze its implications in the meson and baryon correlators. We connect the various terms in the K\"allen-Lehmann representation of the quark propagator with appropriate combinations of hadron correlators, which may ultimately be calculated in lattice QCDQCD. Furthermore, using the positivity of the path integral measure for vector like theories, we reanalyze some mass inequalities in our formalism. A curiosity of the analysis is that, the exotic components of the propagator (axial and tensor), produce terms in the hadron correlators which, if not vanishing in the gauge field integration, lead to violations of fundamental symmetries. The non observation of these violations implies restrictions in the space-time structure of the contributing gauge field configurations. In this way, lattice QCDQCD can help us analyze the microscopic structure of the mechanisms for confinement.Comment: 12 pp in LaTeX, preprint Univ. of Valencia, FTUV/94-16, IFIC/94-15. To appear in Z.Phys.

    Simulation of effect of climate, soils and management on N2O emission from grassland

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    Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a potent greenhouse gas with a high contribution from agricultural soils and emissions that depend on soil type, climate, crops and management practices. The N2O emissions therefore need to be included as an integral part of environmental assessment of agricultural production systems. A dynamical algorithm for N2O production and emission from agricultural soils was developed and included in the FASSET whole-farm model. The model simulated carbon and nitrogen (N) turnover on a daily basis. Both nitrification and denitrification was included in the model as sources for N2O production, and the N2O emissions were simulated to depend on soil microbial and physical conditions. The model was tested on experimental data of N2O emissions from grasslands in UK, Finland and Denmark, differing in climatic conditions, soil properties and management. The model simulated the general time course of N2O emissions and captured the observed effects of fertiliser and manure management on emissions. However, emissions from a soil with high clay content were overestimated with the model. Scenario analyses for grazed and cut grasslands were conducted to evaluate the effects of soil type, climatic conditions, grassland management and N fertilisation on N2O emissions. The soils varied from sandy to sandy loam and the climatic variation was taken to represent the climatic variation within Denmark. N fertiliser rates were varied from 0 to 500 kg N ha-1. The simulated N2O emissions showed a non-linear response to increasing N rates with increasing emission factors at higher N rates. The simulated emissions increased with increasing soil clay contents. There was no effect of climatic conditions. Emissions were slightly higher from grazed grasslands compared with cut grasslands at similar rates of total N input (fertiliser and animal excreta). The results indicate higher emission factors and thus higher potentials for reducing N2O emissions for intensively grazed grasslands on fine textured soils than for extensive cut based grasslands on sandy soils