4 research outputs found

    Seafarer Cross-Generational Competence Skills

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    It was mentioned that the ability to establish a positive relationship between the members of international crews is an urgent issue. This ability influences not only the safety of navigation, but the mental health of seafarers as well. Foreign language competence is essential for the resolution of this problem. Successful everyday communication of seafarers depends on a number of factors: the awareness of cross-cultural, religious and cross-generational differences will help establish a friendly communication onboard a ship with an international crew. This paper presents a study on cross-generational communication of future seafarers. Our study empirically proved that the ability of mutual communication between different age groups facilitates the establishment of friendly relationships onboard a ship. A psychological insight into the peculiarities of different generations helped us see the process of communication of seafarers in a new light. We outlined the main values of different generations, allowing the students to learn the preferred topics of everyday communication. In our opinion, the results of this study may be used by lecturers of maritime educational establishments in the scope of the course Psychology and English language

    Seafarers’ Readiness to Communicate in Professional Environment

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    The topic of formation of seafarers’ foreign-language communicative competence has always been relevant. Modern changes in the organization of the educational process due to crisis events such as the pandemic and hostilities have prompted search for new ways to increase the efficiency of teaching English to future seafarers at higher education institutions. The purpose of the study was to determine the components of readiness to communicate in the professional environment. Methodological tools for diagnosing the formation of various components of students\u27 readiness for communication in the foreign language were developed. Surveys were carried out to collect primary information as well as tests to assess the state of development of foreign language competence and to find out weaknesses and strengths in the communicative activity of students. The result of the research was the development of criteria for assessing the formation of readiness of future seafarers for foreign language communication in the professional environment. We have identified the following components in a theoretical and empirical way: motivational, cognitional, emotional, volitional, linguistic, and social. Empirical studies have shown that the active motivation of students is not sufficiently developed, while the motivation to learn the language is at a high level; thus, the development of readiness to act will become relevant for teachers. After identifying the components of communication that need to be formed, we came to the conclusion that teachers should be ready to form them, be ready for changes in approaches to teaching, have motivation and certain abilities to change and introduce innovations. Thus, we consider the process of forming readiness for communication in the relationship between the readiness of the teacher and that of the student

    Psycholinguistic features of successful transformation of engineering thinking in speech

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    In this article, we try to answer the question of what makes it difficult for future engineers to express their ideas on technical topics in oral speech. The theoretical basis of the organizational procedure of the study was the concept, according to which a comprehensive description of the professional linguistic personality can be conducted on the verbal (professional speech) and cognitive (professional picture of the world) levels. We studied future engineers’ thinking patterns and found out which parts of speech were their first associations in technical, business, and everyday communication. The purpose of the study was to identify the fundamental tendencies of engineers’ thinking that influence the speaking process. The results create psychological conditions for the actualization of the mechanisms of thought for speech. This mechanism involves the use of an algorithm that has common features when speaking in both a native and a foreign language. We worked out practical recommendations on how to make this process less time consuming and offer a hypothesis on how to successfully convey ideas into a statement. Identifying the peculiarities of thinking for speaking both in native and foreign languages allows the development and application of techniques to improve engineers’ speaking culture. The combination of understanding the features of engineering thinking in general and features of thinking for foreign language speaking c

    Psycho-Pedagogical Approaches to the Design of English Learning Course for Ship Engineers

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    Abstract–Ship engineers are civil engineers with special knowledge of marine and water transport engineering therefore the article appeals to the lecturers of English for engineering students. The authors of this article share the experience of experimental English language training which was preceded by a thorough study of the theoretical works of contemporary scholars and practitioners in the field of foreign language training of civil and marine engineers. Summarizing new trends led to defining a complex of approaches which makes the design of the course efficient. The results of the experimental training allowed to formulate practical recommendations how to realize new trends and approaches in the textbooks’ design, taking into account qualitative changes both in the field of educational technologies and in the cognitive abilities of students. We proved that the complex of offered approaches provide better education and reflect the changes in psychology, philosophy, and pedagogy along with new technological platforms. We offer additional discussions concerning creating a modular course of English for ship engineers which could be internationally accepted by institutions that train specialists for the marine industry. The marine industry is globalized therefore, uniform standards for the training of seafarers are important and the idea to have the module course of English for ship engineers would be enthusiastically welcomed by all countries