3 research outputs found

    Ryzyko i niepewność w zakresie zrównoważonego rozwoju: kwestia polityki wobec zmian klimatu w Stanach Zjednoczonych

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    Scientific evidence of climate change has never been more profound. Activists around the world now demand climate action from global leaders on almost a daily basis. Yet, decision makers are not in a rush to deal with the climate emergency. The present article looks at the politics of climate change through the lens of decision-making under uncertainty to understand whether uncertainty and risk can explain the lack of decisive action on the part of the global leadership and posits that the politics of climate change reflect the climate system itself: complex, multi-layered, driven by many inter-related elements and diverse in its manifestations.Naukowe dowody odnoszące się do zmian klimatu są niepodważalne. Aktywiści na całym świecie wymagają od globalnych liderów działań klimatycznych niemal codziennie. Jednak decydenci nie spieszą się z rozwiązaniem kryzysu klimatycznego. W niniejszym artykule przyglądamy się polityce zmian klimatu przez pryzmat podejmowania decyzji w warunkach niepewności, aby zrozumieć, czy niepewność i ryzyko mogą wyjaśnić brak zdecydowanych działań ze strony światowego przywództwa i zakładamy, że polityka zmian klimatu odzwierciedla system klimatyczny sam w sobie: złożony, wielowarstwowy, napędzany przez wiele powiązanych ze sobą elementów i różnorodny w swoich przejawach

    Modelling and forecasting of the region’s environmental indicators

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    The environmental situation in the Khmelnytskyi oblast has been analyzed, models and forecasts of indicators have been developed by methods of extrapolation, regression analysis and trend models, and the quality of forecasting has been estimated. Namely, the models of influence of selected factors on the environmental situation in the Khmelnytskyi oblast have been developed. Oneand multifactorial regression models have been constructed, conclusions about the degree of influence of factors have been made. Trend models of indicators of the ecological situation in the region have been constructed. Estimates of pollutant emissions, indicators of the creation and disposal of hazardous waste have been developed using different forecasting methods. These calculations can be used to carry out activities aimed at protecting the environment

    Predicting the number of public projects in the region as an indicator of economic stability

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    The article examines the issues of submitting applications and receiving funding for public projects depending on the demographic situation in the region. It is shown that the activity of the population in submitting applications for community projects contributes to the effectiveness of investing in the development of cities and regions. The dynamics of project submission in connection with the permanent population of Khmelnytskyi region is analyzed. In the course of the analysis, it was found that women make up the largest share among both the population and those who submit social projects. According to age characteristics, in spite of an increase in the proportion of the older age groups, mainly younger and middle age groups of the population develop community-based projects. The gender trend identified during the study indicates that women are more active in local processes than men who more closely coordinate these projects with government agencies. According to these statistics, a forecast is provided as to allocation of funds for the public projects’ financing