28 research outputs found

    Spin imbalance in hybrid superconducting structures with spin-active interfaces

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    We consider a heterostructure consisting of a normal metal and a superconductor separated by a spin-active interface. At finite-bias voltages, spin-filtering and spin-mixing effects at the interface allow for an induced magnetization (spin imbalance) on the superconducting side of the junction, which relaxes to zero in the bulk. Such interfaces are also known to host a pair of in-gap Andreev bound states which were recently observed experimentally. We show that these states are responsible for the dominant contribution to the induced spin imbalance close to the interface. Motivated by recent experiments on spin-charge density separation in superconducting aluminum wires, we propose an alternative way to observe spin imbalance without applying an external magnetic field. We also suggest that the peculiar dependence of the spin imbalance on the applied bias voltage permits an indirect bound-state spectroscopy.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Shot noise in a harmonically driven ballistic graphene transistor

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    We study time-dependent electron transport and quantum noise in a ballistic graphene field effect transistor driven by an ac gate potential. The non-linear response to the ac signal is computed through Floquet theory for scattering states and Landauer-B\"uttiker theory for charge current and its fluctuations. Photon-assisted excitation of a quasibound state in the top-gate barrier leads to resonances in transmission that strongly influence the noise properties. For strong doping of graphene under source and drain contacts, when electrons are transmitted through the channel via evanescent waves, the resonance leads to a substantial suppression of noise. The Fano factor is then reduced well below the pseudo-diffusive value, F<1/3F<1/3, also for strong ac drive. The good signal-to-noise ratio (small Fano factor) on resonance suggests that the device is a good candidate for high-frequency (THz) radiation detection. We show analytically that Klein tunneling (total suppression of back-reflection) persists for perpendicular incidence also when the barrier is driven harmonically. Although the transmission is inelastic and distributed among sideband energies, a sum rule leads to total suppression of shot noise.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Spectral properties of superconductors with ferromagnetically ordered magnetic impurities

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    We present a comprehensive theoretical study of thermodynamic properties of superconductors with a dilute concentration of magnetic impurities, with focus on how the properties of the superconducting host change if the magnetic moments of the impurities order ferromagnetically. Scattering off the magnetic impurities leads to the formation of a band of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states within the superconducting energy gap that drastically influences superconductivity. In the magnetically ordered system, the magnetization displays a sudden drop as function of impurity density or magnetic moment amplitude. The drop occurs as the spin-polarized impurity band crosses the Fermi level and is associated with a quantum phase transition first put forward by Sakurai for the single impurity case. Taking into account that the background magnetic field created by the ordered impurity moments enters as a Zeeman shift, we find that the superconducting phase transition changes from second order to first order for high enough impurity concentration.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figure

    Spin-polarized currents and noise in NS junctions with Yu-Shiba-Rusinov impurities

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    Conventional superconductors disordered by magnetic impurities demonstrate physical properties drastically different from their pristine counterparts. In our previous work [Phys. Rev. B 92, 245430 (2015)] we explored spectral and thermodynamic properties of such systems for two extreme cases: completely random and ferromagnetically aligned impurity magnetic moments. Here we consider transport properties of these systems, and show that they have a potential to be used in superconducting spintronic devices. Each magnetic impurity contributes a Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) bound state to the spectrum, residing at sub-gap energies. Provided the YSR states form metallic bands, we demonstrate that the tunneling current carried by these states can be highly spin-polarized when the impurities are ferromagnetically ordered. The spin polarization can be switched by simply tuning the bias voltage. Moreover, even when the impurity spins are completely uncorrelated, one can still achieve almost 100% spin polarization of the current, if the tunnel interface is spin-active. We compute electric current and noise, varying parameters of the interface between tunneling and fully transparent regimes, and analyze the relative role of single-particle and Andreev reflection processes.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Tunable thermopower in a graphene-based topological insulator

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    Following the recent proposal by Weeks et al., which suggested that indium (or thallium) adatoms deposited on the surface of graphene should turn the latter into a quantum spin Hall (QSH) insulator characterized by a sizeable gap, we perform a systematic study of the transport properties of this system as a function of the density of randomly distributed adatoms. While the samples are, by construction, very disordered, we find that they exhibit an extremely stable QSH phase with no signature of the spatial inhomogeneities of the adatom configuration. We find that a simple rescaling of the spin-orbit coupling parameter allows us to account for the behaviour of the inhomogeneous system using a homogeneous model. This robustness opens the route to a much easier experimental realization of this topological insulator. We additionally find this material to be a very promising candidate for thermopower generation with a target temperature tunable from 1 to 80K and an efficiency ZT close to 1.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Graphene-based heterojunction between two topological insulators

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    Quantum Hall (QH) and quantum spin Hall (QSH) phases have very different edge states and, when going from one phase to the other, the direction of one edge state must be reversed. We study this phenomena in graphene in presence of a strong perpendicular magnetic field on top of a spin-orbit (SO) induced QSH phase. We show that, below the SO gap, the QSH phase is virtually unaffected by the presence of the magnetic field. Above the SO gap, the QH phase is restored. An electrostatic gate placed on top of the system allows to create a QSH-QH junction which is characterized by the existence of a spin-polarized chiral state, propagating along the topological interface. We find that such a setup naturally provides an extremely sensitive spin-polarized current switch.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    SuperConga: An open-source framework for mesoscopic superconductivity

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    We present SuperConga, an open-source framework for simulating equilibrium properties of unconventional and ballistic singlet superconductors, confined to two-dimensional (2D) mesoscopic grains in a perpendicular external magnetic field, at arbitrary low temperatures. It aims at being both fast and easy to use, enabling research without access to a computer cluster, and visualization in real-time with OpenGL. The core is written in C++ and CUDA, exploiting the embarrassingly parallel nature of the quasiclassical theory of superconductivity by utilizing the parallel computational power of modern graphics processing units. The framework self-consistently computes both the superconducting order-parameter and the induced vector potential and finds the current density, free energy, induced flux density, local density of states (LDOS), and the magnetic moment. A user-friendly Python frontend is provided, enabling simulation parameters to be defined via intuitive configuration files, or via the command-line interface, without requiring a deep understanding of implementation details. For example, complicated geometries can be created with relative ease. The framework ships with simple tools for analyzing and visualizing the results, including an interactive plotter for spectroscopy. An overview of the theory is presented, as well as examples showcasing the framework\u27s capabilities and ease of use. The framework is free to download from https://gitlab.com/superconga/superconga, which also links to the extensive user manual, containing even more examples, tutorials, and guides. To demonstrate and benchmark SuperConga, we study the magnetostatics, thermodynamics, and spectroscopy of various phenomena. In particular, we study flux quantization in solenoids, vortex physics, surface Andreev bound-states, and a "phase crystal."We compare our numeric results with analytics and present experimental observables, e.g., the magnetic moment and LDOS, measurable with, for example, scanning probes, STM, and magnetometry