2 research outputs found


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    XML (extensible markup language) is becoming the current standard for establishing interoperability on the Web. XML data are self-descriptive and syntax-extensible; this makes it very suitable for representation and exchange of semi-structured data, and allows users to define new elements for their specific applications. As a result, the number of documents incorporating this standard is continuously increasing over the Web. The processing of XML documents may require a traversal of all document structure and therefore, the cost could be very high. A strong demand for a means of efficient and effective XML processing has posed a new challenge for the database world. This paper discusses a fast and efficient indexing technique for XML documents, and introduces the XML graph numbering scheme. It can be used for indexing and securing graph structure of XML documents. This technique provides an efficient method to speed up XML data processing. Furthermore, the paper explores the classification of existing methods impact of query processing, and indexing


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    The effective processing of semi-structured data queries is a preliminary part of data mining stage. XML queries employ regular path expressions to find structural patterns within XML documents. The operation of structural join is a crucial part of XML query processing. Existing approaches reduce complex join expressions to several binary structural joins. In this paper, we are proposing a new structural join algorithm called sequence join algorithm, for sequential regular path expressions in securing XML query processing storage. It exploits information about position of the elements in a product to skip generation of the redundant intermediate lists. This paper further discusses the algorithm that performs the merge of several input lists of nodes in one pass. We carried out comparative experiments, and the results prove that the algorithm is better than multiple binary joins algorithm for queries of both small and large cardinality