31 research outputs found
The role of health literacy and health education in the prevention and course of neoplastic diseases
The idea of health literacy is a relatively new term in contemporary health promotion, especially in Poland, where it has only recently started to be used. It was created as a result of the need to name a certain set of conditions and competences that could realistically determine the health of individuals and populations. This applies to both healthy people, including those at high risk of disease (the use of health literacy in prevention), as well as sick people (the use of health literacy in the course of disease), including people suffering from oncological diseases
The role of health literacy and health education in the prevention and course of neoplastic diseases
The idea of health literacy is a relatively new term in contemporary health promotion, especially in Poland, where it has only recently started to be used. It was created as a result of the need to name a certain set of conditions and competences that could realistically determine the health of individuals and populations. This applies to both healthy people, including those at high risk of disease (the use of health literacy in prevention), as well as sick people (the use of health literacy in the course of a disease), including people suffering from oncological diseases
System komunikacji alternatywnej i wspomagającej wraz ze stosowanymi znakami oraz wykorzystanie urządzenia sterowanego za pomocą oczu w Polsce
Patients who do not communicate verbally or speak in an understandable way are a serious problem in providing appropriate care to patients due to a lack of understanding of their needs. Therefore, it is important that nursing staff have the knowledge and skills of alternative and assistive communication to communicate with patients with speech disorders. The purpose of article is to present the current state of knowledge of the alternative and augmentative communication with special consideration the signs used in Poland with a practicular emphasis laid to the revelant description of the eye tracking device. The literature has been reviewed, including also in this relation topics: alternative and augmentative communication, examples of signs used in alternative communication in Poland and communication and eye tracking. Not everyone has the ability to communicate verbally with the environment. In relation to this problem the solution is the alternative and augmentative communication which uses signs and devices to enable the patient to communicate with other people. (JNNN 2020;9(1):39–45)Pacjenci nie komunikujący się werbalnie lub mówiący w sposób niezrozumiały stanowią istotny problem w zapewnieniu właściwej opieki chorych w wyniku braku zrozumienia ich potrzeb. Z tego względu istotne jest posiadanie przez personel pielęgniarski wiedzy i umiejętności w zakresie komunikacji alternatywnej i wspomagającej by porozumieć się z pacjentami z zaburzeniami mowy. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie dotychczasowego stanu wiedzy na temat systemu komunikacji alternatywnej i wspomagającej ze szczególnym uwzgędnieniem wykorzystywanych znaków w Polsce oraz opis urządzenia sterowanego za pomocą oczu. Dokonano przeglądu literatury w zakresie tematów: komunikacja alternatywna i wspomagająca, przykłady znaków stosowanych w komunikacji alternatywnej w Polsce oraz komunikacja za pomocą oczu. Nie każdy człowiek posiada zdolność do komunikowania się werbalnie z otoczeniem. W odniesieniu do tego problemu rozwiązaniem jest komunikacja alternatywna i wspomagająca, która stosuje między innymi znaki oraz urządzenia, dające pacjentowi możliwość komunikowania się z ludźmi. (PNN 2020;9(1):39–45
Level monitoring system for waste oil containers: an EPS@ISEP project
Waste oil recycling companies play a very important
role in our society. Competition among companies is tough and
process optimization is essential for survival. By equipping oil
containers with a level monitoring system that periodically reports
the level and alerts when it reaches the preset threshold, the oil
recycling companies are able to streamline the oil collection process
and, thus, reduce the operation costs while maintaining the quality of
service. This paper describes the development of this level
monitoring system by a team of four students from different
engineering backgrounds and nationalities. The team conducted a
study of the state of the art, draw marketing and sustainable
development plans and, finally, designed and implemented a
prototype that continuously measures the container content level and
sends an alert message as soon as it reaches the preset capacity
The evaluation of the level of knowledge of nurses participating in the Regional Program of Workshops for Diabetic Education — initial report
Wstęp. W systemie opieki diabetologicznej w Polsceodpowiedzialność za edukację pacjenta spoczywagłównie na pielęgniarkach. Problemem jest brakszkoleń dostępnych dla większego grona pielęgniarek,które w swojej codziennej praktyce mają stycznośćz pacjentami diabetologicznymi. Celem pracy była analiza poziomu wiedzy pielęgniarek z zakresu diabetologiiuczestniczących w Regionalnym ProgramieWarsztatów Edukacji Diabetologicznej.Materiał i metody. Badaniem objęto 272 pielęgniarkiz województwa kujawsko-pomorskiego, które wzięłyudział w Warsztatach Edukacji Diabetologicznej. Wiedzępielęgniarek przed szkoleniem i po nim ocenianona podstawie identycznego testu diagnostycznegozłożonego z 12 pytań, dotyczącego tematyki poruszanejw czasie warsztatów.Wyniki. Po określeniu granicy zdawalności testu na 60%poprawnych odpowiedzi wykazano, że początkowy testzdało 10% pielęgniarek z oddziałów szpitalnych (grupa A)oraz 18% pielęgniarek pracujących w placówkach podstawowejopieki zdrowotnej (grupa B). Końcowy testzaś zdało 96% pielęgniarek z grupy A oraz 93% pielęgniarekz grupy B. Średnia punktacja uzyskana w teściepoczątkowym przez pielęgniarki grupy A i grupy B się nieróżniła (4,88 ± 2,04 vs 4,67 ± 2,3 punktów; p = 0,46),natomiast w teście końcowym była istotnie wyższaw grupie A w porównaniu z grupą B (10,3 ± 1,26 vs9,41 ± 1,54 punktów, p < 0,0001).Wnioski. Przed warsztatami znajomość zagadnieńz zakresu diabetologii była w obu grupach pielęgniarekniedostateczna. Warsztaty Edukacji Diabetologicznejpodniosły poziom wiedzy obu grup pielęgniarek.Dlatego też istnieje potrzeba prowadzenia szkoleńz zakresu diabetologii dla pielęgniarek.Introduction. In the Polish health care system, responsibilityfor the education of diabetic patients lies solelyon unspecialised nurses. A signifi cant problem is thelack of courses available to those nurses, who havecontact with diabetic patients in their daily practice.The aim of this study was to evaluate the nurses’ knowledgeconcerning diabetes.Material and methods. The study involved 272 nurses,who participated in the The Regional Program of Workshopsfor Diabetic Education. The level of knowledgewas evaluated before and after the workshops via thetest consisting of 12 questions.Results. After determining the passing percentage ofthe test as 60%, only 10% in group A — nurses workingin the clinics — and 18% in group B — nurses workingin the outpatients departments — passed the initialtest. The fi nal test was passed by 96% and 93% ofnurses, respectively. The average scores obtained inthe initial test by group A and group B didn’t differ(4.88 ± 2.04 vs 4.67 ± 2.3 points, p = 0.46), while inthe fi nal test it was signifi cantly higher in group A comparedwith group B (10.3 ± 1.26 vs 9.41 ± 1.54 points,p < 0.0001).Conclusions. Nurses working in outpatients departments,as well as nurses working in hospitals, didnot present a satisfactory level of knowledge aboutdiabetology. The Workshops for Diabetic Educationincreased the level of knowledge of both groups. Thereis a need for better education for nurses in the fi eld ofdiabetology
Modern forms of online advertising and surreptitious. Awareness and attitude of active and passive users
Internet to efektywne miejsce do reklamowania. To proste do stwierdzenia, biorąc pod uwagę ilość przekazów reklamowych pojawiających się w sieci. Jak dużą wiedzę na temat reklam internetowych mają polscy użytkownicy Internetu? Jakie jest ich nastawienie do tego rodzaju komunikatów perswazyjnych?Celem niniejszej pracy magisterskiej było znalezienie odpowiedzi na te pytania. Na potrzeby pracy określono czym są „miękkie” (z pozoru nie wyglądające jak reklamy) formy reklamy internetowe, a czym formy „twarde” (wyraźne komunikaty reklamowe). Wyjaśniono również kim są aktywni użytkownicy Internetu. To właśnie ich (w sumie 350 użytkowników) wiedzę oraz nastawienie zbadano na podstawie internetowych, anonimowych ankiet (metoda ilościowa). Wywiady pogłębione (metoda jakościowa) przeprowadzono z biernymi użytkownikami sieci (w sumie jedenastoma). W przypadku aktywnych użytkowników wiedza na temat reklamy internetowej okazała się być bardzo wysoka. W przeciwieństwie do biernych internautów, którzy nie wykazywali zbyt wysokiej świadomości z tego zakresu. A to oznacza, że to właśnie bierni internauci mogą być bardziej podatni na perswazyjne działanie komunikatów reklamowych w Internecie. W obu przypadkach nastawienie do reklamy www było negatywne.The Internet is an effective way of advertising – this statement seems to be obvious taking into consideration the amount of online adverts. To what extent are the Polish Internet users knowledgeable about the online adverts? What is their attitude towards this sort of communication? The aim of this master thesis is to answer these questions. In order to do so, the soft and the hard versions of the online adverts were defined (the former are those which do not seem to be adverts on the first sight while the latter are plain, clear adverts). It was also determined who the active Internet users are. Their knowledge and attitude were researched with an online anonymous survey on the sample of 350 users (the quantitative method). Moreover, eleven passive users were interviewed with an individual in-depth interview (the qualitative method). The active Internet users turned out to be very knowledgeable about the online adverts, contrary to the passive users, who did not prove to be aware of the researched matter. It means that the latter can be more vulnerable to the influence of online adverts. Both active and passive Internet users proved to have negative attitude towards the online advertising
Experiences of Polish Tourists Traveling for Leisure Purposes during the COVID-19 Pandemic
The research presented in this paper examines the experiences of Poles traveling for leisure purposes in the summer season of 2020, taking into account the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study involved the analysis of source data, including statistical data, and a survey administered via the computer-assisted web interviewing (CAWI) method. The survey questionnaire was created on the Google platform. The link to the questionnaire was provided via social media to participants of travel groups in the period from 30 November 2020 to 15 February 2021. The sampling was purposive (included only travelers) despite efforts to maintain the gender balance; the proportion of women was higher. Therefore, caution must be applied when interpreting the results which may not be transferable. The survey included questions regarding the respondents’ travel behavior and risk perceptions. 433 correctly completed questionnaires were collected. The dataset was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Descriptive statistics measures and correlation coefficients were used in the analysis of the results. The study shows that some respondents decided against traveling because of the pandemic situation, while those who decided to travel adjusted their behavior by avoiding crowded places and resigning from traveling abroad. Compliance with hygiene standards in the area of tourism services varied, and was the highest in the case of accommodation services. Women rated hygiene standards in chain cafes statistically higher than men and younger people rated hygiene on public transport, trains, air transport and in fast food services higher than older people. The higher the tourism expenditure, the lower the assessment of sanitary standards in tour guide services, air transport and chain cafes decreased
Analysis of interest in vaccination against COVID-19 and other pro-health initiatives at the workplace among employees in Poland
BackgroundThe COVID-19 pandemic re-raised the subject of vaccines and their importance for public health. Given the number of employees, one of the key environments in which vaccination should be promoted is the workplace.Material and MethodsAn original, anonymous and voluntary questionnaire with 13 questions regarding health behaviors of employees in Poland was distributed through HR departments of the companies invited to the research (Computer-Assisted Web Interview – CAWI technique) This publication presents the results of answers to the 3 chosen questions concerning: health issues related to work, interest in health promoting initiatives and following recommendations for physical activity.ResultsAccording to the research presented in this article, 39% of employees in Poland were interested in vaccination against COVID-19. The most popular preventive initiatives are still healthy eating and sport activities. The government allowed organizing vaccinations at the workplace, which gives new opportunities but also obligations and risks. Overall, the potential of a workplace in fighting the coronavirus seems to be used to a very small extent. This carries the need to consult systemic solutions with representatives of employers and occupational medicine practitioners as well as the government.ConclusionsThe workplace should be one of the key habitats for health promoting activities, including vaccinations. The above-mentioned issue should still be the subject of research for solutions tailored to the needs and capabilities of each group (employers, occupational medicine professionals and government). One of the circumstances of promoting the health of employees should be preventive examinations of employees – a doctor’s visit and contact with an occupational medicine nurse. The potential of preventive employee examinations in this area seems to be unused and limited. The level of immunization of employees has an obvious impact on the state of the economy. In view of the voluntary vaccination against COVID-19, this requires educational campaigns aimed at both employees and employers
In the title compound, C8H12O2, the cyclohexane ring exhibits a chair conformation and the &#948;-lactone ring is axially bonded to the cyclohexane ring. In the crystal, molecules are linked by C&#8212;H...O hydrogen bonds, resulting in ribbons extending along [010]
The structure of fadL mRNA and its interactions with RybB sRNA
Small bacterial RNAs (sRNAs) regulate translation by pairing with complementary sequences in their target mRNAs, in a process which is often dependent on the Hfq protein. Here, the secondary structure of a 95-nt long fragment of Salmonella fadL mRNA containing RybB sRNA binding site in the coding region was analyzed. The data indicated local rearrangements in this mRNA structure after the annealing of RybB. The filter retention data had shown that Hfq bound both RybB and the fadL mRNA fragment with tight affinities. Moreover, Hfq increased the rate of RybB annealing to fadL mRNA. These data indicate that Hfq directly participates in RybB interactions with the fadL mRNA